Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

HCG levels and no heartbeat

Can anyone tell me what this finding means and help ease my anxiety on how come I am supposed to be six weeks and five days but no heartbeat detectable😖😩 Findings : Single IUP with CRL 0.16 cm. No fetal heart tones


20 week anatomy scan

Happy to say that baby is doing great and moving a ton at the anatomy scan today. Despite my "friend" acting really concerned bc I haven't felt much movement yet. I'm 20w3d and a first time mom. This friend had me so upset after comments she made the other day about me not feeling much movement yet, even went so f...


20 week scan

Hello ladies, hope you’re all well! To any Mummies and Mummies to be who have been to Solihull Hospital in Birmingham - I have my 20 week scan in next week at Solihull Hospital and we were wondering, if we didn’t want to find out the gender there and then, will they write it down for us so we can find out by ourselv...


38 weeks pregnant. Baby boy measuring above 97th Centile.

Hi I’m just looking for some advice. I had a scan two weeks ago and they appeared to be concerned with baby boys abdominal measurements, there has been no concerns prior and everything was plotting how it should be. I was told this could be due to gestational diabetes and was sent away with a blood glucose monitor t...


Nub/skull theory

I think I know the answer. Knew at the ultrasound. Want to see what you guys think :) boy or girl?



Horrendous pic but had my 12 week scan a few weeks ago and currently 14.5w! Just wondering if anyone has any ideas what it could be. Having a gender scan next week to find out, will update X


3D/4D Ultrasound

Do you think it’s worth getting it done? I want to see my baby features so bad lol . Tomorrow I make 33 weeks 😊


Third trimester scan

I had my 31 week 4 days midwife appointment today. I forget to ask her if I would be having growth scan. Can I request a growth scan through nhs? Thanks


How much did your babies weigh?

Had a growth scan today and they told me baby is roughly estimated at 8lb 10oz - I am now petrified to give birth 😳 ( I know that the estimates can be off)


Can I please see scan pics and confirmed genders?

I've had my 20 week scan and I don't want to know what I'm having but also I REALLY want to know 😂 so like to have fun guessing!!!


Enlarged heart?

Hi! My baby had an x-ray, and the final results came in. The pedia told me that the results shown were baby's heart is enlarged but pedia wasn't that worried as he said baby just turned 15mos and that the rad-techs who did my baby might have mistakenly shot at wrong timing as baby was crying uncontrollably when she ...


Eustachian tubes

Hi Mamas, my 2.5 year old will need Eustachian tubes. Can anyone tell me what to expect regarding healing or risks or side effects?


Big belly

Has anyone been for a growth scan and been told their babies belly is measuring bigger than normal and you need to be tested for gestational diabetes? Really worried here!



Hello.. I started bleeding at 6 weeks (last week) I went to my early pregnancy unit who confirmed miscarriage & took my bloods. I then had another blood test today & the dr has confirmed my HCG levels are increasing. His words were ‘ they’re increasing but it’s not for concern yet ‘ … why would they be increasing ...


Fundal height reducing and baby dropped

Had my 31w midwife appointment. At my last appointment the fundal height was measuring 31, but she said he was really spread out and wasn’t concerned. Today I went and it’s measuring 29, but she did say that he’s moved position and his head is now engaged. Which would most likely explain the reduction, but they stil...


No movement

I’m 20 weeks today and haven’t felt the baby move yet at all!! How do I know if everything’s okay? My placenta is at the front as well so it’s making me even more anxious. I have my 20 week scan on Friday but I feel constantly worried😩


7 week scan (7w3d)

What do you think?


Baby boy pending 💙

Went for an early gender scan today (16+3) and found out we are having a boy 😭 feeling so emotional about this; we have a little girl who is almost three. My dad died the week before she was born and I feel like our son is a gift from him. Super special 🥰


Midwife appointment

Is anyone's 16 week midwife appointment showing on badger because they said after scan to make one with the midwife do I need to contact them?


Bump Measuring Small

Hi everyone, Had my 25 week appointment today and midwife said my bump is measuring small and I need to go for another scan at some point this week, I am extremely worried now. She did say as I am petite this could be the reason why I don’t have a very big bump. Has anyone experienced this and baby was fine ?


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