Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.


What’s your take on sugar intake in the form of sweets/chocolate/puddings/biscuits? Our LO has had 1 bite of birthday cake 3 times - aside from that he hasn’t had anything else sugary, my partner wants to put some chocolate buttons in a Christmas Eve box but I’m still 😬😬😬 I don’t know if I’m being overly cautious…


Is it true you have more morning sickness with a girl?

I have a little boy already and never really felt sick while pregnant with him. Now pregnant with number 2 and feel totally awful. Vomiting and wretching, the smallest thing makes me feel sick. Wondering if it’s cos it’s a girl or just cos it’s a different pregnancy!



Is brown discharge normal? Had some this morning, no other symptoms with it


Back pain

Hi Is anyone getting extreme back pain 😢 and what is everyone using for it? Is tiger balm safe to use. I think previously I was told that deep heat wasn't safe to use during pregnancy. Thanks x


Sorry for tmi …

Does anyone else have loose stool first thing in the morning ? 24 weeks had it for a week now.


Arm movements

Is this normal? He’s nearly 9 months and has restless/flappy arms sometimes. It’s not constant but every day. I’m not sure if he’s excited etc… any advice?


Patiently waiting

Just wondering if anyone is/has had a similar experience. I’ve had a week of back ache, really low, plus pelvic pressure, and since Saturday irregular period cramps. Sleeping a lot!! I was hoping this might all be a positive sign something might happen, but also had no show/waters. Head last week was engaged 2/5. It...


Reduced movements

Getting stressed about movements. Normally when I put my toddler to bed the baby kicks like there's no tomorrow but he didn't. I ate some m&ms and felt like he did tiny flutters buy not the big ones he normally does. Didn't feel him kick in the night or when I've got up like he normally does. I've got no one to ha...


38 + 4 Days: advice please

Too many things been going on past couple of days or weeks shall we say. On and off light bleeding last week and stopped. Tightness and in continuous pain for hours 6-7 hours around whole belly, was then told was braxton hicks…was not impressed. Some hard cramping pains yesterday, all lower and was on and off thr...


35wks & I haven’t felt any braxton hicks?

Just wondering if there are any mommas in the same boat or maybe someone could describe them if I possibly can’t tell I’m having them? Also recently when I have to go pee usually my whole belly is very hard but now the bottom is very squishy? TIA! 😊


Lots of bloating/sharp stomach pain

Hi all. I’m 20 weeks pregnant and for the last few weeks have been dealing with a lot of bloating, gas and sharp stomach pains in the afternoons. This starts at around 3pm and has usually settled/calmed down by 10pm. My stomach is flat in the mornings and I look absolutely huge while I’m experiencing the sharp pains...



What symptoms is everyone having this early on? I'm about 5.5 weeks and just feeling tired, headaches and on/off nausea 🥴🥴


PGP- how to relieve symptoms

I got diagnosed about a month ago - I’m now 24 weeks pregnant. I’ve been in excruciating pain for the last 2 days and rang my maternity assessment unit - they’ve told me there is nothing they can do as I’m on maximum pain relief - but it’s not touching the sides. Any advice would be great as I feel helpless x


Bleeding and cramping

The past few hours I have had constant intense cramping in my lower stomach and just had quite a bit of blood when going to the toilet I’m 37+ 3 first time pregnant and not sure what to do


Postpartum cramping

So I'm 8 months postpartum and have been cramping over the past 2 months or so. Still no period and not pregnant. Has anyone else experienced this? I know cramping is normal but I thought it was only up until 6-8 weeks. I've had PCOS since I was a teen, but didn't normally cramp unless I had my period. Should I be c...


Just me ?

Is it just me but that feeling when the baby is kicking inside the womb really weirds me out like I love it yes but it feels weird am I a bad mom for saying this 🥺


Do you have insomnia?

By that I mean awake for atleast 2-5 hours at night before or during the night for 3 nights or more a week


Rough night

Having such a rough night tonight. Honestly think I’ve slept an hour max and that’s been scattered throughout the night. I could honestly scream or cry.


Close to giving birth?

I’ve had a lot of pressure on my pelvic area as well as my belly just hurts like it’s always painful. Accompanied by lower back pain No mucus plug loss or contractions but wondering if this meant I’m close to labor?


belly dropping?

has my belly dropped? im a first time mom and have no clue what my belly dropping looks like or means.... i added a picture from yesterday in the comments to compare them


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