Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.

Can they call social services on you for declining to see the health visitor?

I don't mean the newborn check, I mean ongoing appointments, like for a toddler


Infrequent poos

Has anyone solved their baby’s infrequent poos? The GP said it’s somewhat normal that my baby only goes poo every 4-5 days but ERIC says otherwise and suggests it can cause issues further down the line. Today my baby also has quite firm poo and was in bad pain trying to get it out. Normally it’s a large amount of ve...


Breastfeeding all day

My LO is 5 weeks old and has literally been feeding all day! He’s slept for all of about 15 mins today and been on the boob so much that they are now sore. I know there’s cluster feeding but this is excessive. Is this normal?!


Bath time

Hi ladies can you recommend good bath time products for a 8 week old baby?



Anyone else’s toddler pooping In the bath? Mines just started doing it and we don’t know why?


Need help with increasing supply!

I have a 5 week old baby. Been trying to combi feed since day 1 but was encouraged to give formula in the hospital whilst my milk came in. Since day 1 she has preferred the bottle over the breast because she gets far more milk from the bottle. She goes on the breast but only for a few minutes and then gets bored. I’...


Baby Björn bouncer

Due early December and was hoping for thoughts on the bouncer? Crazy over priced or worth it?



Anyone elses baby’s gone off their milk? He eats 2-3 meals a day he will always finish his morning bottle but afternoon and before bed one’s he has a couple oz and that’s it. He’s meant to be having 21 oz and is having 18 at max. I’ve tried dropping the amount of food and still no change. He just screams until he ge...


Anyone terrible at consoling people when they're upset?

I feel sympathy and empathy internally. I'll cry for people when I'm alone but as a child we grew up being shamed for expressing emotion. So now as an adult when people are upset I just freeze up and I turn into robot mode and feel so incapable of genuinely going "oh I'm so sorry you're going through this etc" I fe...



My little one (7mo) will coo and say ahh and giggle but hasn't babbled yet. Anyone else who can relate? He has always been our observer. Makes great eye contact and is social.



Has your LO discovered their voice yet? He’s shrieking and yelling like never before just for minor things like wanting to be picked up. He screams like he’s in pain but he’s being so dramatic lately these past few days


Supplement for Lactation

Hey moms!!! Anyone have experience with supplements for lactation ?? I produce about an ounce an hour and I do pump here and there …I feel like I produce just enough for my baby but I wanna be able to make a surplus of supply to be able to store as backup in my freezer. What works for you to make A LOT of breastmilk???


Breastfeeding / bottle

Sometimes I wish I didn't choose the breastfeeding route. I thought I'd easily be able to combi feed but it's just not working. She won't really take the bottle of my milk or formula from anyone..she will take it from me occasionally and my partner but rarely. It's not the teat she just wants my boob. People who f...


Am I doing the right thing?

Hi everyone, Congratulations to all the fellow Mummies out there who have had their October babies already! I’m so lucky with my baby. At just over 2 weeks old, we already have a good 3 hour routine between waking for feeds - night time included! However, my baby will only settle for sleep again suckling on the br...


Autism & Pica

My little one has been diagnosed with pica, they say pica and autism go hand in hand. She shows a lot of autistic traits that I brushed off until now and the pica diagnosis. She used to speak so well, nearly full sentences, but now she hasn’t spoken in over a week just back to babbling.. could this be a regression? ...


Reverse cycle

I am really struggling with my baby as he will not feed during the day and only will at night! It's near impossible to feed him of I am out and about. I am breastfeeding him during the day and night but we have a formula bottle for breakfast and just before sleeping. I don't know what to do and I am thinking just m...


Planning baby number 2. Should I wait till my first child is in full time school (reception) so I don’t have 2 kids at home together for most the day. Or earlier? Please comment

P.S I don’t have support or a village but I really want my child to have a sibling.


when did your toddler sleep on their own?

this is for the moms who didn’t sleep train their babies and still helped them fall asleep until after a year. we had a lot of sleep issues when my son was younger and we didn’t have a chance to sleep train him because it would have made his already messed up sleep schedule even worse. he’s about to be 16 months and...


Milk supply dropping

Hey all! At the beginning I was an oversupplied and now it has steadily dropped, which I am sure is normal. But I am so close to making to my goal of exclusive breast milk/ breast feeding for my son’s first year. And am scared to start supplementing with formula on top of solids. I feel like my son isn’t really eati...


Postpartum nesting 😂😂

Hello mommas, how’re all our september babies doing? Eating alot? Turning you into an hungry big cookie monster? Ahahah you’re not alone… so, is postpartum nesting even a thing? Mine as gotten worse! I can’t stand a fly, mess or dirt in my house. Its funny cos everything is just so organised it scares me 😂 and also…


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