Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Sex of baby

A little back story.. We had a blood test (non medical setting) who confirmed boy. Then we went for a scan which told us girl. I’ve attached pic of the scan as I’m so skeptical to go away and buy baby items without 100% reassurance. Can anybody with a scan of a girl confirmed or previous baby girl please look at the...


Dating scan at BWH

I have a dating scan today and the letter says the appointment will last for four hours. Is this true? I did a dating scan before but it was in London and it definitely didn’t last for four hours.


12 week scan

Good morning ladies, does anyone know if the 12 week scan will be internal or abdominal? Thank you


Big baby?

I'm 38+2, had a midwife appointment yesterday, and according to their made-up measurements and chart, my boy is measuring 3.7kg 😳 is that not too big, or its normal? I really, really, really don't think he's that heavy as I am a very small person 😂


Got a scan tomorrow, boy or girl ?

Final guess what you guys think ?


Scared the sack is empty

I went to my 8 week first ultrasound on Thursday and they found the gestational sack but nothing in it. They said the sack was measuring 5 weeks and 6 days. My son was from a delayed ovulation and was very slow to grow at the beginning but this time I'm scared. Either there is no baby or it's growing way slower than...


Scan discount codes

Hello, does anyone have any codes for discounts on pregnancy scans in Bristol in any clinic?


Bump measurements

Can anyone please help me make sense of my graph? My midwife has told me bump was measuring big but not to worry but I don’t actually understand the graph on how big bump is 🙈


First ultrasound

What could it be🥺💙💖?


Baby’s stomach being “big”

When I had my 20 week scan they told me that baby’s stomach is a little over the upper percentile. No body could tell me why this is concerning or give me any information at all but they have planned for me to have a gestational diabetes test. Has anyone else been told this at a scan please ?


4D Baby Ultrasound

Hi ladies, we are hoping to have a 4D scan of our baby. I’m nearly 26 weeks and would like to find somewhere in the Leeds or surrounding areas for the scan. Do you have any recommendations for where to get this done and what the best timing would be? Many thanks for your help.



what’s the earliest i can get a scan just to reassure myself? i’m roughly between 4-5 weeks but i know the hospitals where i am won’t give me a scan till 12 weeks and due to previous miscarriages etc i just want to know everything’s ok!


4D scan

I’ve got an anterior placenta and I’m going for a scan at 29 weeks which I know is later than recommended! Did anyone have a successful 4D scan around the same amount of weeks 😊


4d scan tips!

I had a 4d scan on Saturday however she would not get her hand out of her face!😅Has anyone got any tips as they rebooked me in for this Saturday


Early scan 8w1day

Hi had a reassurance scan today … baby heartbeat strong and measuring 1.6cm. Wondering what other people’s babies where measuring ☺️🖤


12W + 6 Scan

What do we think? X



Just been for my private scan Should be 9w today but she says I'm 9w4d and it was having a right little rave!! Wo releived it's all ok


Baby’s head circumference 2 weeks behind

Hello, I'm just looking for some reassurance. I'm currently 26 weeks and 4 days pregnant, and I had a growth scan to compare with the 20-week one from the NHS. The scan showed that my baby girl's head is in the 10th percentile (235mm), which is a bit of a decrease from the first measurement (165mm). I'm really worri...


Gender Prediction

12 week scan! Boy or Girl??


Growth scan

Has anyone not been informed where there baby is on the growth chart. I have a scan next Friday ( I’ll be 35 weeks) as I have moved hospital but in my prior scans and midwife appointments I haven’t ever been told how baby girl is weight wise. Does that mean she’s normal for where she should be 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


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