Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Loss

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Loss.


Does anyone see anything? I had an early miscarriage a months ago, haven't had a period back yet but ttc again. My levels went back down to 0 after my loss. More photos In comments


Trying again

Has anyone gotten pregnant after their miscarriage but before their first period. I had surgical management on the 17th and told to wait for at least one period. I have PCOS so could be waiting for that one period for months but Iā€™m desperate to try again.


Has anyone got pregnant

Has anyone got pregnant with Endometriosis i recently had miscarriage i go to the doctor in the morning


Possible miscarriage

So I think I am having a miscarriage. I went to the walk in on Friday with cramping and brown spotting. They said they couldnā€™t do anything apart from book me in for a scan on Tuesday. Since then the cramps have gotten quite a bit worse and the spotting has become red blood with small clots. Does this sound like one...



So Iā€™ve just had my second missed miscarriage this year, I feel like emotionally Iā€™m dealing with it quite well better than last time. I opted for a d&c this time which definitely helped I think my question is I had my surgery Wednesday I had some light bleeding on the Wednesday after my surgery but Iā€™ve not really ...


What would you have done?

My friend got married but due to Covid and being pregnant I was unable to attend. My friend said she felt like crying and couldnā€™t accept that I wasnā€™t going to be there. Iā€™ve tried as much as I can to be supportive ā€¦ I travelled 2.5 hours to be there to look at the dress, 2.45 hours to look at the venue for her. I...


Pregnancy after a miscarriage

We miscarried in may. Yesterday, we had a positive pregnancy test, how does everyone keep calm and not stress so much that it's going to happen again.


Stillborn at 35 weeks

I was a month away from having my second daughter. Tuesday the 15th I had an OB visit. Heart rate was in the 130s. The doctor had pushed kind of hard to be able to "wake her up" and get it on the monitor. Everything was fine that night. She didn't move much the next day, but I didn't think a lot of it because the ...


Closed cervix but heavy bleedingā€¦

I started bleeding 2 days ago fairly heavy so I went to the early pregnancy unit (Iā€™m only around 6/7 weeks) they did a blood test and will need to repeat it tomorrow to check my HCG levels. They examined me and said my cervix is completely closed which they wouldnā€™t expect with a miscarriage but that the bleeding i...


Afraid and nervous

Back in June on a Friday I found out I was about 5 weeks pregnant by Monday I had a chemical miscarriage. Today the day before my period is suppose to start my gut told me to take a test and I see a very faint test. I am so scared itā€™s going to happen again.


Miscarriage or eptopic pregnancy?

Help or advice needed, I feel like Iā€™ve exhausted all my options. Background: Iā€™m around 7 weeks pregnant, havenā€™t had any pregnancy symptoms or any contact from a midwife yet (we have to do a self-referral in my area, which was done over 3 weeks ago). Currently experiencing a lot of pain in my lower right side ...



Iā€™m TTC for the first time after miscarriage last year. Iā€™m really struggling with anxiety. Anxious about being pregnant (still waiting) and anxious about losing again. Iā€™m just a ball of anxiety at the moment. If youā€™ve been there, whatā€™s your advice?



I had a 32 week stillbirth in 2022, my rainbow was born November 2023 and is currently 11 months old. Iā€™m around 5w3d with what is supposed to be our second living baby but I think Iā€™m miscarrying. I started bleeding about an hour ago.. I hate loss. It brings it all back even though itā€™s so different. Every plan we ...


Surgical management of a miscarriage

I just wanted to tell my experience of the surgical management for a miscarriage for anyone who might be considering or be worried I have had medical management previouslyā€¦ I can honestly say that the surgical management was the best decision I made, Iā€™ve had minimal pain and so far not too much bleeding and honest...


Conception after miscarriage

I found out end of July I had had a missed miscarriage. My husband and I tried this month but were unsuccessful unfortunately I know Iā€™m only 2/3 months post mc but I wondered how long it took you to conceive again after your miscarriage Thanks


Missed miscarriage

Hi, I was told Iā€™m having a missed miscarriage two weeks ago and I went for a follow up scan yesterday as I was hoping nature would do its bit but Iā€™ve had no pain or bleeding and was told at the scan everything is still in tact. My sac is measuring 8 weeks still. I have now opted for the tablets but I am really an...



I have just found out I am pregnant, this might be baby number two. I say might because I have a history of miscarriages (have had 3 before my first baby) I am anxious to tell my husband. I am only 10dpo but was feeling hungry / nauseous and tired and thought to myselfā€¦ that sounds familiar. How do I tell hubby? I d...


Flu Jab

Hi everyone, currently 15 weeks and am due for a flu jab. Dont know if I am overthinking but this is my third pregnancy, the first 2 ending in early miscarriage. Never had a flu jab before and read some things online that it can cause miscarriage. Has anyone else had the flu jab in pregnancy after recurrent miscarri...


Does anyone have a septate uterus?

Just found out I have a septate uterus and will need surgery. Itā€™s conflicting for me since I had a baby naturally and the septate uterus was never caught but was caught during my second pregnancy since I had a miscarriage and they believed I had a bicornuate uterus until I got an MRI which confirmed a septate uteru...


Medical or surgical?

Hiā€¦ I found out today that there has been no heartbeat since I was 9 weeks and I was currently 12 weeks. So Iā€™ve had a missed miscarriage. Never experienced a miscarriage before so need some advice on whether to go the medication way or the surgical way. Please if u could share your experiences. Iā€™m planning on call...


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