Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

I'm feeling anxious about putting my baby in daycare

Hi Mommies, I hope you are all doing well! I am feeling nervous about putting my baby in daycare. I know it is hard for all. I just feel happy and sad at the same time. Does anyone feel the same?


Anxiety after having baby?

I’ve always had the wee odd bit of anxiety throughout my life but compared to now it was very minimal. Since having my 2nd baby (13 months) after my first I’ve been completely overwhelmed with anxiety. He was born early, ended up in the nicu, had a C-section, found the C-section and nicu trips every day hard, spl...


Cravings/boredom eating

When I got pregnant with my son I weighed 113, when I had him I weighed 155. I’m pregnant with my daughter now, (28 weeks). I weighed 115 when I got pregnant with her and I currently weigh 143 already 🫠 I never had cravings with my son, never ate just to eat. But with my daughter, I crave so much and I literally…


Glucose test

I took my glucose test on Monday- still no results How long does it take?


Panorama / Harmony Test

Is anyone one else doing the Panorama or Harmony test (or has done so in the past)? Interested to hear thoughts and experiences of whether they were helpful or caused more worry. As I’m over 40, think it’s probably worth me doing.


Is this normal

My belly button looks gross. No matter how clean I am it always looks dirty and bruised. Is it just the baby growing. It’s making me feel gross and the midwife said that it’s fine and clean. Idk what to do it’s gone so dark. It even has a black dot in it which looks gross too. Helppp.


How are we all surviving the first trimester??

I’m so tired and l work everyday! I have a 3 year old and 20 month old! My boobs are so sore, the nausea isn’t so much but the after taste is making me hate EVERYTHING 😟



Is anyone else struggling mentally with their 2nd pregnancy… I can’t control my moods! Me are my partner are always arguing because my hormoans I just found this time round so hard!


3rd trimester

Has anyone else had the most awfulll sharp pains down below at 36 weeks? Im 36+2 and hes 3/5 engaged but they literally take my by surprise and i have to sit down until it passes. I keep getting them in my bum aswell.



I know it can’t be done just before to prevent infection, but what week is best to shave down below please? 😄


Poorly 3rd trimester

I’m 30 weeks pregnant and I’ve been hit really badly with some kind of virus / flu - I’m achey, shivery, weak, exhausted and struggling to eat anything because it’s making me feel sick. I’m really worried that it’s going to affect the baby. So far I’ve just been trying to rest but should I be telling my midwife or a...


Glucose test coming up

I have my test in a couple days. I know that I have to stay away from carbs and eat protein but can I just drink a protein drink before hand instead? Anything I need to do? Do I have to fast or eat a certain time before hand? 28 weeks



for those who have experienced preeclampsia do you think the small spikes are a sign i’m developing it or just stress. my bp was elevated at my last appointment which made me want to keep an eye on it. i’ve never had high bp or even elevated bp with my last pregnancy.


31 weeks today

Is anyone experiencing really bad braxton hicks now? last night I would have thought i was going into labour and she is moving so bloody much😂



Not looking for judgement or negative comments- I am on the depo injection and I have just found out I am pregnant again 4 months post partum after a C-section. Has anyone else experienced this? How was the pregnancy and how is it having 2 under 2? This is completely unexpected


Body changes

Hi, this is my second pregnancy, my last one was just over 2 years ago. I’m really struggling with the changes to my body and weight gain. I’ve always had body image issues and disorded eating so I’m very sensitive to it. With my first pregnancy I was a lot fitter so looked better but in this pregnancy I just feel ...


How far along do I look?

How many weeks if u had to guess would you say I was :)?


Does anyone else get so worried during pregnancy if baby is okay and want to get double checked every week?

I’m so paranoid all the time and worried about the baby! I’m 20 weeks but I still worry about a miscarriage 😴


high risk pregnancy

Is anyone else a high-risk pregnancy? I found out the blood flow from me to the placenta is not as strong as expected so I am now taking 2 aspirin a day to thin the blood and will have 3 extra scans as I am at higher risk of pre-eclampsia and baby being smaller. This is such a shock because I had a textbook perfec...


Driving test coming up

I have my test first week of October. I failed my last test and I was extremely nervous and shaking. I was thinking of taking something like kalms to ease or help with the nerves and just calm me down. Has anyone taken kalms or anything similar before? Do they work?


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