Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.

No more dummy!

I took my daughter to the dentist for the first time today. She is 2.5 years old. They told me she had a slight overbite due to her using a dummy (at night time only). Any advice on how I can wean her off the dummy 🫣 or do I just get rid of it completely??


Do you wake up your baby for MOTN feeds?

We have a formula fed 9 week old, and are waking her up at 1-2am for her middle of the night feed after putting her down around 9pm. I’m thinking about seeing how long she can go without waking her. Wondering what your experiences have been?


Nap time sleep training

I’m trying to get my baby to sleep in his crib for nap times. We will continue to co sleep at night though! Has anyone tried the Ferber method for sleep training? I feel bad for even considering this, but I need my baby to start sleeping in his crib more. Don’t get me wrong, I loooove his snuggles when he’s nappin...


5pm bedtime

Hi all, My daughter tends to not nap much anymore, when she does she will go to bed around 7:30/8:30 but when she doesn’t nap she’s ready around 5/5:30pm. So one day I decided to try it to see if it worked and it did! She slept from about 5:15-8! And we’ve done it a few times now when she’s been really tired, what...


Down to one nap?

Anyone's little one down to just one nap? Ours has been fighting both of his naps for the last couple weeks but still sleeps through. He is cutting another tooth, but each time before he was also having terrible night sleep. What do your current routines look like? How are you fitting in a midday nap plus lunch?


So sleep deprived

My baby is 10 months, she gets up multiple times at night. I am so sleep deprived but have always struggled to nap in the day even when i try which is so exhausting, I think the anxiety of the never ending to do list stops me from sleeping (prepping 3 meals a day for baby, cooking for me and husband and all the othe...


Anyone else baby started waking up at 5:30 😩

Is there a sleep regression at 11/12 months?


Fighting second nap

Hey Mamas. My little boy is 1yo and fighting his second nap the last 3/4 days! Taking his dummy out and throwing it as soon as we enter his room and will do this over and over. 🤣 He sleeps through the night mostly so could it be he’s ready to drop it? Anyone else having this? Xxx


Co sleeping toddlers

Do any of you co sleeping toddlers sleep through the night?


Baby resisting naps

My 7 month old has recently started resisting naps and hard to put down for bed. We aren’t on a specific schedule with naps, we just follow his cues. Once we see the sleepy signs we take him to his room, give him a bottle, rock him etc., but it takes forever to get him to calm down and sleep. He’s a great nighttime ...



My baby is around 15 weeks and wondered are you putting baby down to sleep upstairs in there own cot/next2me on an evening and then heading downstairs until you are ready for bed or does baby stay downstairs with you until you are ready to head up?


So fussy!

My little one is four and a half months and is suddenly so fussy! She is teething and biting her hands a lot. Lots of drool too but she is now crying a lot and her volume of feeding has halved. Is this normal or should I bring her to the doctor? Naps are now 30 minutes but she still sleeps 10 hours each night


1 nap.. sleep times/wake windows

How long are your little ones napping for? My lo naps for 3hrs- 3.5hrs and most of the time I have to wake her.. is that too long? Also what time do your babies wake and go to bed?


7 week old wakes himself up from naps

We barely get 10 mins when my little one has gone down for a sleep. He wakes himself up grunting and moving within 10 mins more often than not. Anyone else have the same?


When will bed time be?!?!?!

My daughter has just had a 30 minute nap (usually doesn't nap anymore) bed time usually 6 what shall I do!


Sleep 😩

For the last 4 consecutive days my 10 month has been fighting his second nap to point that he then misses it completely. I’m not sure what to do. I think he is too young to drop to 1 nap at the same time I can’t be up in his room for 1.5 hours trying to put him to sleep. Have you mamas experienced this with your lit...


8 month old naps

My baby is not following usual wake windows of 2.5-3 hours appropriate for age. She is staying awake for hours fighting her nap. What do I do?


I don’t feel I can cope mentally or physically

My LO is 14 weeks and I think she’s hitting that first sleep regression. She won’t nap unless it’s on me even though I’ve tried a nap routine and started it as soon as she gives me sleepy cues. She just screams on me till she falls asleep. If I try to put her down when she is content but drowsy she will scream. It’s...


Morning prep

What’s one thing(s) you do at night to help you make morning routine smooth when having to get kids ready?


Screaming at night, awake every sleep cycle

Losing my mind, my almost 15m old, is screaming at night waking every hour, I don’t know if she’s teething she has two poking through, and she’s just recovered from the flu. I don’t understand shes never been a good sleeper but this is something else. I honestly feel triggered by these screams.


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