Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

Could this be the start?!

I am 37 weeks today and as of last night have been getting dull aches and constantly needing to pee! I haven’t slept because I cannot get comfortable - no matter how I lay it feels like I’m pressing on bubba and it’s uncomfortable! He’s always making very aggressive movements that feel very low down? Waters have...


C section

I'm 33 weeks pregnant is it too late to decide I want a c section my anxiety is getting the better of me and I just can't bare the thought of giving birth naturally


How many

How many c sections one can have


Has anyone experienced this PP?

I’m 3 days pp and I had my second c section. I am experiencing things that never happened after my first c section and was wondering what’s going on and if it’s normal. My feet have swollen SO MUCH for starters, it’s giving me anxiety and they feel tight and tingly. And I’ve been experiencing this pain in my chest a...


Is it normal for periods

To be so irregular after c section a year a go?



Hi everyone, im currently 5 weeks postpartum recovering from a C - Section and I still have lots of numbness in my lower belly. Has anybody else experienced this and if so how long does the numbness last. This was my first pregnancy and never experienced any type of surgery before 🤍


Tightening all day, but not sure if labor is close. Should I wait or get induced?

I'm 40 weeks and 5 days pregnant, but there's no sign that baby girl is coming anytime soon. 😅 My midwife said I'm 2cm dilated, but my water hasn't broken and I haven't lost my mucus plug. The last couple of days, I've been getting tightening pretty much all day. Does that mean labor is close? Not sure if I should…


C section

I’m currently 5 weeks postpartum recovering from a c-section and looking for advice for when to start exercising again. Before becoming pregnant I used to love staying active by going swimming and doing home workouts. Mentally I feel ready to begin working out again but not sure on the recommended recovery time🤍


24 hour contractions for early stage labour normal?

Ive been having strong contractions for 24 hours now and it’s exhausting. Triage are telling me to stay at home, but im so tired and its very painful. Is this normal for a first? X


Should I have seen my mucus plug?

I don’t know if I’m in the start of labour, or just super super uncomfortable. Either way I haven’t lost my mucus plug yet, at least I haven’t seen it. To those of you have given birth already, did you see yours?!


Over hanging belly?

Anyone else’s deflated belly just hanging? I’ve had a c section and it’s covering the scar and generally looks awful. Is this normal? When will it disappear ?


Anyone else with painful contractions under 36 weeks?

I do understand we get Braxton Hicks and I experience that too but they are painless. The contractions I’m getting are somewhat painful though bearable. My OB said I’m not dilated etc. so I’ll just keep an eye out but damn. Anyone else?


Elective c-section dates/pre op at st Mary’s

Hi loves is anyone having an elective c-section and already been given their dates? I’m 37+3 and was initially told I was booked in for the 3rd but when I asked at my last appointment I was told I was not booked in until I got my pre-op. Just wondering if anyone has any idea on when I can expect this. My partner do...


Breech baby!

I’ve just had my 36 week growth scan and to my surprise baby is extended leg breech - he was head down at my 32 week growth scan and since then midwives have assumed he’s still head down but turns out what they’ve been feeling is his bum 🫣 I have a consultant appointment on Monday to talk about my options but it…


Wee coming out slowly

This is weird but the last week or so i’ve found, when i really need to wee, i sit on the toilet and it comes out much more slowly than normal, normally it would come out like a waterfall! But now it’s slow. Today its been even more so to the point that it didn’t come out at all when i first sat and i had to concent...


Post partum belly

After a c section 2 months ago my belly is really saggy with very crepey skin. The rest of me is still slim...will this ever retract even a little bit? I know it shouldn't matter but I used to like wearing dresses etc and now I'm like slim all over except for this chunky flabby belly...the Dr said that's me forever now


Vbac failed

Sadly i didnt gwt to experience the birth story i wanted as after going into labour naturally and dilating to 4cm before getting to hospital, i managed to get to 9cm but baby suddenly pooped and began experiencing severe oxygen drops to the point where i no longer had a choice to wait until i was 10cm to get assista...


When did you all go into labour?

Non induced people please. I’m 4 days past my due date with no signs 😩😩😩



feeling really deflated, had my first sweep on monday & cervix was closed, long & just about starting to soften. had second sweep a few hours ago and cervix was just under 1cm dilated but still long 😞 meant to be being induced on friday using the balloon, im so scared its going to fail! feel really sad because ive…


Water breaking or pee?

Went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and stood up to then have some leakage down my leg. Unsure if that was my water breaking or I just didn’t finish peeing. 35 weeks currently.


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