Waters Breaking

Has anyone’s waters actually broke at home? All i keep seeing is stories of people being induced/c section and it appears very rare for your waters to actually break on their own!!🥲
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With my first they trickled through the night but there’s not always a mad dash to the hospital when they do break, you have 24 hours before the risk of infection, then they’ll intervene if you don’t have regular contractions or you’ve not dilated x

The sad fact is over 50% of births in the UK are now medicalised with some form of intervention now. So less than half of all births are spontaneous vaginal deliveries, which is why you may feel like you're not seeing many stories of them

I probably know more people whose waters broke than had a labour starting with contractions! cos of the 24 hour limit it can put pressure on labour starting naturally so all I know ended up being induced x

Mine broke at home with my little girl last year. I’d just had an acupuncture treatment, spent 2 hours bouncing on the ball, took a bite of my dominos pizza & they went. Like a balloon popping literally 😅😅. Keep being active 🤍. I feel with baby this time I’ll have to have some intervention, doesn’t feel like he’ll be coming anytime soon ☹️

Mine broke at home when I was on the toilet at 36+1. Went into labour 3 days later and gave birth at 36+4

Yes my waters broke as I was laid in bed at about 6:20am on Thursday 10/10 and baby boy was born at 18:58..

At the hospital where I did my midwife placement, usually around 30% of births are planned c-sections and 30% of births are induced, so there was only actually ever 40% of women going into spontaneous labour so it has become really hard to understand what happens ‘naturally’ as births are so heavily intervened these days. That being said, it is really unlikely that your waters break and most times they break when you’re already in full established labour or have to be broken at the hospital x

With my first baby, my waters broke in the middle of the night and the popping sensation woke me up, completely spontaneous and contractions started almost immediately after - it does happen 🥹

Mine broke at home with my first, and I've just had my second and they broke in the pool during labour! X

My waters broke spontaneously with my 1st at 36 weeks. I hadn't done anything to prepare for labour ect and there was no reason she came early.🤭

My first pregnancy my waters broke spontaneously after my labour had started. I was already well over 6cm by the time they broke and it was a big gush of water

Mine broke during a contraction at home, it was actually quite a relief!

Mine broke at home. All I did was reach for the TV remote and then I heard a popping sound and then came the massive gush and was leaking large gushes for about 3 hours afterwards. Waters broke at 6pm and went to hospital at 9:45pm and was already 4cm dilated.

mine didn't break at home but they did break on their own at hospital. that happened this time with my spontaneous labour and with my induced labour with my first too, both times they broke during a contraction xx

Yes with my third scared me to death 😂

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My waters broke at home. The gush of water started and then with a mix of blood. I was asked to come into hospital immediately.

Mine broke with both of my labours. 1st they broke in the night at about 2am and a woke up feeling them come out then had my daughter by 4pm. 2nd my waters broke during a random contraction at 6:15pm. Felt a pop and fluid come out, then had my son at 8:45pm 😬

Mine broke at home this time around, last time I had them broken for me (in place of a regular induction)... I had my second baby a few weeks ago. I’d been having tightenings since 4pm, called triage at 7:30pm and they didn’t think anything would happen soon. At 9:30pm my waters literally exploded out of me (I was lay down in almost the fetal position) got to the hospital at 11:15pm and I was 8cm, baby arrived an hour later❤️

With my first baby they trickled out in the night , apparently it was my hind waters as my front ones were burst just as the head emerged. Second, waters went as his head was born. 3rd, waters went 1 hour 20 mins before he was born, I was in hospital .

Mine did! I got up for a middle of the night wee, then started going back to bed 2 steps later and off they went. I was 36+6. 12 hours later and he was in my arms xxx

Mine broke whilst I was out for a walk with my 2nd, full on gush like in the movies 🤣 with my first they didn't go until I was 10cm and pushing x

My waters broke as a huge gush at 9pm when I was 36 + 6 weeks and she arrived just six hours later!

Mine broke at home in the middle of the night this time. I woke up thinking I was weeing myself, but it didn't stop and every time i stood up it got worse. There was no pop or anything for me. Waters went at 2.15am with some period pains, contractions began properly around 4am, got to the hospital at 7.45 and baby was here at 8.11am 🥴

Yes my waters broke while I was in bed. I heard it before I felt anything 😀

Mine did last night ! Currently in hospital waiting for it too hit 24 hours with no contractions too go on the hormone drip! It was so random I was stood in the kitchen making dinner and a giant gush of water went pop all over the floor it was so unexpected 😅 I’m 39+3

So I was due 12th October, my waters broke all over the bed on the 5th, went to hospital and they said baby had done a poo inside but because my body wasn’t contracting they had to put me on the hormone drip to force labour, but it was 24 hours on the drip and I hadn’t eaten or slept so my body was exhausted, all I’d had was gas and air, and then when they stopped the hormone drip my body was on the verge of pushing but was trying to push at 8cm, and then finally got to pushing but my body gave up so they had to take me for emergency c section and she was here on the 6th at 6:46 🩷

Mine broke with my Oct. Baby! But they didn’t break till I was pushing. Just before he crowed (this is statistically more common than waters going before contractions start). As I was pushing it was that huge Hollywood gush it was warm almost like if a water balloon filled with warm water pops between your legs. 😳

Mine didn't break until well into established labour with my first - I say that, they actually broke them for me after my epidural as if been at 4cm for 4 hours. My sister has had 4 children and her waters always went in labour not long before birth. It's actually not that often that waters breaking are the first sign like on TV /movies x

My water broke at home. A gush of water. But I arrived at the hospital 9cm dilated so would not wait that long!

My waters broke it was very much a gush very noticeable when I was on my way to the hospital I leaked through multiple pads underwear puppy pads. If this happens to you make sure you have adult nappies and one of waterproof Connie pads. I was in labour for 24 hours didn't dilated past 2cm also needed antibiotics ended up with emergency c section

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Witt my first, my water broke 7am in the morning that i literally heard the popping sound when i was still in bed. Called the maternity helpline and went into check 9/10am, they just looked at my pad to make sure it’s really water broke, didnt do any further check (fear of infection) and asked me to go home to wait for contraction which will usually happen within 24hrs. Waited til 6pm to have the frequent contraction and arrived hospital around 8pm. Then gave vaginal birth at 1am. The whole thing (from water breaks to final vagina birth) took 18-19hrs

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