Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.


Hi, I’m due to have c section pre op this week, what do they do please? Just want to know what to expect. Thanks


Cancelling induction

Does anybody know if i can cancelling my induction. The only reason its been booked is because of my mental health, but I’m actually worried about me induced and scared of it turning to a c section


Optional C section!

Hey everyone, I'm 26 weeks pregnant. This is my first pregnancy. I'm registered at Watford General Hospital. Do we get an option to go for the C section? I hear we don't only if you're a high risk. But is there any chance they will ask you for a natural delivery or a C-section? And can you opt for it or tell your p...


Mucus plug

I think I’m losing my mucus plug.. has anyone else started to lose theirs? Do I need to contact anyone about this?


Hospital bags… am I overpacking?!

Anyone else underestimate how much you need to take?! I’m on my third bag 😂 after I put a towel, PJs, flip flops, 1 tracksuit and disposable underwear in my bag it’s full! Baby has a smaller one but I’m packing two sized clothes as I’m not sure they will fit newborn and another bag for snacks and tech. Am I over…


Waters Breaking

Has anyone’s waters actually broke at home? All i keep seeing is stories of people being induced/c section and it appears very rare for your waters to actually break on their own!!🥲


Elective C-section

For anyone that had an elective c-section at Watford Hospital, can you tell me how your day went? On the letter I received, it said to call the maternity at 6am to be given a time, but curious of anyone’s experiences. Thank you.


Hen do at 3 months pp?

Do you think is too early to leave my baby at 3 months old (2 nights abroad)? When did you feel ready to leave your baby for 2 nights? I’m due on the 2nd of December. C-section isn’t booked yet but I think it’ll be end of November. One of my best friends is having a hen do at the end of February, my friends are...



I went into triage for lack of movement (I'm 35+6) and on the heart beat thing they could see that I was having braxtons and said they could see it was getting closer together and more frequent and if they ever got painful I've gotta come in. Does this mean I'm close to labour?? Or is this just something they would ...


39 weeks pregnant

Hi, I am 39 weeks pregnant and I am feeling like I need to do a bowel movement but nothing comes out. Does that mean labor is near or is it some kind of contraction??


32 Week Anxiety

Hi!! I’m 32 weeks but measuring 5 weeks ahead with a “big baby”🫣 I initially wanted a C section (just a personal preference), but I recently looked up how they preform them and now I’m absolutely terrified. I will be alone at the hospital giving birth, and I also have a low pain tolerance. Does anyone have any…



So I’m getting induced on Wednesday and I was just wondering if anyone had any tips or advice for me especially being a ftm. Also I know it can take quite a long time, I am 3 cm dilated and 90% effaced already tho so I was wondering if anyone was similar and about how long it took for you?


Mucus Plug Help?

What does a mucus plug look like and feel like when it "comes out". This is my first baby and ive never been through any of this im 35 weeks today and ive got no clue what to be looking for in the next couple weeks.


Signs of labor are so confusing!

Lost part of my mucus plug Thursday, another part Friday. False contractions every night since Thursday, but inconsistent, then today I leaked through my leggings but not a ton, still no real contractions. It’s just so confusing bc all these things could be that labor is about to start or still a few days off. I am ...


37 week hospital admission

Tomorrow I have an appointment with the consultant and to have a scan to decide if I am going to be admitted for the past 3 weeks. It's due to babies position as she isn't head down or breach and they have said it is safer for me to be there as if my waters go I could get a cord prolapse. Which isn't great in the h...


Natural labor induction ideas

Anyone started their labor successfully? and if so what methods worked for you!? I'm almost 35 weeks and looking at ideas to try when I hit the 37-38 week mark🩷


my pregnancy notes say i’ve had a c-section…but i’m still pregnant?

hi i’m not sure if im correct but i’ve been looking at my notes and it says i’ve had a c-section…? or am i reading it wrong? this is my first pregnancy and i haven’t even given birth yet lol🤣 help x


No mucus plug or losing leaking but deliver

For moms who had their babies, whether by C-section or natural birth, but didn't lose their mucus plug or experience fluid leakage, how did you know it was time? What signs did you have that made you go to the hospital?


question about c sections!

how long did everyone stay in hospital after having a csection please?


Babygirl has arrived

Tuesday 10/8 babygirl came into this world. I wound up having an induced labor because she was measuring smaller then they’d like even though she was full term, so from start of induction to having her in my arms was 15 hours. From the moment I hit 10cm it took 7 minutes and 4 pushes. I love her with all my heart an...


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