Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.

What nappies are you using through the night?

I’ve been using pampers as they were lasting a lot longer than the others I’ve tried (Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s, Aldi) He’s in the right size. But now they are leaking and I don’t want to have to wake him up just to change his nappy 🫠🫠 I know Aldi are normally good, but I’ve found that they tend to be better in the…


BF back supports?

I’m thinking of getting one of these reading pillows for night feeds in bed. Anyone try that or do something different? My back is dying with just my normal pillows against the wall. We don’t have room for a recliner or chair in our room.



I am just wondering are your babies sleeping through the night now? And if so, are you still offering a feed? My lo was sleeping 10-12hrs until about 3 and a half months. Now will be 6 months in 2 weeks and will still wake once or twice in the night!


Any other person struggling to sleep

I’m 36 weeks, struggling everyday to sleep at night. And always hungry too.



My baby (2months) will only sleep in the crib if he’s in his boppy😭which I think is fine for now until he starts to roll over…every time he’s in his crib he doesn’t like to be swaddled and laying flat he constantly has startle reflexes. Any advice ??


Waking in the night

Doesn’t anyone know what I can do to to help my baby she’s is about to be 9 months old and is waking 4-5 times a night to have her dummy put back in. She can put it in herself but most of the time she ends up moving to the other end of the cot and can’t find it again. I’ve tried putting multiple dummy’s in and that ...


Baby waking up super upset

Hey ladies, My lo has woken up the last few nights super upset. Like not the usual grizzle for attention because he's hungry. More of a panicked, actual tears, distressed cry. And it's not easy to then settle him. We got there just now and ended up giving him some Calpol in case he's in pain but I don't know if i...


LO wakes up from daytime naps crying

My LO 1 month old generally wakes up from daytime naps crying. Does anyone know why?? This is ofc she is fed and changed. Also she wont sleep in her crib for long during the day and contact naps are only way to extend her nap. During night she sleeps fine in the crib though. Any tips for daytime naps will be appreci...


Newborn sleeping routine

Hi all - my wee one is 11 days old and she won’t settle without being held. Any advice on helping her sleep a little bit in her bassinet is welcome!


Sleep Regression

Is anyone else SUFFERING from baby’s 11 month sleep regression?? Omg it’s a nightmare! He usually goes to sleep after our routine and while feeding and then I put him in his crib. Now at night, he’s taking forever falling asleep and then he wakes up and yells as soon as I put him in his crib. He just wants to sleep ...


Am I the AH?

We visit family cottages often but have a smaller bed. At home we use a side cart and a king bed, but here we have a double bed…and a separate crib. My fiancé likes to get drunk with our family, which I totally get, but I haven’t drank for a few years now (one pregnancy loss then pregnant and now our LO is 8months. ...


How are your babies sleeping at night?

Hey August mommies! I’m just wondering what are your babies sleep schedule at night? My baby is all over the place lol she goes to bed at 9pm and sometimes wakes up at 1am & 5am. Sometimes it’s 12am, 3am, & 6am. Sometimes it may even be 11pm & 6 am!!😩😩 she just made 8 weeks today ❤️


Changing a nappie - should be an Olympic sport

I need your help - any advice how to change your babies nappy, now they’re on the move and won’t sit still? Help me mums … give me some tips, as my little one seems determined to cover my house in poop lol


Reflux in babies

Anyone experiencing any reflux symptoms in their baby? My LO is 3 weeks old and seems to hate lying in her cot at night. She spits up during and after her feed and seems so unsettled afterwards. We try keeping her upright for thirty minutes after a feed however when we lie her down, her milk comes back up and she ...



Has anyone else LO hit the 4 month regression? He use to sleep well and only got us up once a night but last couple of nights it's every 2 hours and before he wake with a little whimper but now it's full on crying. His naps in the day now have to be forced and in a dark room or he will refuse to nap! One very t...


Sleepbag recommendations 8 week old

Hello, which arms out sleep bags do you use for your 8 week old? We've got a 0-6 month one from m&so but finding the poppers at night for changes a nightmare and find it hard to undo and do up again. Any easier ones out there?


How to stop breastfeeding to sleep?

As the title says, how have people stopped bfing to sleep?? My daughter literally will.not.sleeep unless on my boob and I've ended up cosleeping out of desperation. Has anyone successfully broken the feed to sleep association without stopping bfing all together? I'd like to bf until she's a year, but I can't imagine...


lack of sleep…for both of us.

my daughter is gunna be 2 months old next week and the last couple days (and nights) she sleeps so little. i’ve tried everything. baths before bed, turning all lights off with white noise, red lighting and white noise, feeding her closer to bed time, burping her more often, massages with lotion, baby relaxation vide...


Baby sleep during the day

First of all, I’m SO grateful to have a good sleeper at night 🙏🏽🤍 however .. 🤣 during the day, my little 5 week old boy won’t sleep unless he’s in someone’s arms. It’s just me most days and I cannot hold him everytime he naps! I have stuff to get done 😬 I don’t want to carry him in a carry thing, as he has casts…


Sleeping at 11pm 😂😭

Just wondering if anyone else has a fomo baby /late sleeper? My LO doesn’t sleep great through the night! He is 11m, and wake windows are 3.5h, 3.5h and then 4.5 hours! He wakes around 8-9am and then with his long wake windows and fairly short naps, his bedtime is quite late 10-11pm recently. He just won’t sleep ...


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