Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.


Hey! I'm off for an early scan this morning to check everything is okay after an evening of severe cramping - I have a history of miscarriage, so any reassurance you can offer or words of encouragement would be really appreciated 🥹🩷


Boy 💙 or Girl? 🩷

Had my 12 week scan - which took 2 attempts to get a measurement! Baby was very active and doing somersaults! Scan isn’t the best quality but it was the best we could get! Any theories? Nub? (Not sure if visible?) Ramzi? Skull?


Ob appointment

I am 33 weeks and I go to ob for follow up every two weeks. My appointments are super short, basically 2 mins, just heartbeat and short ultrasound. Is it the same for you? It is little bit annoying to me, it is my first pregnancy and I would like my doctor to talk to me more about it. ☹️


Sneak peek test

Is anyone going to do a sneak peek test to see gender? I’ve seen the at home kits but also that you can go into some places that do ultrasounds and have them done? From what weeks can you have a private test for gender?


Ultrasound baby weight

Hey guys! I had an ultrasound apt today and doctor said my baby is already 7.5 pounds, I still have four weeks left to go. I’m nervous, I’ve had a 9.1 pound baby before and it was a complicated labor. My sister in law goes to the same ultrasound tech who said her baby was 6 pounds and she gave birth three days later...


A baby did not form 😭

A week and a half or so I had my first ultrasound. It was just a 6 week gestational sack so today I had another ultrasound sound to make sure it's growing. Nothing. It was the exact same. 😭 Now I have to take meds to induce a miscarriage and I'm terrified and I'm grieving the idea of a baby and I'm moving states in…


35wks shes barely moving all of a sudden…

I went into triage last night as she’d not moved all day, I get 2 movements out of her whilst on the monitor but the Midwives’s say she’s perfectly fine, they’ve moved my scan up from the 28th to tomorrow to check but I’m still not happy as she’s barely moved today either. They said if I’m not happy to go back in ...


Any advice will be appreciated

I’ve had some bleeding two days ago it stopped after 5mins and EPU said if I ever get it again to phone right away. All day I’ve had some period like cramps after taking paracetamol it’s still the same pain, I’ve went to the bathroom and had a little bleed again but feels like it could be more and I’m scared to keep...


Breach baby

Anyone else due end of November baby still breach but measuring around 5pound at 32 week scan 36 week scan on Friday what's the chances of them moving the csection forward due 22nd November . Seen midwife today she said its very unlikely baby will turn now


Growth scan?

Hey girls. I had a growth scan with fetal medicine today I’m 35 weeks tomorrow is it normal for baby to be 6lbs now. Will she be big ? I was 11lbs for my mum lol. My boys was 8lbs at birth. Anyone else recently had a growth scan what was your baby’s weight Thanks x


12 weeks Scan what do we think boy or girl? 🩷🩵

I know it's early but would love to know what opinions are another photo in comments


Growth scan 38 weeks

Has anyone been sent for a growth scan towards the end of your pregnancy and how did you get on? 🥰


13 week scan

Any guesses?! 🩷💙



Has anyone ever had the doctors guess the wrong gender on an ultrasound?


4D scan !!

Sooo happy I finally went for a 4D scan ! They said pictures might not be the best as was 32 weeks (but she’s measuring a week behind anyway) and I think pics are perfect ! Luckily she was in a wriggly cooperative mood ❤️ smiling away 🥰


Baby weights

How much did peoples baby weigh at 32 week scan


Boy or girl💙🩷?

12 week scan, what do you think?


Nuchal 4mm at 13 wk

Hia, Just looking for abit of support and guidance, really. Had my 12 wk scan today. Baby wouldn't stop moving, sonographer really struggled with measurements then the majority were 3.5-3.9 shes measured it at 4mm. We were took into a quiet room, told all info. Had basic bloods took, will wait for the results the...


Being induced 7 weeks early

This morning I have been for a 32 week growth scan, he is measuring below 3rd centile for his femur and abdomen growth. They have said there is no deformity or abnormalities e.g DS; however if he doesn’t put weight on in the next week (20g a day) they are going to want to induce me in the next 2 weeks. I have no i...


Big babies!

I’ve had a growth scan today (36+2) and baby boy is measuring 6lb 14oz. They’ve mentioned I may need a third OGTT to triple check there’s no sign of gestational diabetes. I’m not worried about his size, but just curious to how big your babies were at full term after having baby measuring big on growth scans x


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