Scan help!

I have no idea how far along I am. I have irregular periods anyway, and can sometimes go months without. I haven’t had one since beginning of July (normal for me). I spoke to the hospital when I found out I was pregnant a week ago and they said ‘well you could be 12 weeks, or you could be 5 weeks, we don’t know, but we can’t see you until you’re 12 weeks anyway”. So I have my first antenatal appointment for tomorrow with the doctor, but how am I supposed to know how far along I am without a scan? Apparently at my appointment they will book me in for my dating scan, does anyone know how long a wait that is? Just nervous that I could be further along than I thought….
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The dating scan is the 12 week scan appointment. I wonder whether it might be worth booking in for a private scan, I appreciate it as a cost but it might provide some reassurance and information about dates which you can then pass to the midwife team etc. Or you tell them at your first antenatal appointment (usually a midwife not a GP) dates based around the 12 week mark. It’s surely better to go to a scan too early, than too late and miss the important milestones in your antenatal care! X

Have you tried a digital test with weeks conceived on? ☺️ then I would wait a couple weeks after I got a 3+ weeks test and book a private early scan to get a know how far I am

@Emma I have the antenatal appointment tomorrow, it’s at a GP surgery but not my own so I’m assuming that’s what I’ve got haha! I tried to book for a private scan, but they won’t do it until I’m 8 weeks.. and because I could be anywhere from 5-12 weeks, they won’t do it until it’s confirmed🤣 I just want to find out so I know I’m doing everything right haha x

@Megan I did the digital test, but it only shows 3+ weeks, but the midwife I spoke to on the phone said that could mean anything over 5 weeks!

Oh bless you. You really are in a limbo period. Surprised about the private scan though, I assume each place is different as I went recently with a friend who was in a similar position and they warned her that if it was too early, to come back and rescan etc and they placed her at around 5 weeks at the time! Have a chat with them tomorrow and hopefully you can get some answers about the best way forward!

@Emma I know it’s so confusing haha. This is my first and I’m stuck. I only spoke to one private scan clinic, but they said because my last period was July, and I could be 12 weeks, I’d have to wait for the midwife dating scan at week 12, but I thought that was the point of the private scan to find out early🤣

I would just pretend I knew my dates book a private scan and go from there

Oh i would just lie and say I was 8 weeks to the private scan people 😅 your paying them at the end of the day 🫣 they would be able to see from 6 weeks for a time scale

If they are going to go by your last menstrual period you'll be 10 ish weeks roughly? Just doing quick math in my head so could be wrong. So a scan date should come through within 2/3 weeks, but you should ask all the questions at your antenatal appt x

@Megan I tried that and they said they’d need proof from a doctor or the hospital to say I’m 8 weeks, maybe I just got a difficult person on the phone haha 🤣

You definitely did!! mine I was able to book online! Are there any near you that you can do that with ? I have had scans at two different places and neither asked for proof!

I think you maybe asked to many questions and they got suspicious I’ve had loads of private scans and never had to give anyone proof. It’s important you have a dating scan around the 12 weeks so it’s accurate If you want the NIP testing that can only be done before 14 weeks so I would just lie and play dump & book a private scan elsewhere and don’t tell them your background story. Then you can go to the hospital and advise them on how far you are

I was the same so they used my last period date since according to this I was 16w, they scheduled my booking appointments 5 days after I self referred and they an early scan 5 days after the booking appointment to check how far along I was. If according to your last period you could be 12w I think they would see you straight away for booking appointment and then a scan but to be honest our first scan was more worrying than anything as it was too early and there was no baby yet. They then booked another scan 10 days later and baby was here but those 10 days were really long.

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