Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.


Morning! Just after some reassurance really, my son is 6 months old and over the past 3-4 weeks has started screeching and yelling (sometimes a lot 🥲) sometimes he seems quite annoyed when he’s doing it, like when I’m trying to get ready and he wants my attention, sometimes he screeches and then smiles and giggles…


Worried my baby is falling behind in milestones

I know I shouldn't compare other babies to her but it's really hard not to. She is 16 months old and she's not walking, cruising and pulling to stand ect though. I see other babies around who are a lot younger and they are walking and have shoes and just look more like a toddler rather than a baby. Either watching o...


He’s walking 🥹

Can’t believe my dude turning 1 in 3 weeks. Time flies.. My son hates shoes, any suggestions?


Throwing backwards

Anyone else's baby throwing themselves backwards repeatedly? She's been doing it a while and she absolutely loves it, anytime she's sat up, whether it's on me or next to me on the sofa, she throws herself backwards, sits herself back up again (sometimes with help 😅) and then does it again! It's like a little game…


10 month old hitting

My 10 month old is like a vicious little monster lol she is constantly hitting and scratching people in the face. I tell her no but if I hold her had so she can't do it and tell her no at the same time she laughs. I'm lost my older girls weren't like this so I don't know what else to do


22 month

All I have to say is my 22 month old is driving me insane.



My daughter screams all the time.. and it’s not just a little scream it’s the most horrific ear bleeding scream. She does it when I say no mostly so I stopped saying no and tried the give another option idea but she still screams. She also screams when she’s playing. I could ignore it for a while but by the end of t...


Tips to help walk

I know all babies develop at their own time but it’s really hard having a 13 month old who still isn’t walking. She’s been crawling and pulling up on things for months. She’ll walk holding my hands but won’t even stand up by herself yet. She’s the last of her friends her age to not be walking. They’re all running by...


Head banging

My son is head banging a lot when frustrated! He’s now got a nasty bruise on his head from it:( heartbreaking watching it but is anyone else’s little one doing this?



My baby is screaming because of trapped wind. No matter what I do I can't get it out of him. Idk what to do someone please help me😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭I'm tired and he's tired and I can't. And the noises he makes😫😫😭😭



My little is almost 17 months and only says mama and dada. And lots of noises and babbling. Are your kids talking yet??



Hi ladies…my baby is about 17 months and recently he has started hitting. I can tell he’s doing it when tired or over/under stimulated and I just do with him how I taught him with the dog…I’ll say no and take his hand to slowly touch me/the dog or I’ll slowly touch his arm and repeat “gentle, nice” but he definitel...


Violent toddler

Hey. Desperately looking for advice please, from anyone who's gone through the same. I know this is just a stage and I've been told it's normal, but it feels like my little boy is the only one who acts like this. I never see another kids behave the way he does. He's an amazing little boy. He's 1yr7months old. And ...



Anyone else’s baby not crawling yet or showing much signs of being close? My wee boy was 4 weeks early so maybe I’m expecting too much but I feel like he doesn’t have much upper body strength 😵‍💫


Is social media gaslighting me??

I'm sure I see way too many post with people stating their baby is 6 months same as my boy.. but doing things like standing and pulling themselves up.. one post their baby was basically doing cartwheels on a floor bed... is my son that delayed or are your 6 month old doing this??? He's sitting unaided now and I felt...


Will your baby tolerate being put down?

If I lay my baby on her mat, play gym, bouncer etc. she will start crying within 2 mins. Anyone else?



My 1 year old daughter has started smacking, I have no idea where she has got it from, we don’t smack, she’s never seen smacking between me and my partner🤯 I know kids go through phases of trying things, but I’ve tried multiple things of trying to get her to stop. I’ve tried by saying no, by ignoring her, by fake…


Being beaten up by baby

Anyone else getting beaten up by their baby? Every day he's constantly thumping me with his fists and he's pretty strong! And kicking me in the csection scar any time he can especially during nappy changes.


Floor mat recommendations

My baby has started crawling, and I don't like placing her on the carpet because we have 4 dogs( if you know you know). Hair everywhere. I do, however, put her on a blanket, but it moves when she does making it slippery and hard to crawl on. I'm looking for a non-slip floor mat to put on the rug and floor, please....


Do they know?!

My 2.5 year old told me that I have a baby sister in my tummy.... we only found out we are pregnant Saturday and definitley not said anything around her 🤣🤣 do they just know?!?


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