Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.


Who has or is waiting for there 12 week scan and hasn’t gone for a early private scan? 🤍


20 week anomaly scan

I had my 20 week scan this morning and baby is measuring all round below 10 centile. We’ve come out feeling unaware/upset what this means for our baby and what comes next. Has anyone else experienced this?



Has anyone had a consultant appointment after scan if so what do they talk about?



Just been to my 37 week midwife appointment and my little boy is in tachycardia so waiting for my husband to come home so he can look after our son and I can go in to get monitored... It was going so well today 😞


Growth scans with second baby

I’m 26 weeks pregnant with baby number two and I have to go in for growth scans this time round because of my BMI 🙄 I’m worried though because I’ve heard all these stories about how big their babies are going to be. I don’t particularly want to know! Ignorance is bliss. For those of you who’ve had growth scans…


Growth scan

Just had my midwife checkup and she has referred me for a growth scan because he hasn’t grown much since my last appt, has anyone else had this? She said it’s nothing to worry about but I can’t help worry a wee bit!


20 week scan 💛

We’re having another surprise for our second baby as loved finding out in the moment. Curious on what people think though, any gender guesses welcome…


12 weeks scan

Can you have more than 1 person at your 12 weeks scan. I usually just go with my husband but my mum wants to come too, will they allow her in as well?


Short Long Bones

Hello! Does anyone have any experience or knowledge on short long bones? Baby has been diagnosed with this, doctor is saying it’s not going to be dwarfism or a skeletal deformation and most likely just be a small baby but then I’m bang on in the middle of my growth chart so I’m super confused!


6w scan

Due to having pains and concerns after a previous miscarriage, I have a scan tomorrow afternoon at my local EPU. I should be 6w4d, what’s the chances of seeing a heartbeat? My HCG levels came back at a good level yesterday of 23100.


Low Papp-A

Hey girlies, in my first pregnancy I had low Papp-A and was prescribed aspirin from 16 weeks as my little one was looking on the small side. She was born at 5.11. I was told I would need aspirin in my other pregnancies to help avoid this, but I’m not sure whether to wait for my 12 week scan/check up or if I might n...


5 month wait for hospital appointment 😞

Just had my blood results back from GP and all are good, so now they’re sending me for secondary testing to see why I keep having early losses. My appointment isn’t until Feb 2025.. just feels like a lifetime away to wait for such an important appointment. How long have others had to wait?


Big baby? 37 weeks 4 days

Hi all, just wanting some reassurance. Past couple of times I have seen my community midwife my baby has been measuring big via her fundal height. Despite this, she is steady on her percentile. Pregnancy pretty much easy all the way through, 3rd trimester has brought swollen legs and feet, carpal tunnel, low iron a...


Percentile drops

I had a growth scan at 28 and 30 weeks and baby was on the 97th percentile for both of those scans. I had a growth scan today at 32 weeks and baby has dropped to the 50th percentile, only gaining 1oz in 2 weeks. I have gestational diabetes too so the drop is quite alarming. How worried should I be?



I have been referred to the EPU for a scan, I was only referred yesterday, but when should I expect them to contact me?


Early scan

Has anyone had an early scan at exactly 6 weeks and seen a heart beat?



Just went to my scan thinking 7 plus 2 she said I’m measuring 5 plus 4 strange as cycles on time and tested 3 days late to early to do internal she said won’t see much so going back next Fri when be calculated at 7 weeks anyone else had this and why I’m measuring so small


Guesses please

12 week scan :)


6w early Scan!

We had an early scan and was dated 6+2 weeks! Saw the little heart going and all was good! Such a reassuring thing to do, especially for my husband where he can’t feel any of the symptoms or anything 🥰 such a teeny thing in there 😍 so in love 🫶🏼


HCG levels and no heartbeat

Can anyone tell me what this finding means and help ease my anxiety on how come I am supposed to be six weeks and five days but no heartbeat detectable😖😩 Findings : Single IUP with CRL 0.16 cm. No fetal heart tones


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