Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Loss

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Loss.

Still can’t believe it!!

Just found out I am pregnant with my second child after having a miscarriage my last pregnancy…!! Still so shocked as I was recently told it would be very hard for me to conceive again and I may never have another baby



I’ve had to re post this as I worded it wrong in my last post. On Thursday and Friday I had two positive tests. Both faint but positive enough to see. Last night I started bleeding and this morning I woke up with a soaked through pad. I done a test and it’s now negative☹️ my heart absolutely aches. Is this a miscarr...


Period after a miscarriage?

I had a miscarriage on the 10th May and it lasted about 6/7 days and I was told it all came away naturally. When did everyone’s periods come back?


Don’t know how to feel

Found out this past Tuesday at 9 weeks that Bub had passed at 6 weeks. Used the medication and miscarried on Friday. Just wondering, how did you feel in the early days? Between the scan and MC I cried lots of tears, felt lots of sadness but since all the tissue has passed I just don’t feel anything apart from tire...


How long did you bleed for after your miscarriage?

I had a miscarriage just under 3 weeks ago and i though i had stopped bleeding yet keep getting occasions of brown discharge, especially after doing exercise. How long does this brown discharge phase last?


Loss at 9 weeks

I went for my 12 week scan today, I left the house so excited, me and my partner were even “vlogging” so we could share the exciting news later today… however, our scan showed that our baby stopped developing at 9 weeks and we’ve had a missed miscarriage. A pain I never expected to feel. We’re so heart broken. We ...


Does this look like I ovulated??

Started bleeding 3 weeks ago today, took the misoprostol 2 days later. Last day of bleeding was 10 days ago and it looks like I may have ovulated on Wednesday but Dr says it's probably too soon. But I had all the symptoms (cramps, cm, positive opk after lighter and lighter opks the previous days). Is it possible to ...


Is this anyone first pregnancy after a misscarriage? I am so nervous but so excited to be a mum

I tested at 12 or 13 Dpo


How soon did you get pregnant after miscarriage

I just approached my 9 week pregnancy mark in my first trimester. I just went through a miscarriage the night of my 2nd wedding anniversary in the emergency room. I woke up middle of the night with sharp pain and I started bleeding when i went to the restroom to check. The bleeding and pain got worse on the way to ...


Brown discharge

Hi this is my second pregnancy after a miscarriage last year so I am very hyper alert to every single symptom. I got my BFP yesterday after a couple of days of faint lines, earliest was 8DPO, today is 11DPO. Since 3 days ago I’ve had cramping and I started with a pink ish discharge which I still have today but it’s ...


Does the pain ever go?

It's been more than a year of trying after a miscarriage. Everyone at work is pregnant. I'm constantly being asked when I'm having a second. My sister in law is now pregnant. Everybody is pregnant and it's breaking my heart.


Miscarriage and bad experience hospital

Hey girls, I'm absolutely heartbroken right now. I've been trying to conceive for a while, and even though I got my period, I knew something was off. The bleeding was heavy as usual, but it felt different. I decided to take a pregnancy test, not expecting much, but when it came back positive, I was in shock. I want...


Peeing pants after miscarriage

I had a miscarriage on April 14th. I pushed out the baby at the hospital, then only half the placenta came out, so I had to get a D&C. Ever since I have been peeing my pants when I cough or working out hard. It’s more than a little gush, goes thru a panty liner. I have had to change my shorts 3 times in the past...


I think my ttc journey is officially on involuntary hiatus

I’ve been trying for almost 4 years I had irregular periods so my doctor gave me letrozole and after upping my first dosage I got pregnant and then when I was 12 weeks found out I had a missed miscarriage. That killed me and I was extremely emotionally distraught for a yr but I was having regular periods so my doct...


Third miscarriage in a row.

I just keep going between being completely gutted and numb. I had really hoped this would be our rainbow babe. It feels like my body keeps failing me, that I’m failing my husband. He’s so kind and supportive and it just hurts more because I know in my being he’d make an incredible father. We’re close to 30 and it fe...


Miscarriage #4

Life has been hard. I have been trying to have a baby, and so far conceiving has been a piece of cake. I just cant stay pregnant. I have had 4 miscarriages now (going through one as i type this) and I am devastated. I am bleeding and wondering if i could still be pregnant. I have been on synthroid (thyroid medicatio...


Threatened Miscarriage

This morning I woke up and noticed blood and it’s been intermittent throughout the day no clots just red blood. It’s not heavy but still enough. Went to the drs waiting for a referral for a scan. Has anyone else experienced similar? I’m so upset and expecting the worst 💔


Why am I not getting pregnant???

Hey Ladies, I need some advice. I lost my Pregnancy at 21weeks due to loss of amniotic fluid somewhere between 12weeks and 20weeks (unaware due to lack of scans and unsure when it started) My Placenta was acting as a sponge and absorbing all the fluid so the baby had None. It's now been almost 3months and 3perio...


Subchorionic Hematoma Bleed

Hi, I had a subchorionic hematoma bleed 12 days ago. It was pretty traumatic and very heavy. It stopped the next day. 12 days later, and I've started to bleed bright red again! Has anyone heard of a subchorionic hematoma reappearing? Or could this possibly be a miscarriage? Waiting on the EPU to call me tomorrow bu...


I think I might be having a miscarriage

I'm 4 weeks pregnant and I was having brown discharge that started yesterday today the brown turned red and started getting lighter I'm not bleeding more than a couple dabs but it's no longer Brown at all anymore


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