Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

How much milk are your little ones having ? 20 weeks

How much milk are your little ones drinking! Mine still won’t go above 180 ml and I’m often having to split into two feedings over 4 hours as he won’t take it all! Is that normal? I’m so used to babies in my families always wanting lots of milk but mine seems like he wants the bare minimum of what’s needed …


Infant gaviscon

Anyone can help with the instructions? My son is on 6oz currently and weighs over 10lb. The instructions say give one sachet per 4oz feed but as my son is having more, should I be giving 2sachets? He only has it every other feed anyway as I don’t want him to become too reliant on it however I don’t think it’s workin...


What water bottles is everyone using for out and about?

We have a Tum tum and a doidy at home but need something to take out that won’t spill in the bag


Washer / dryer / steriliser

Can anyone recommend a washer, steriliser and dryer please? Or even just a steriliser & dryer. It’s such a chore having to wait for them to air dry🤣 thanks in advance!


How many oz a day

28th May boy born a week late at 8.2lbs How often are you feeding and how much? He’s having 25-30oz depending if he wakes in the night. 5 /6 bottles in 24hours roughly. In size 6-9 months but not for long lol 😂


Sterilising bottles

When did people stop sterilising bottles? My little one is half and half with food and milk and it feels a bit redundant sterilising her bottles when she’s on the move and putting none sterile things in her mouth yet I am still sterilising her bottles🤦‍♀️ EDIT- I am formula feeding and making bottles by adding…


Milk for 14mo

When/How are you giving your 14mos their milk? Also how much are you giving now?


Formula Amount

Hi Everyone. I'm just curious to know how much formula your babies are having at 11 months old. My baby will be 11 months on 24th October. He's a big eater - breakfast, lunch and tea. He eats everything - fruit, veg, protein etc. He's now only having one 9oz bottle at night, I dropped his mid-morning feed because...


Milk intake

How much milk is everyone’s 12 month old having to drink in the day now? We are mid transition from formula to cows milk (just using up the last of the formula). My little girl has never been a massive eater in terms of solids, still gags a lot and tends to spit out any chunks etc so doesn’t actually swallow a lot ...


Milk from bottles / cups - teeth question

Finally my 22mo is accepting milk from a straw cup (tum tum) but is this actually progress from a bottle, as it’s still a rubber thing that sits behind the teeth like a bottle teat would?? So is it any better or not? I know the main goal is a cup but we’re a way off that over here 😅 so just trying to save his…


Introducing formula

My baby is almost 5 months and I have been EBF and in the last few weeks I’ve introduced one bottle of pumped milk before bed in a bottle. I’m wondering for those in a similar situation if and when have you introduced formula to your baby? I’d like to bf as long as I can but I feel like giving him another bottle dur...


Feeding how many ozs

Heyyy lovelies, My little boy will be 10 weeks this Friday and he’s still on 4oz every 3/4 hours. Sometimes he will only takw 2/3oz of that bottle though. Is this ok? Do I need to up it even though he doesn’t always take the 4oz? What is everyone else’s little ones on? Xxx


Anybody else's baby eat every hour?

My son is 2 weeks old and he acts hungry every 1 to 1.5 hours. I try other things before getting the bottle but it always turns out he wants the bottle. I only bottle feed and he drinks about 1-2 ounces every feeding. At night, he'll sometimes go 2.5-3 hours in between feedings but not during the day.


Who is introducing a blanket now, and who is waiting 18+ months?

I know they say 12 months at the earliest, but recommend waiting at least 18 months. What is your game plan? My oldest is 13, and I can't remember when I did for her, although I'm pretty sure it was later. Bonus points if you tell me if you have a certain blanket or game plan to reduce anxiety


Seeking advice

My 9 month old won't drink his formula anymore. He will go hours without a bottle I try to get him to take one and he'll either fight me or drink a little bit and be done. The only time he will drink a bottle is when he's really tired or in the middle of the night. I'm starting to get worried. Are anyone else's babi...


New to Boy mom life!!

Any of you boy mommas have tips and tricks, I have a 3 yr old girly girl right now and will have my baby boy in January and was wondering how much different they could be or if I’m just being dramatic about the difference. Let me know your tips!!


Expressing Mommas!

Hey ladies, for those who are expressing, how often are you feeding your little ones and how much are they taking? At the moment, my little boy is having 4oz, every 3hrs and wakes once in the night for a feed! ✨


Newborn feeding

Looking for some advice regarding feeding. My little boy is 3 weeks on Thursday, I’ve moved from breastfeeding to expressing and giving him bottles however in the last couple days we’ve had to up the amount we’re giving him to 4oz as he wasn’t settling with less. He’s now finishing the 4oz and searching for milk aro...


Colostrum advice

Here’s my first collection today at 37 weeks 😊 is everyone else collecting straight into the syringe from the nipple, or do you try to express it into a pot first then syringe it up?



How many bottles/oz of milk are your 10/11 month olds having now? X


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