Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Feel like I'm going to explode!

I'm 25 weeks today and every time I eat my lunch I feel like I'm literally going to explode I'm at work and struggling to even stay awake but also feel sooo uncomfortable! Please tell me I'm not the only one


Restless leg syndrome

I'm 30 weeks and have had the worst RLS at night before falling asleep since 28 weeks. At first compression socks helped! Now they don't at all :( I've tried every size/compression there is. Last night I tried a bath and heating pad and that failed too. Anyone else have this? What works for you?


Does anybody else rage when they’re pregnant and their snacks are eaten by little gremlins?

I’m temporarily living with my mother. I have three siblings who are under the age of 10 and two kids under the age of 7. I never know which child is eating the snacks because out of the 5 there’s 3 that would be the culprit. 1 being my daughter. My son would ask before ever taking. I’m pregnant and I have a strong ...



Grateful it’s just that t the moment but anything I can do to calm it down a bit? I wouldn’t mind so much but it’s making me do nothing but lay on the sofa for hours which isn’t ideal because I also have a job😂


Missing Symptoms

I'm 6 weeks tomorrow, but the only symptoms I've really had this week are sore boobs, bloating and headaches.... past 2 weeks I was super tired, but that's gone away this week... no sickness or food aversions yet. Anyone else been in a similar situation? It half makes me wonder if I'm actually pregnant 😂 I'll be…



Did anyone bleed immediately after a sweep? It’s only been just over an hour and I’m having light period type bleeding . Is this a positive sign ?


Am I in labor?

I woke up at 3am to pee, and as soon as I layed back down, I started getting what feels like period cramps and they have been on and off since then. I get at least 3 really strong ones in an hour followed by more milder ones. I have been in and out of the bathroom since 3am with either peeing or feeling like I have ...


Rolling front to back

My baby started rolling front to back when placed on his tummy at around 4mths but then stopped as soon he could roll back to front. He now loves rolling from back to front and has started doing this in his cot as well. He’s no longer interested in rolling to his back … even when frustrated on his tummy. Any tips?



Hey mamas! I’m 5 + 6 days, so 6 weeks tomorrow! This is my first time, so all these symptoms and especially nausea are FLOORING me. To the point I’m like can I work?🤣 My symptoms are mainly nausea, greasy HAIR!?, spots, crampy and MEGA food aversions😷 I’ve got a bunch of anxiety & questions! I’d love to make…


Change in movements

Hey! Currently 36+3 and have change in movements. I get baba is running out of space and won't move as much but I'm overthinking and worrying about monitoring my movements, I feel like they are reduced but not sure if they are? They aren't as powerful just little nudges? Anyone else experiencing this?



When did everyone start to feel baby move I’ve been told I have an anterior placenta and I’m 18 and a half weeks but felt nothing as of yet 💙



Anyone else having days where they just feel overwhelmed?? I’m on holiday atm and my boyfriends gone for a walk (i can’t because horrific sciatica) so I’ve just been sat with my own thoughts and nearly crying because my brain is going a million miles an hour with all the different things we have to buy, stuff I need...


Anyone else?

Went to my appointment yesterday had my NST 1st i wasn't even on it for 20 minutes my dr came in asked how I was in told her fine just contracting she goes yep you are baby looks great tho then had me go to the room checked me and im still 1cm but im 50% effaced now they said they felt her head too so they sent me t...


Leg cramps

I’m 5weeks and 1day has anyone experienced leg cramps or pain before I’ve never experienced it before with any of my pregnancy is it normal and if so is there anything I can do or take to help I can’t even sleep comment below 👇 Thanks ☺️


Anyone nauseous?

Just recently started feeling nauseous. I dont know if it’s stress related or if there’s something wrong with me or If It’s what I ate? Do hormones trying to return to normal do that?? I’m overthinking. Please help.


Reduced movement

Been able to feel baby since 16 weeks no patterns just moving most of they day, im going on 18 weeks and haven’t felt her move in around 2 days, have an at home Doppler and can hear her heartbeat. should I be worried or contact the hospital? Or is this normal?



I’m 6+2 and the ‘morning’ sickness is absolutely flooring me. HOW are we supposed to keep getting up and going to work like this? How long does it last? 😂


Symptoms easing

Is anyone elses symptoms easing? I’m 11+1 today and I don’t feel half as bad as what I had been. Is this normal?


Dreams come true 🥹🩷

Jumped out of bed last night for a once in a lifetime photo shoot


Baby #3, soon to be two under twoish.

About 5weeks and I’m nervous. Today I wiped and there was some light brown discharge. I’m hoping it’s just implantation bleeding… 😮‍💨😮‍💨 I thought I was pregnant months ago but it was a late period. Maybe it didn’t take. So I’m nervous about this one. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 anyone ever have the spotting and be fine?


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