Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

8 week check up

I’ve just been to the mother and baby check up and feel like she rushed us in and out. She checked my babies eyes and looked at her bum that was it. She didn’t look at me and she didn’t ask any questions about how I’m healing. I just want to know what others have experienced at their 8 weeks checks before I make a c...


28 weeks - measuring small?

I've just been for my 28 week midwife appointment and after plotting my bump measurement I'm between the 10th and 3rd centile so measuring small. I've been referred for an ultrasound later today. Has anyone else had this? Xx


Who almost due and ready to meet their bundle of joy?

36wks and 3 wks to go unless I hear different from my doctor due to my stomach measuring small. I will know for sure tomorrow 10/23 when I get my last ultrasound.


Scan at 5W 2D - ectopic scare

Due to lots of one sided pain I went to A&E and was referred to EPU for a scan, the scan showed a gestational sac in the right place but unable to see anything else, they did say that it might be too early to visualise? Has anyone had this before?


6 week scan

I was taken into hospital yesterday as they throught i had an eptopic pregnancy. Thankfully it wasn't however they did see some bleeding which may or may not be a common thing i am having a rescan to check next week all is okay at 6 weeks what should I expect to see ?


I have a question

So I have a scan booked on the 7/11 at the recurrent miscarriage clinic and I should be 7 weeks does anyone know if it would be an internal or external scan


Dating scans

Has anyone else not had their dating scan booked in yet? I’m almost 9 weeks and still no appointment. I get every area is different but I thought I’d have it booked by now.


So im 5 weeks I guess

I’m so new to this whole finding out I’m pregnant thing, how long would it take wait to get my first scan or the steps I’ll have to take.


Partner doesn’t like 3D scan pic

Yesterday I took part in a clinical trial and as a thank you they gave me this 3D pic. I absolutely love it and went home all excited to show my partner but he literally recoiled and asked not to see it again. He says he wants to meet him in real life first and found it all very weird so I have taken it to work as m...


Birth advice

Hey! I’m having non identical twins At my 12wk scan I was given 12th Jan as my expected due date I’ve been told I would need to have the babies 3wks before. How accurate is this????? I’m constantly holding onto and around the 22nd December if that’s the case but what is it really like??


Extra scans

I have a growth scan at 32 and 35 weeks. Has anyone else? I'm scared because last time I had one at 38 weeks nearly 39 and they wanted to induce me so fingers crossed I won't this time


39 weeks doctors visit ?

I have no idea what to expect , My doctor says she’s going to check my cervix is that like a Pap smear or is she going to put her fingers in me to check for baby’s head ? Baby is due next week but I’ve had no signs of labor yet 🥲



How many weeks will everyone be on their next scan? I will be 20 weeks 1 day


Gender scan

So I’ve just booked a gender scan for 2 weeks time when I’ll be 15+2 weeks , did anyone else get one at 15 weeks are were they able to tell the gender ?



Hello - when would people advise booking a scan? im 5 weeks on thursday according to last period date (didn't track ovulation this cycle) i am tempted for one at six weeks as im fretting as i had MC at six weeks previously but worried they won't see anything? thank you



Hey! I'm off for an early scan this morning to check everything is okay after an evening of severe cramping - I have a history of miscarriage, so any reassurance you can offer or words of encouragement would be really appreciated 🥹🩷


Boy 💙 or Girl? 🩷

Had my 12 week scan - which took 2 attempts to get a measurement! Baby was very active and doing somersaults! Scan isn’t the best quality but it was the best we could get! Any theories? Nub? (Not sure if visible?) Ramzi? Skull?


Ob appointment

I am 33 weeks and I go to ob for follow up every two weeks. My appointments are super short, basically 2 mins, just heartbeat and short ultrasound. Is it the same for you? It is little bit annoying to me, it is my first pregnancy and I would like my doctor to talk to me more about it. ☹️


Sneak peek test

Is anyone going to do a sneak peek test to see gender? I’ve seen the at home kits but also that you can go into some places that do ultrasounds and have them done? From what weeks can you have a private scan for gender?


Ultrasound baby weight

Hey guys! I had an ultrasound apt today and doctor said my baby is already 7.5 pounds, I still have four weeks left to go. I’m nervous, I’ve had a 9.1 pound baby before and it was a complicated labor. My sister in law goes to the same ultrasound tech who said her baby was 6 pounds and she gave birth three days later...


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