Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Anyone else having sharp side pains?

I’m 19w3d today and yesterday I started having weird, sharp side pains. They are lower on my sides and I’m wondering if it could just be the baby kicking as I have no idea what that feels like and they don’t last a long time. I know she’s very active from what I’ve seen on ultrasound I just haven’t felt kicking yet ...


Pain in vagina

Hiya I’m 33 weeks and have been experiencing like a cramp sort of pain I wanna say it’s my pubic bone feels like I’ve been kicked in assuming it’s just babies head their but does anyone know how to get rid of the pain 😫😫



Did anyone have quite bad cramping at 4 weeks (had for about a week) and everything be okay?


How many of you have eaten clay or chalk

I posted about these cravings before and some of women mentioned pica and possibly lacking some vitamins which is why I’m craving it. I’ve booked for blood work. In the meantime I’ve been researching A LOT because the cravings just get stronger apparently it’s a thing many people (majority women) around the world e...



Anyone Else’s 4 month old can’t/not interested in rolling yet?


Body aches ?

23 weeks and ache everywhere ! Anyone else ?? Not sure if it’s me coming down with something or pregnancy Xx


Baby Movements

Has anyone called triage for baby moving too much? Sounds so ridiculous when you say it out loud, but baby hasn’t stopped kicking or moving all morning which is just outside of his normal pattern. 🧐


Hip pain

Hey! Has anyone been suffering with hip pain? I can barely sleep because I get pain in my hips, feels like a building cramp, I rotate to the other side and then that one starts to build too. I am currently sleeping with pillows between knees but not sure if there is anything else I can do or should I just say goodby...


Feel huge!

Hit 23 weeks and feeling massive. I don’t remember this with my first. My bump feels heavy and more solid all of a sudden. Any one else experiencing this?



Literally every day I’m craving take aways😭 to the point where I actually NEED to eat it🤣 Last week had chinese twice. Yesterday Indian, and now it’s 12 in afternoon and I NEED a lamb shish with rice. Why do my cravings have to be so expensive 😂😂


Movements come and go

I can feel baby moving but its still really inconsistent. Is that normal at this stage (19 weeks)? Sometimes kicks are really noticeable and feel firm (for a tiny baby) and other times they are super faint and i have to r really focus to feel. Sometimes i don’t feel her at all day and i get worried that the move...



Hi, just want to see if anyone’s had similar since having their baby :) So I had my baby on the 13th September. My postpartum bleeding completely stopped after around a week and a half. Last night I randomly had a bit of brown blood on my pants.. I put a pad on and didn’t think anything of it until this morning. I w...



Does anyone have really crazy dreams to the point where you wake up crying?


HELP? 32 weeks pregnant.

Every ince in a while I would have a nightmare and wake up hot with my eye vision flashing. Google says flashing or changes in vision could indicate preeclampsia, but it lasts about 30 seconds before I realize it was just a nightmare and deep breathing. I’ve told myself it’s probably because my blood pressure got h...


How to keep calm when ‘over due’

Sigh, day 3 now and it’s painful. I know it’s just an ‘estimate’ but you spend 9 months with this date in mind and every day post 40 weeks is a ‘is this the day’. Can’t believe it’s only been three days but my gosh it’s a lot. have a toddler so relaxing is kinda out the question. I’ve tried to keep busy with his ...


Sorry for the picture, but does this look abnormal?

3 week old baby was EBF, then combi fed but now just formula fed as of two days ago due to breast issues. We’re using Kendamil formula but worried it like a large amount of mucus?


Aches and pains

Anyone else feeling their bump/pelvis is super achey and stretchy at 18 weeks? Feel as though I’m hobbling around already.


When does the sickness get better 😣

So fed up of feeling like this. I am so nauseas and exhausted, vomiting most days. I feel blank like I have no personality. I want to feel like myself again. Currently 9/40.


Hot sweats

In mat leave and trying to get the house sorted before baby arrives in a couple of weeks. Only doing bit at a time but feels like I'm working up a sweat doing simple tasks. Is this me coming down with something or just pregnancy telling me to slow down? Neighbours probably think I'm mad with windows open 🤣



Might not be the best video of what she does, since she isnt doing it like normally but its the only video i got. But ut she keeps stomping on things.. like she holds on to something and then stomps on it with 1 foot. She started doing it on her friends aswell and i got no idea why. Obviously i tell her off for doin...


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