Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Urine Test Every Appointment?

Ladies, I’m 27 weeks today, I have my last monthly appointment next Monday when I’m 28 weeks. In all of my monthly appointments, including a follow up from an ER visit that turned out I just had a slight infection, I’ve never had to do a urine test except the first appointment to confirm my already confirmed pregnan...


Boy or girl?

Not the clearest but instinct is telling me girl.. what’s your thoughts? 12+2 scan currently 13 weeks to date


Growth scan

Just had my growth scan I’m 31+5 and baby girl is weighing 3lb 14oz, is this average and what would her weight be when she’s born?


Anembryonic pregnancy

Made it to our 12 week dating scan full of excitement, which shortly turned into heartache again. The scan revealed a gestational sac with no embryo in side. Feel betrayed and tricked by my body, as I’ve been awfully sick with morning sickness, sore breasts and no spotting or bleeding. Apparently the body releases h...


Finally got my girl🌸💕🩷

Had my 20 weeks scan today and baby is a girl…over the moon🎀🥹


Nervous after growth scan

Just had my first growth scan at 36+6 and went into it thinking nothing of it as I’d had loads with my daughter who they said was measuring big and she was 9 days late with an induction and only 7lb11. However the midwife kept saying how he’s a big boy and already measuring at 7lb05 with 3 weeks to go saying he coul...



Do they check the heartbeat at the 20w scan just really want to hear her heart beat 💕


Boy or girl??

12 6d scan! Currently 16w + 3 now and have a gender scan on Saturday!💙💗


Measuring behind

Hi ladies so I had a scan at 5w3d as I wanted to rule out ectopic. A gestation sac was present but couldn’t see a yolk sac. So I then had another scan today at the EPU, where I thought I was 6w3d, but I’ve only just managed to see a yolk sac and my gestation sac is measuring at 12.6mm so I’m less than 6 weeks instea...


Struggling mentally between scans ....

Hey, im currently 13+2 , I had my 12 week scan on 6th Sept and all was good. However , im struggling to relax my mind and stop worrying about the baby growing and doing ok until my next scan (private gender on 11th october) Ive suffered 2 early losses previously and this is the furthest ive got and the baby was h...



Does anyone know how you get this and when? I thought it was 20 weeks, not sure why? My work are asking for it and I’m currently 16 weeks



Hi! First time posting, this is my 3rd baby and according to my dates would be 8+2. I went for an early scan Friday and they said the measurements said 8 weeks exactly which was fine, however you could barely see anything on the scan. I had a scan with my daughter around the same time and it is so much clearer. I ke...


12 WK Scan

Hiya! I just wondered when everyone got their 12 week scan date - i’m 10+5 so just waiting!


12 Week Scan

When did everyone get the date for their 12 week scans?? I’m 10 + 4 (according to my midwife)



First pregnancy, 20+2 today. Got my 20 week scan tomorrow and I’m really unsure if I’ve felt any movement. Sometimes I feel little flutters but then I really question myself.. baby is so active on all her scans but really want to feel her move!


Early scans

So I had an early scan at 6 weeks, 9+2 and I have my 12 week scan booked next Wednesday when I will be 11+5. I’m really tempted to book another scan today at 10+3 as I’m just so worried about going next week and then giving me bad news even though everything has been good at my previous 2. I’m not sure if I’m just ...



How many weeks will everyone be on their scan?


4D ultrasound with 34 weeks… too late?

I want to see my baby's face but I read that it was recommended to do it between week 28 and 32. If I do it in week 34 will it be worth it? Thanks!!!


Placenta Previa?

Went for my 20 week ultrasound and the dr said “The placenta is Posterior and a previa at this time.” She needs me to go back in 5 weeks for another ultrasound, and it could possibly shift but if not then I wouldn’t be able to give birth naturally I would need a c section. Any moms have this &’ it go away? This is m...


Any hope?

Had a private scan today T what we thought was 9 weeks after having a miscarriage August 2023. When scanned we were told they couldn’t see the baby as the sac was empty and to re scan in 2 weeks. Any one else been here and had a success?


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