Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Anterior placenta

It better not happen in my next pregnancy. I’m almost 27 weeks and I’m tired of only feeling her in my cervix. I want to see the belly move or at least feel it 🥹 Hoping it happens in my third trimester.


5 weeks pregnant and cramping

I’m worried that the increase in cramping is the sign of an ectopic pregnancy. No bleeding but definite period like cramping.


Endometriosis Sucks!

Hey guys, I’m in the middle of my first PP Endo episode and I need help! I’m still bf, so I’m only allowed a couple medications. I’ve taken everything I can and done everything I’ve ever done to help but I still ended up in a ball on the floor.. What do you do for your pain? Medications, techniques, devices, etc. I’...


Pelvic girdle pain

I’m being referred to physio but I believe there’s a big waiting list and just wondering if anyone had any tips for what has helped when they’ve had PGP? I’m only 22 weeks and I’m really struggling so worried how bad it is going to get as I get bigger. I never had any issues with my first. I’m running around after a...


Horrific morning sickness

Anyone else struggling with morning sickness? I’m so sick all day 😭 I’m on Prochlorperazine and saw the GP today who has upped my dose but that doesn’t seem to be helping either. Basically I only get relief when I’m lying down 😭


Tired all the time

I’m officially 25 weeks pregnant (plus or minus a few days) and I feel utterly exhausted. Is that common? I work from home and nothing seems to help my energy level. I go to bed early, I eat healthy and try to play with my dog. But I’m always tired.


Sickness dying down

For those second time mums or those further along, when did your sickness start to calm down? I’m 10 weeks tomorrow and have started to feel better the last few days. Today I only felt sick once. I don’t know whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing?!



Anyone’s baby walking yet, she’s walking with her walker so I don’t think it’ll be long


Is labour near?

For the past few days I have felt sick and had loose stools/ needing the toilet more. Also been having a lot of braxton hicks and period type cramps and alot more pressure down there. Does this mean baby is making his appearance soon?



Is anyone’s babies still not walking???


Pelvic pain

Is anyone else experiencing really bad pelvic pains and mild cramping? 30 weeks


Anyone having good and bad days?

I am 13 weeks now and some day I feel amazing and other days I feel so nauseous and exhausted



Does anyone else get extremely hungry/snacky when breastfeeding? I’m always thirsty afterwards but the hunger is unreal 🥲🫣 anyone have any snack suggestions I’m running out! Xx


Stomach ache

Is anyone else getting stomach ache in the top of their stomach just under ribs? I almost can’t feel it when I lie down but it’s quite uncomfortable when stood up, is this just part of growing pains etc or shall I contact midwife tomorrow? 18 weeks pregnant



Has anyone had cholestasis in pregnancy? And what was the outcome


31 weeks “odd” baby movement?!

Im currently 31 weeks, the last day or 2 I’ve noticed movement that kinda feels like baby girl is punching through my vagina. Anyone else experience something like this? I don’t know how else to explain it. Just an odd feeling.



how can you tell if its still pp bleeding or ur period? ive been spotting for about 2 weeks now (im 5weeks pp) ive been having minor cramping and also im breaking out when ive had clear skin for 9 months (thanks pregnancy) so idkkkk if my period is coming 😭 would hate to go from pp bleeding right to my period 😭😭


Pretty sure I am having an early pregnancy loss

Found out last week that I am pregnant with our second. I am only 5+3 and had a bit of spotting last week but didn't think anything of it as had this with my previous and all was OK. It settled and all was OK but then yesterday I started spotting again with cramps. I'm continuing to spot today. My test this morning ...


Where are you feeling movements?

I’m 21 weeks tomorrow and just today I’ve started to feel baby above my belly button, only just above. Just curious where everyone else is feeling baby.



Feels like baby is bearing down more… it hurts and feels like so much pressure down there when I go to stand up… could labor be close?? Should I be on the lookout?? Can definitely tell he’s pushing on my bowels too Bcs I feel like I have to poop and when I try to go it’s either very little or nothing at all!!


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