Community Posts, Tips & Support on Adoption, Fostering & Surrogacy

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Adoption, Fostering & Surrogacy.

Avoiding visitors after birth

I’m just wondering how people approach trying to have a no visiting rule after birth, I’m booked for a planned c section and already have a 10 month old I’m worried about recovery while looking after my 10 month old but also wanting them to bond and get into a new family routine. On my first baby I had visitors fr...


Travel or not to travel?

Are we able to catch a flight after embryo transfer? It wouldn’t be straightaway, maybe after 4 days post transfer. What are your thoughts? I’m dying for a holiday & with it being my 6th round I’m just so fed up of putting my life on hold all the time and need something to keep me occupied during the two week wait...


Baby no.2 as single mum

I used a donor for my LG as i wanted a family for so long and just felt that as time went on i never met anyone i just see if anything happens from.using a donor, i got caught straight away and its been the best thing i ever did, as difficult and challenging as it has been at time im so glad i did it on my own. I r...


Collecting colostrum?

I’m 30w + 2 and just wondering when would be the best time to start collecting? I’ve been leaking for a while now but over the last few days I’ve noticed I’m getting bigger patches of leakage and actually noticing droplets coming now… should I start collecting or is it too soon? I’m hoping to try and express however...



Has anyone experienced co-parenting with a newborn? My baby is just one month old, and next week we will be starting a 50-50 arrangement (temporary agreement until we go to court). My heart is broken; it feels like a piece of my heart is being taken away. I am in Florida. Any advice on navigating this situation is a...


Calling babies “karma”

I notice people will quickly call having a girl baby “karma” if the dad wasn’t present or abusive etc. The girl is supposed to teach the man through having her own heartbreaks and being treated as he treated her mom. Everyone wants a boy, because they’re “easier”. But what about the “karma” of raising a boy exactly ...


Mixed race

We adopted our son when he was 2 1/2 he's now 13. His bio mom was white we personally knew her. She had no DNA test done for a bio dad. She had been with multiple people of different races. Could anyone tell me how I could get his DNA tested just to know what race he is



I’m getting the sweep on Tuesday and quite nervous for it! Anyone who’s had it that can tell me what it actually involves, how long it takes, if it hurts etc😅


Thin lining

Anyone in NI or Uk struggle with a thin lining to allow a transfer? Keep waiting on the magic number of 7 but only getting to 5.4….



Canadian moms ! For those of you who do not have their child’s father listed on the birth certificate, did you still need their permission to sign for passport or consent to take your little one across the border ?


Birth certificate

My baby dad’s been trying to pressure for me to put him on the birth certificate or do paternity so he can take FMLA and not use it for our 2 month old. What’s the difference between adding him to the birth certificate and paternity? The point is I don’t want him having rights. He’s turned into a trash human since ...


4th FET feeling discouraged

Hi all! I am on my fourth FET (5dp5dt). I decided to test this morning and it was very negative. Looking for any encouragement. I’ve had three prior FETs, the first failed, the second was chemical and the third failed. This fourth FET was our first PGTa tested. Has anyone done more than 4 transfers and been succe...


Feel like it will never happen!

AF arrived this morning! I’ve been trying for over a year! Just feel so down! I never saw myself with an only child! I’m desperate to give my daughter a sibling! I also didn’t want a big age gap! Never did I think it would be this hard after convincing my daughter so easily.


Love ❤️

I know this is a little random but do you ever just love your child so much you feel guilt? Like I don’t even know what the guilt feeling is but I just want to protect him at ALL costs. I have the most loving caring boy and he makes me cry everyday with how sweet and funny he is. I just feel guilt and I think about ...


Moving abroad

Does anyone contemplate moving away now they have a child? Im more & more thinking do I want her to grow up here?? I just don’t know if I’d have the guts 😫 I just want better for my baby I think


Racism or am I over reacting?

For content I’m white European. My child is mixed race (white and Montserratian) Took my little one to park the other day my little one was playing and this little girl at first pulled my girls hair. I thought nothing of it kids pull hair of course my little one said ‘that’s not nice it hurt me’ and walked away. T...


First transfer today…. now what!?!

I had my first transfer today with my only surviving embryo (5 day, good quality). As a lot of you know, these next 2 weeks will be very long with a mixture of emotions and physical symptoms. I’d love to hear what you all did during your TWW to distract yourself and keep calm - and any other advice for this period ...


Hope this gives low AMH girlies some hope ❤️

So so happy that after being super bummed out about only getting two eggs, both being mature but only one fertilising that today we have frozen a day 5 embryo graded AA!


Egg collection advice please 🙏🏻

I would like to know what you wore, anything you took with you and I'm all about good positive vibes.. Did you wear a lucky tshirt or socks? 🙃🙏🏻 Egg collection is tomorrow 💖


Announcing pregnancy to my parents

I'll try to make this short. I'm 10w2d pregnant. I live in the UK and my parents live in France. My mum got diagnosed with cancer about 3 months ago. She finished radiotherapy and chemo last week. Due to the effects of radiotherapy and the type of cancer, she can't barely eat anymore and can't speak very well for no...
