Community Posts, Tips & Support on Mental Health

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Mental Health.

Left in completely loneliness

I’m pregnant with baby #2 and the he just up and left over complete bullshit (him not caring for his cat and i snapped). To make it all worse the first dad left at 8w pregnant with my first and he came into our lives at 22w pregnant and knew the trauma I went through from that and he still up and did the same. I don...


Lonely child

Hi im a sahm, my daughter doesn't go to daycare we spend all day together. I feel sad when i see her play alone or there are days that im just way too tired to play with her and she keeps trying to play with me bringing me toy food 😭breaks my heart to see her so lonely. What do you do in this situations? How do…


I cannot be alone

Am I the only one who feels like we actually do not have 24 hours in a day? There's just so much to do daily with no time. From work, it's put on the mummy cape. Sometimes, I just want to have a big old cry.


Anyone finding motherhood really lonely?

My baby is just over a month old and I’ve been on maternity leave for almost 3 months (had to leave work early because of really bad pgp and I work in care) and before my son arrived I was fine but these last 4 weeks I’ve really struggled with feeling alone.. my partner is by my side and so are both of our families,...


Not getting used to being a new mum

I am in my 40s and I always had a very busy life (professionally and socially). And after wanting to get pregnant for years, I finally got pregnant and gave birth to my baby boy this March. Even though I am in love with him, I am still not getting used to being a new mum (the new routine). And the isolation (I liv...


No tribe. All alone.

No one told you how lonely pregnancy is. My mother is an hour away, mil is also an hour away, no friends because I had to let them go once I got pregnant, I’m all by myself. I have no idea what I’m doing and My husband is doing his best but I feel so alone.


Idk what I’m doing.

I’m on day 3 of no contact and it’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. I couldn’t take it anymore. I have absolutely no friends no family no community nothing. I’m stuck at this fork of wanting to breakdown but I have 4 kids who depend on me so I can’t fold. I wish I just had one person to tell me that I...


What do people do when pregnant?

Hey guys! Quick question. What do people do when they are pregnant. My partner is at work and unable to spend everyday with me, I really only have one friend who works everyday so can’t spend time with her. Everyone is working (fair enough) but unfortunately due to risks in my pregnancy I can’t work at the moment....



Does anyone else feel like others make you feel as though you aren’t doing enough or a good job with your child by always telling you what to do or what you should be doing better


Scared of losing myself

I am super excited about having baby and being mum but I’ve just had a bit of a cry session thinking about how my partner can be dad alongside working and playing his football a few times a week… and I’ll just be being mum constantly. I don’t really have any set activities/hobbies so I’m getting nervous that ‘me tim...



I look at my life and I'm just so unhappy. Mortgage late. Water bill late. Electricity late. I always imagined myself financially stable before bringing children into this world. I expected help from parents as far as babysitting while I work, as much as I would love to be that amazing homemaker that cooks 3 meals a...


Managing self-care?!?!

How do mums manage to do things like shower and wash your hair and blow dry it, hang the washing up, pluck your eyebrows etc with a velcro baby? Will this come in time when I get used to it a bit more? My baby is only just over 2 weeks old...


Feeling like I'm failing in my 30's

I just recently turned 31 and I'm struggling. I'm a single mom of a 13 year old. I always pictured myself married, with my own home, with more kids before I turned 30. Here lately I've just been feeling pretty down and defeated. I've been single for 9 years and don't have my own home. I live in public housing (I k...


Anyone else finding being a toddler mam so lonely!?

I don’t have much of a support system at all, and I’m such a people person and love being in the thick of it, but it’s so hard to make friends as a mam! Am I the only one!?


Cliquey Mum Groups

I’ve recently joined/been acquainted with a group of mums (and our babies). I’ve always been a bit reluctant to do so due to hearing of how ‘cliquey’ they can be, and also considering I’ve never been one to do well within big groups, especially girls/women, throughout my life. I’ve had bad experiences. In other wo...


As a mom with little to no friends/fam how did you get through your divorce/separation?

What's the best way to get through a breakup in your opinion?


Cry it out method

What's people's opinions on the cry it out method?


Ending childhood friendships

After lots of thought I’ve decided to end the friendships with my 3 childhood female friends. Since the age of 7 we’ve been a pack of 4. We’re now all 30 years old. We’ve all taken very different paths in life but my 3 friends all have 1 major thing in common. Ironically they’ve all decided to live child free lives....


Losing friends

Hey amazing mummiesss 🤍 Hope everyone is doing well & the kiddies too 🙂 Is it only me that felt like they either drifted apart or lost friends from the moment they found out they were pregnant? I don’t know if i should feel sad or it’s a good thing as it shows how people truly feel. what are thoughts or…



Does anyone else feel lonely I’m a single mum and work full time but when my kids stay with there dad grandparents etc it gets really lonely especially if I only have a handful of friends who either live to far or in happy relationships building there life with there partners what do yous do to keep yourself enterta...


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