Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.


My baby farts so much and so loudly, you’d think it was a grown man. Is this normal?


Anyone with breastfed babies with reflux?

My baby is EBF and has been having reflux since she was little and now 11 weeks on she's still showing signs of silent reflux. What have you been doing to reduce the sick and spitting ?


Is it normal ?

Hello . So since Tuesday, my 9 weeks baby boy has been having some difficulties in passing wind( I can see him struggle), but he was eating alright. Yesterday, he was quite agitated, still struggling with his tummy, but he didn't feed like he used to .. and he slept quite a lot . I am trying my best to do more bre...


Renting car seat on holiday

Travelling to Dubai in a couple of weeks. We have rented a car and paid extra for a car seat but actually thinking about it, how can I trust where it’s been / if it’s been in an accident. Should I just take my own? I have a cybex car seat, would it get ruined by airline?


What bath toys are your toddlers loving?

All the ones I buy seem to be crap and don’t work well for long!


It’s been rough today

Out of the blue our 3 month old starts screaming (like screeching, red face, drooling) when my husband tried to change his diaper. He was inconsolable for a couple of hours, I feel anxious just thinking about it now. I had to swaddle and rock him for a couple of hours to soothe him. We gave him gas drops and even Ty...


3 naps - 6 months old

Hi How do you encourage 3 naps please? Nap 1 can be longer in the cot - would you wake after 1hr to attempt a 2hr lunch time nap? What if you’re out ? 🤯 How do you get them to nap for 2 hours & have time for a third? My babies night wakings can be after 6-14 minutes & people are saying it may be due to the day naps…


Sleep impossible after 4am

My little one has recently started waking for a feed at around 4am (if we put him down between 10 and 11pm). He is getting around 5.5 hours in the first stretch if we do this but by the time he is fed, burped and back down around 4:45, he will only stay asleep for another half an hour or so and then will be wide aw...



Looking for some advice with my little one. He goes to sleep on us and as soon as we put him in the cot he wakes up and cries. He is like it during the day and night. We are getting next to no sleep.


Fussy feeding

The last few weeks my baby has been so fussy with her milk. She wants it but constantly moves her head, chews on the teat etc. If i take it away because i think she’s had enough, she cries. Does she need a bigger teat? I’m reluctant to change the teat because she makes herself cough/choke already because she sucks h...


Latching problems...

Is anyone else struggling to get their babies to latch onto the nipple? I'm a bigger girl, so have bigger boobs and nipples, and I genuinely wonder if I don't have the correct anatomy to breast feed my baby! I've been referred to the tongue tie clinic at Denmark hill, and I'm hoping that that will solve all our prob...


Repeating sounds

My LO is nearly 9 months. He’s not consistently repeating any sounds back to me. Development questionnaire I’ve had through asks if he’s doing this. Getting a little worried. Anyone else!? Thanks


4 month old feeds

So my little girl usually has one or two bottles of breast milk a day and then goes on boob for between an hour and hour and half but I’ve just checked how long she’s fed for/how many times she’s fed as she’s has been on for a long time (for her) in the last 24 hours and I have seen this!!! I have been saying I thi...



What time do you go to bed & what time do you wake up? What time does your baby go to bed & wake up?


Breast feeding and sleep

My 4 month old still wakes up every 2 to 2.5 hours at night to feed . He sleeps around 10 hours but gets hungry at night . Soon as he's fed he goes back to sleep . Anybody else experiencing this?


8 month sleeping

Anyone else’s 8 month old waking up at 5:30 every day? She usually won’t stay up past 6:30 however been keeping her up until 8:30/9 to see if it makes a difference and still up at 5:30! Any tips or is this just my new norm 😂


Night wakes

Anybody else's baby started recently doing an extra wake at night? My baby used to go to sleep from around 7/8pm until around 2 ish, then feed and go back to sleep until 6, whereas now she always wakes before midnight, then goes back to sleep until around 4. It's honestly killing me 😑. She was 5 months on the 22nd,…


Mam Bottles

Can anybody advise on which mam bottles I should be buying for newborn. Some say ignore newborn and go straight to bigger ones as they grow out so quickly. I've looked online ,I see newborn bottles, is it just the teat you change? xx


Creating bad habits by bed sharing?

We had strict rules to never bed share, mostly due to safety but also worried about her staying in our bed forever. Shes been waking up really early so we let her in our bed to sleep for another 1-2hrs. Last night she was sick and woke up twice before we went to bed so just let her sleep with us. I do love the c...


Need help!

I always breastfed my baby to sleep and when I stopped breastfeeding her at 1 year, I would just rock her to sleep. Then when she got a little bigger, I would just lay next to her, rub her back and stay with her until she falls asleep. Well that’s been going on for a while now and she’s 17 months. I can’t get her to...


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