Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Boy or girl💙🩷?

12 week scan, what do you think?


Nuchal 4mm at 13 wk

Hia, Just looking for abit of support and guidance, really. Had my 12 wk scan today. Baby wouldn't stop moving, sonographer really struggled with measurements then the majority were 3.5-3.9 shes measured it at 4mm. We were took into a quiet room, told all info. Had basic bloods took, will wait for the results the...


Being induced 7 weeks early

This morning I have been for a 32 week growth scan, he is measuring below 3rd centile for his femur and abdomen growth. They have said there is no deformity or abnormalities e.g DS; however if he doesn’t put weight on in the next week (20g a day) they are going to want to induce me in the next 2 weeks. I have no i...


Big babies!

I’ve had a growth scan today (36+2) and baby boy is measuring 6lb 14oz. They’ve mentioned I may need a third OGTT to triple check there’s no sign of gestational diabetes. I’m not worried about his size, but just curious to how big your babies were at full term after having baby measuring big on growth scans x


Transverse baby

I have a scan next week. My baby has been transverse or breech this whole pregnancy, total opposite to my first he was head down from pretty early on. I will be 36 weeks at my scan and if baby is still in either of these positions will they talk about birth options then?


20 week scan

Scan is next Wednesday (30th) and I’m starting to feel nervous. Can feel baby move so I know she’s ok, but still just anxious. Has anyone got any positive stories to share to help settle the nerves as I realise there’s no point worrying?!


12 weeks scan

I’m 7 weeks tomorrow! Can’t believe how quick it’s going already my 12 weeks scan is on the 22nd November when is yours girls? So excited counting down the days My little bundle of joy at 6 weeks 🥰


MATB1 Certificate

Hi All, Has anyone received their MAT B1 certificate yet? I am 21 weeks tomorrow but haven’t got an appointment with the midwife until the last week of November which is at 26 weeks. But with Christmas coming up and people taking time off around that period, I want to start the Mat Leave process at my workplace ...


Clarendon wing LGI

Can anyone advise the best way to enter the LGI to access Clarendon Wing? 12w scan later and no idea where we are going


Gender Scan at 15+1

Anyone had a successful gender scan this early? I didn’t even know you could go before 16 weeks it wasn’t an option in my first pregnancy. Today is the only day me and my husband can both do for 2 weeks but I’m worried the baby will be too small to determine the gender 😫



I’m getting an early scan I’ll be around 7 weeks Curious if others have had a scan yet what did it look like at that point? Thanks!


Paying for scan photo - cash or card?

Hi ladies. I’ve been told that you now have to pay for your scan photo at the dating scan, they no longer give you one for free. No longer in South Wales anyway. Quick question, do you have to pay with cash or can you pay with card? I don’t have a bank card atm, just Apple Pay 🤦🏼‍♀️ Any help welcome. Thank you…


First scan?

So I found out a week ago I’m pregnant. If I worked it out correctly, I’m over 4 weeks nearly 5. I have health conditions where I’m under a gynae and he said my chances of getting pregnant were low… (I had a miscarriage in 2021) and this pregnancy was unexpected due to what he said. I have filled out a form through ...


Umbilical cord or penis?!

Went for our 20 week scan. Didn't want to find out initially but now convinced we're having a boy due to the scan pic! Thoughts?!


Due Dates

Hello All i’ve had my 12 week scan today and moved from April to May :) What’s everyone’s due date? May 2nd


Finding life hard

It’s been nearly 8 weeks since my 12 week scan when I was told no heartbeat and had a dnc. I’ve still got ongoing problems with bleeding and having 3-4 scans since, but the hardest thing for me at the moment is being around other people who are close to me & pregnant. I feel awful for feeling it, and when I try to e...


Just for fun

Gender scan is book for Sunday so this is just purely for fun… any guess what you think? I have my suspicions 🤍 but over moon baby is healthy after 2 years of trying 🌈


Scan at 5 weeks.

i have had cramps and spotting over the last week and am having a scan tomorrow to see what’s going on, and to make sure baby is implanted in the right place! i’m presuming they will do internal scan but i haven’t been told anything apart from the time of my appointment! what should i expect??


Boy or girl?

Any guesses? ❤️❤️ might not be the clearest scan


TWINS! Heartbeats 💕

After waiting two weeks to see how things progress after our first scan we went for our follow up reassurance scan today and saw two perfect heartbeats! Feeling so overwhelmed and happy 💕


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