Labor & Birth

Giving birth is wild. From contractions to water births, hospital bags to c-sections, here’s what you need to know. Read real stories from real mamas and explore expert advice on what to expect during labor and birth.

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Recent discussions

Could this be the start?!

I am 37 weeks today and as of last night have been getting dull aches and constantly needing to pee! I haven’t slept because I cannot get comfortable - no matter how I lay it feels like I’m pressing on bubba and it’s uncomfortable! He’s always making very aggressive movements that feel very low down? Waters have...


C section

I'm 33 weeks pregnant is it too late to decide I want a c section my anxiety is getting the better of me and I just can't bare the thought of giving birth naturally


How many

How many c sections one can have


Has anyone experienced this PP?

I’m 3 days pp and I had my second c section. I am experiencing things that never happened after my first c section and was wondering what’s going on and if it’s normal. My feet have swollen SO MUCH for starters, it’s giving me anxiety and they feel tight and tingly. And I’ve been experiencing this pain in my chest a...


Is it normal for periods

To be so irregular after c section a year a go?


Tightening all day, but not sure if labor is close. Should I wait or get induced?

I'm 40 weeks and 5 days pregnant, but there's no sign that baby girl is coming anytime soon. 😅 My midwife said I'm 2cm dilated, but my water hasn't broken and I haven't lost my mucus plug. The last couple of days, I've been getting tightening pretty much all day. Does that mean labor is close? Not sure if I should…


24 hour contractions for early stage labour normal?

Ive been having strong contractions for 24 hours now and it’s exhausting. Triage are telling me to stay at home, but im so tired and its very painful. Is this normal for a first? X



Hi everyone, im currently 5 weeks postpartum recovering from a C - Section and I still have lots of numbness in my lower belly. Has anybody else experienced this and if so how long does the numbness last. This was my first pregnancy and never experienced any type of surgery before 🤍


Should I have seen my mucus plug?

I don’t know if I’m in the start of labour, or just super super uncomfortable. Either way I haven’t lost my mucus plug yet, at least I haven’t seen it. To those of you have given birth already, did you see yours?!


C section

I’m currently 5 weeks postpartum recovering from a c-section and looking for advice for when to start exercising again. Before becoming pregnant I used to love staying active by going swimming and doing home workouts. Mentally I feel ready to begin working out again but not sure on the recommended recovery time🤍


Second time c-section

Anyone who has had more than one c-section found the recovery harder the second time round?


Over hanging belly?

Anyone else’s deflated belly just hanging? I’ve had a c section and it’s covering the scar and generally looks awful. Is this normal? When will it disappear ?


Vbac failed

Sadly i didnt gwt to experience the birth story i wanted as after going into labour naturally and dilating to 4cm before getting to hospital, i managed to get to 9cm but baby suddenly pooped and began experiencing severe oxygen drops to the point where i no longer had a choice to wait until i was 10cm to get assista...


For those of us still waiting

I'm due on October 27th, and there are currently no signs of labor. The mucus plug is still intact, I haven't experienced a bloody show, and the baby is still positioned high. There's also no colostrum or any leakage from my breasts! 😂😂😂 However, my entire body is in pain. My pelvis hurts quite a bit! I've been…


Water breaking or pee?

Went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and stood up to then have some leakage down my leg. Unsure if that was my water breaking or I just didn’t finish peeing. 35 weeks currently.


Sex post c section

Hi girls, bit of an awkward one but wondering if others have been the same. I’m 11 weeks post c section and even though it’s safe to do so, I have zero desire to do so at all. I am exclusively breast feeding so I know that can impact it but just curious if others feel the same way, frankly I’m not too bothered but f...

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