Anembryonic pregnancy

Made it to our 12 week dating scan full of excitement, which shortly turned into heartache again. The scan revealed a gestational sac with no embryo in side. Feel betrayed and tricked by my body, as I’ve been awfully sick with morning sickness, sore breasts and no spotting or bleeding. Apparently the body releases hormones and prepares itself although there is no viable baby inside. Awaiting a call from the early pregnancy team to find out what’s next.
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I’ve done through that before and 5 more miscarriages! It is awful I’m so sorry!! 😔😔😔😔😔

This same thing happened to me last year at my 13 week appt. People will tell you that it’ll be just like a period but it probably won’t. I don’t say this to scare you but I was not expecting it to be a full on labor since it was just a sac. I had timed contractions for 9 hours before I finally passed the sac. Take a full 1000mg dose of advil and a hot bath. I did it naturally because my high risk OB explained that fertility can be put at risk when you have more than 1 D&C in your life. I’m so sorry you’re going through this! It’s not easy. Something you can look into is progesterone cream if you are looking to have another. It’s helped me greatly and my scans look great this time around. There’s hope for another no matter what happens

Very sorry for your loss. I’ve also been through the same but found out at an early scan. I had no bleeding and HCG continued to rise with lots of sickness, my body wouldn’t miscarry naturally so I had to have surgery to remove tissue unfortunately. I didn’t try the medication route and opted for the surgery for me. Sending love to you and hope you get your rainbow in the future ❤️

@Emily I unfortunately experienced similar. 6 hours of the contraction like cramps, pain meds didn’t take the edge off. Sat in a hot bath for hours letting it all pass. Worst 24 hours of our lives. I’m glad I read your message before hand to give me prior heads up on what was happening to me. Looked into progesterone, seems like it’s prescription only after 3 miscarriages.

@Emilie I’m so so so sorry. I hope you can find some healing through this whole awful process. Idk if you believe in this sort of thing, but I had a stranger come up to me a week after miscarrying and she said “I see your baby is still with you, they’ll come back to you in another pregnancy” and I was so shocked and comforted by that even though I’m not typically a believer in aura stuff. I self dose with progesterone cream (I’ll use it for the first 20 weeks of pregnancy just like the prescribed version)

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