Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Care.

Bathtime and separation anxiety

Anyone elseā€™s LO suddenly decided they hate even the sight of water? We tried and bailed on bathtime two nights in a row now, but canā€™t get LO to go near the bath. He just climbs up me and gets really really upset. Now this morning if I put him down or even look like Iā€™m going to put him down he gets very upset fast...


Baby chewing on hands

Baby is chewing on his hands so much it makes him gag?? He threw up a little this morning as a result ! What do I do??


Anyone else unsure on CMPA diagnosis?

This is a long one so stick with me here šŸ™ƒ From birth my son was breastfed but I wasnā€™t producing enough milk which led to him dropping 12% of his birth weight at his 5 day midwife check, I was sent to see the paediatric who advised topping him up on formula until my milk came in which it never did so eventuallyā€¦



My baby has not pooped since sunday morning. Heā€™s not in pain and heā€™s still passing gas. Iā€™m going to call the pediatrician when they open this morning to see what they say but anybody have any ways to try and get him to poop. Please dear god donā€™t say bicycle kicks. Lil dude has probably done the Tour de France wi...


One year jabs

My son has his 1 year jabs today, did anyone else's little one get poorly after theirs ?


6 week old in pain :(

Hiya my baby is 6 weeks old and has not had the best of luck to his start of life. At the moment heā€™s got RSV and bronchiolitis which weā€™re struggling with. And also two hernias which need surgery to be fixed. They told me at the hospital that it can be painful for him at times and he just sometimes looks like heā€™s ...


Spit up

My little one is about 3 1/2 months and has begun spitting up a lot more in the last few days. It used to be almost never, and today it was 6+ times. He still seems to be in a pretty good mood, and is still peeing and pooping like normal. Is this normal? When should I be concerned?



Help me please! How to soothe a baby with colic? Stressing me out


11 week old pooping way too much? please help

he usually poops once a day but has now in the space of 12 hrs gone 11 times. what do i do and why is this happening? its a normal colour and heā€™s in good enough form but seems to be crying in pain every so often but then stops. less than 15 mins after every feed he does a big fart and poo and his tummy is gurgling...


Tongue Tie Release??

Looking for stories from people whoā€™ve had their babyā€™s tongue tie releasedā€¦ how old were they? How bad was the tongue tie? Did it help feeding significantly once it was released? Do you wish you did anything differently? Was the procedure really rough? TIA! šŸ˜¢ā¤ļø


Only popping once a week

Hi mamaā€™s - my 5 month baby for the last few weeks has started to only poop every 5 days or so. Prior to this heā€™d have at least 2 poops a day and all of a sudden itā€™s changed to once every 5 days or so. He seems fine in himself / but Iā€™m worried as this doesnā€™t seem normal?? Heā€™s exclusively breastfedā€¦ any one else...



Constipation My 6 week old son hasn't had a dirty nappy since Monday morning and is really unsettled and in obvious pain. He's squirming and goes bright red. I've tried the bicycle thing with his legs but still nothing..... (He was premature so still behaving like a newborn too)


8 weeks injections and calpol

Am l okay to give my son calpol for his 8 week immunisations. He turns 8 weeks tommorrow and l know calpol is from 2 months. He was born on the 15th of august so technically he isnt 2 months until next week on the 15th. Can l still give him some?


Is my daughter dehydrated?

Shes 2 months old and I just found that in her diaper Sheā€™s breastfed and eat whenever she wants


What should I do

My 1 year old daughter was in the kitchen and the bottom bit of the cupboard fell on her fingers! She cried out in pain for about 5 minutes but is now okay and asleep this was about 2 hours ago. Iā€™m sure it will heal on its own but wouldnā€™t mind some more opinions as Iā€™m worried itā€™s really saw for her!! Thank you x


Bath time routine

Those of you who do a bath as part of a peaceful bedtime routine, how do you make it peaceful? We currently only bath her 1-2 times per week, because although she seems to enjoy the bath... Or is at least quiet, as soon as we take her out of the bath and wrap her in a towel she screams bloody murder until she is fu...


Bath time

At what time and how often do you bath your baby?


Flu jab

I am entailed to the flu jab every year due to a weak immune system. However this year they want to know if you are breastfeeding as there isnā€™t any research done on this new version on the impact it has on newborns! Has anyone had the flu jab and found it all okay? Or has anyone done research on it? Thanks xx


Donating hair for a good cause

Hi everyone, I had my baby almost 3 months ago, and my hair is still very long. I would like to cut it before I start losing it. Does anyone know of a place where I could cut and donate hair for a good cause in the Sacramento area?



When after a c section did you have a bath? I been showering but love my bath I had c section 12days ago


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