Is social media gaslighting me??

I'm sure I see way too many post with people stating their baby is 6 months same as my boy.. but doing things like standing and pulling themselves up.. one post their baby was basically doing cartwheels on a floor bed... is my son that delayed or are your 6 month old doing this??? He's sitting unaided now and I felt like that was absolutely amazing 😅😅😅
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Haaaa my first was like that, she was cruising furniture nearly by now and was walking by 10 months. My second didn’t roll till 9 months, BLISS

My little one is army crawling and rolling but absolutely not interested in sitting unaided. They all have their own time lines I guess, but my LO definitely isn't pulling herself to standing

Nope! My girl is nearly able to sit unaided. But she can roll and drag herself across the floor now! They all do it at different rates. I know it’s so hard not to compare but please don’t worry, there is nothing wrong x

Nope, mine is almost sitting unaided. Doesn't like tummy time but is getting slowly better at using her knees and pushing herself up, but no crawling yet. And definitely isn't standing yet 😅 Milestones are guidelines, each baby will do what they please when they're ready 🥰 x

My girl is only just about sitting up unaided, no signs of rolling over or crawling either. Just trying not to compare with others because she will do in her own time if we keep encouraging and supporting her! Xx

I do feel like my 29/04 son is quite advanced but he could do a few things early that others can’t and in a few months time be doing less than what other babies can. It doesn’t matter as long as they are reaching milestones and showing interest in doing things. My son rolled from back to front at 3.5 months, sat unaided from 4.5 months, rolled tummy to back at 5 months, standing constantly and pulling himself up (holding my hands not furniture yet), he took a few steps today holding onto my hands which was amazing to see. They all end up the same in a years time, don’t stress and enjoy the potato stage whilst it lasts 😅 x

My baby is 7 months old and can sit up if you put him up but after a little while he sometimes flops to the side bless him. He can roll both ways and looks like he wants to crawl any day now !

Not to show off or anything but my baby was sitting unaided from 4 months, at 4 months he also started crawling, at 5 months he started getting up, now at six he gets up confidently holding on to something off course. But there are some areas that other babies are doing much better than him, such as sleeping through the night, some have teeth already ( mine has been teething since 3 months yet nothing has emerged), accepting solids. I feel like every babies are different so there’s no point comparing our ones to the other, in their time they will do it. It just like life in general some gets there before others and it doesn’t mean we are delayed it’s just not our time yet.

No he’s not delayed. It’s amazing some babies are able to do that already. My little girl can roll from back to front but not the other way around. Can’t yet sit unaided. She’s now in her own room and sleeping well after a few sleepless weeks..

My baby can sit unassisted. That’s it so far 😂. He’s also 20lbs 8 so maybe he’s simply too dang heavy to drag himself about just yet lmao

My just learnt to roll, but doesn’t do it much without the motivation of a packet of wipes. She can sit unaided but can’t sit up from lying down. Every baby is so different. I watched videos on how to encourage rolling for weeks, did those things with her- she didn’t learn until she was ready

My daughter is almost 7 months and has just started to sit up by herself. I felt the same way too but babies will do things in their own time.

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