Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.

Nappies at night

My little one has recently started wetting through his nappies at night, this has never happened before but it’s almost every night now. It doesn’t happen in the day at all! Has anyone experienced this and have any advice?


5am wake up

Little one wakes up dead on 5am most days and won’t go back to sleep! Just sits up in his cot screaming until I go in. Any tips on how to make this later? Have tried a later bedtime but still wakes up at 5!!


Baby sleeping

My baby is a week old and for about 4 nights in a row now they won’t sleep at night unless it’s on me or my partner. The second they get put in their bed they are awake and start fussing. During the day they sleep no problem it’s just from 1/2am until 7am they are a real issue. Any advice on this? I hope it’s just a...


Baby can't soothe herself to sleep for naps or nighttime. How do I sleep train her ? She's 6 months. I'm desperately in need of sleep and she wakes up around 3 to 4 times a night. Her naps are very short too.

When she's not napping she wants attention 100% of the time and she doesn't entertain herself, she wants to be picked up at all times. I think she has some attachment issues as I am exclusively breastfeeding since the beginning and during naps or during the night she relies on the boob to fall asleep as well as comf...


Waking in the night

My nearly 2 year has started randomly waking in the night and won’t go back to sleep for hours, she just wakes up and plays in her cot. It’s not every night so is driving me mad trying to think why it’s happening as her routines the same everyday 🤦🏻‍♀️ anyone else had the same thing?



I’m a ftm my baby is 20 days old she won’t sleep in her crib at all since birth she always hated being in the bassinet and when we swaddle her she rolls over and breaks out of it so I let her sleep wit me in the bed with me and another thing is she’s very congested I need help she screams allot idk what to do


Bassinet Help!

Hi! I need help getting my baby to sleep in the bassinet. She is two months and refuses to sleep anywhere but on me or in a docatot in my bed or next to me. I’m terrified to sleep with her and need to start the bassinet journey more hard core without losing more sleep and sanity! I’ve tried the five S’s and to have ...


How can I get my 2 year old to wake up later??

I’ve tried everything! But I can’t be dealing with these early morning starts every friggin day. Are there melatonin tablets or something anyone can recommend I can give him or should I take him to the drs? I’m literally losing my patience every single morning and it just ruins the day because we are so tired.


Baby bedtime 🌙

What time do you put your baby to bed at night? How many naps do they take throughout the day?


Do I lock her in at night!?

So, my toddler just figured out she can easily and quietly climb out of her crib and her room is not ready for that 😅 I already have everything to completely baby proof it and I’m doing that tomorrow, BUT do I lock her door at night so she can’t leave the room? Her bedroom is next to ours on the second floor and…


Waking up

My 18 month old is constantly getting up now always about 3:30. 2 nights ago she took 3 hours to get back to sleep. We brought her through to our bed but this didn’t work. Now she’s up again. The lack of sleep is killing me. Any advice?


Waking at night?

Anyone else still nursing their LO throughout the day and to sleep? If so, how often are they waking up at night? Sincerely, a tired Mama



My little one was born on Wednesday, he has been perfect so far bug seems to cry a lot when he’s due a poo and I think all babies associate pain with being hungry and just wants to latch. I let him and he latches and suckles for a second then spits out and cries more, not much soothes him, rocking and dancing aroun...


3am poop

My baby for the last few weeks/month, has been doing a poop at about 3am, it's very consistent. I don't know why, he hasn't started weaning so it's not that. When I change his nappy he's then awake for like 1.5 hours as he's very awake after nappy change but I can't not change him. And if he doesn't poop, he's re...


What nappies are you using through the night?

I’ve been using pampers as they were lasting a lot longer than the others I’ve tried (Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s, Aldi) He’s in the right size. But now they are leaking and I don’t want to have to wake him up just to change his nappy 🫠🫠 I know Aldi are normally good, but I’ve found that they tend to be better in the…


BF back supports?

I’m thinking of getting one of these reading pillows for night feeds in bed. Anyone try that or do something different? My back is dying with just my normal pillows against the wall. We don’t have room for a recliner or chair in our room.



I am just wondering are your babies sleeping through the night now? And if so, are you still offering a feed? My lo was sleeping 10-12hrs until about 3 and a half months. Now will be 6 months in 2 weeks and will still wake once or twice in the night!


Any other person struggling to sleep

I’m 36 weeks, struggling everyday to sleep at night. And always hungry too.



My baby (2months) will only sleep in the crib if he’s in his boppy😭which I think is fine for now until he starts to roll over…every time he’s in his crib he doesn’t like to be swaddled and laying flat he constantly has startle reflexes. Any advice ??


Waking in the night

Doesn’t anyone know what I can do to to help my baby she’s is about to be 9 months old and is waking 4-5 times a night to have her dummy put back in. She can put it in herself but most of the time she ends up moving to the other end of the cot and can’t find it again. I’ve tried putting multiple dummy’s in and that ...


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