Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.

8 week jabs

I feel awful - have had so much going on personally with family and completely forgot that it was my son’s 8 week jab appointment this morning. I’ve rebooked but the next one available is in 5 weeks time, he’ll be 13 weeks then. The GP has reassured me that it’s fine for him to have them done then but I feel so guil...


Feeling dejected

I had a physiotherapy appointment for my 9.5 month old today and I’ve left it feeling like a failure as a parent. He can’t crawl, won’t even go onto his knees and isn’t getting into a sitting position from lying by himself. I can’t help but feel it’s because I had to return to work when he was 6 months old when I ...


3 year old saying theres a ghost

We moved into a new house 6 months ago, about 2 months ago my 3 year old keeps saying there’s a ghost in the hallway upstairs and refuses to have the door open to our playroom! If it’s open he slams it shut and says there’s a ghost! This morning he was hiding behind his door saying the ghost is crying and pointing d...



My LO has reflux and struggles to sleep solidly as her poor little body wakes her up to be sick. I have tried so many things to help her, including feeding upright, then keeping her upright for 30 mins. She is EBF. We tried infacol with no effect. We are on gripe water and I have cut out dairy, but it’s still happen...


Bra fitting

Hey ladies, my boobs have grown and my old bras are now uncomfortable. Where’s the best place for a bra fitting or to buy bras? Thank you xxx


Active sleep

Hey mums - my little one sometimes moves quite a lot in his sleep and just wanted to check if the way he moves is normal? Sometimes he suddenly wakes up from his sleep, especially when we try to put him at bed at night and does the same type of movements. I’m a first time mum and I seem to be panicking at every litt...


EBF constipation

Has anyone else’s baby suffered with constipation while being exclusively breastfed? I’ve spoken to the health carer and they said it’s fine for them to not go regularly (up to one week) but she’s uncomfortable in between and wakes up in pain at night 😔


Can’t put baby down

Hiya I have a one month old and during the day he cannot be put down for his naps. Everytime I put him down he wakes up minutes after or instantly and I have to start all over again. I also have a 16 month old so not being able to get up for hours at a time when he is napping on me is getting almost impossible. Plea...



How many words are your little ones saying. Mine is 18 months next week and can say about 10 words. I'm just a little worried because everyone else we know with little ones a similar age are saying more. Are we behind? Should I be doing more to help develop her speech or is this one of those "she will get there in h...


Help! 2 1/2 year old daughter.

Morning, is anyone experiencing lots of crying through the night and only sleeping 1 -2 hours, then waking up at night? Also, there are lots of crying over the smallest things like putting on socks, although she knows how to put on her socks? Not listening, etc? I'm so tired. I feel disengaged and do feel like hugg...


Using Formula in the Hospital

Hi all, Just wondering if anyone can offer advice about using Formula in the Hospital - I breastfed first time round so didn't need to worry about this but this time it's not an option and I don't want to express either. I know you can get the RTF bottles but I worry that the baby won't get on with them or will li...


Anterior placenta

I went to a scan last week and they told me I have an anterior placenta so I may not feel my baby for a while and when I do it’ll be duller than what most people feel. Has anyone had this and can tell me when they first felt their baby?


Anyone else exclusively pumping?

Do you have a pumping schedule i.e set times each day where you pump? I’m pumping everytime baby feeds and getting tired of it! I have a good milk supply so wondering if I should reduce the number of pumping sessions…


Nap times

Do you time nap times as when you put them down for the nap or when they actually fall asleep? Luckily it usually only takes a minute or two for my girl to fall asleep but occasionally it can take a bit longer but she’s always put in her next to me awake



Do you use vinted for baby clothes? What’s your vinted name?


Affordable wearable breast pumps

Going back to work in January and looking for a discreet quiet wearable breast pump that I can use while sitting In the staff room and not making weird noises


How are we all holding up?

Just a post to how we are all dealing with such nasty narcissistic women! It makes me so angry and ashamed that I share a gender with them! I am finding myself struggling with all things related to my partners baby mum at times. It's hard not to let it affect you, but when people are telling you to "ignore her" whe...


Clocks changing

Do the clocks changing really mean our babies will wake up an hour earlier? I don’t want 4am wake ups 😫


Bedtime & naps

How many naps a day and what time do your little ones go to bed? My little girl turned 6months old last week and we are still on 5naps a day, her bed time is usually around 9/9.30ish and sleeps till around 7.30/8ish Don’t want to jinx it by saying she’s a good sleeper🤣 (touch wood) She usually wakes a couple of…


Car journeys

My little girl absolutely hates the car, it hasnt always been a problem iust the last few weeks as soon as i secure her car seat with the belt she starts to whinge 🙃 surely it cant just be my little one 🙈 any tips would be greatly appreciated xx


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