Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy.

Ultrasound baby weight

Hey guys! I had an ultrasound apt today and doctor said my baby is already 7.5 pounds, I still have four weeks left to go. I’m nervous, I’ve had a 9.1 pound baby before and it was a complicated labor. My sister in law goes to the same ultrasound tech who said her baby was 6 pounds and she gave birth three days later...


Mild period cramps

Been having mild period cramps for about 2 weeks now, that come and go every few days. I’m now getting them every day. Has anyone else experienced this? I’m 38 weeks+3 and hoping I get to meet my baby girl soon 🤞🏻💖


Gestational diabetes - who is in the crew?

Have just been diagnosed with GD and feel super disappointed as I didn’t get it last time and my blood sugars have always tended to be low. But them’s the breaks. Anyone else in the GD crew and fancy keeping each other company?!


Tonie box

Hey I’m looking to get my little one a tonies box for Christmas and wondered if anyone has one and if so what’s there favourite tonie character they own ? Want to get some of the highly recommended one peoples favourites 💖


Can cervical exams make you lose your plug?

I just had my show/ mucous plug. I’m 40+2 and had a cervical exam today. Not a stretch or sweep as I declined it, just an exam. Is that why I’ve lost my plug?


Hip pain

Anyone get any tips to help with hip pain. I’m really struggling with this at the moment. Hurt to walk, walking much slower. Any tips would be appreciated.


Getting induced at 37 weeks...

Can I please have your positive induction stories if you have previously been induced at 37 weeks. I have GD managed with metformin and Insulin, after my growth scan today baby girl has dropped centiles and stalled growth so induction at 37 weeks has been advised which I am fine with but I'm also very nervous!


First period after c-section.

Hi, just looking for help really. I had my c-section just over 6 weeks ago. I was bleeding but not much for a few weeks then it stopped completely. However almost a week now i’ve been bleeding again but it’s getting worse now not better. I’ve got quite a bit of pain on one side. I was just in hospital with an infect...


First midwife appointment

Has anyone had their midwife appointment since their intial booking appointment? I am 14 weeks and not heard from anyone.


A baby did not form 😭

A week and a half or so I had my first ultrasound. It was just a 6 week gestational sack so today I had another ultrasound sound to make sure it's growing. Nothing. It was the exact same. 😭 Now I have to take meds to induce a miscarriage and I'm terrified and I'm grieving the idea of a baby and I'm moving states in…



What is everyone’s opinion on doulas? Did you use one? Were they helpful? Anyone hire one then end up needing a c-section then feel the doula was a waste of money?


Ways to induce labour?

I've been told baby needs to be out by 38-39 weeks, so from 37 weeks I'm trying everything possible to avoid induction. My midwife is giving me sweeps BUT what other ways have people felt helped labour? I can't have raspberry leaf tea apparently as I had a c section less than 2 years ago. Can't really have a lot of ...


Party bags?

What have people put in party bags for 1st birthday, we have a couple of under 1 year olds, same with 1 year olds and just over and the rest are between 2 and 5. Any ideas please?☺️


35wks shes barely moving all of a sudden…

I went into triage last night as she’d not moved all day, I get 2 movements out of her whilst on the monitor but the Midwives’s say she’s perfectly fine, they’ve moved my scan up from the 28th to tomorrow to check but I’m still not happy as she’s barely moved today either. They said if I’m not happy to go back in ...


Newborn + toddler

Anyone else with a newborn and toddler at home - how are you coping 🥲🥹


Possible pregnancy?

Has anyone been pregnant that didn’t have any symptoms when tested positive? My ovulation day was the 12th of October. I do feel naseous it comes and goes for the past week (definitely not like my first pregnancy tho) and had mild cramping for the past few days but that’s about it. Usually before I get my period I w...


Induced at 36/37 weeks

Has anyone been induced before? What was it like ? X


Ahhh super anxious now!!!

Just sent off my DLA letter 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 super anxious now lol I know it will definitely be probably till around new year but can take even longer. I will definitely be praying to get it in new year as that would help with my sons birthday soon afterwards soo much 😬😬😬


Losing Mucus Plug at 35 weeks?

I’ve been feeling really off all day today and yesterday. Really crampu and almost like my period is going to start 😅 I’ve also been losing my mucus plug all morning 😅🙈 I contacted my doctor to see but has anyone else experiencing this, this early? I’m 35 weeks + 2 days.


Why does my tummy feel like it’s vibrating?

My bump keeps feeling like it’s vibrating or pulsating. It’s not visible from the outside but can feel it quite deep inside. It doesn’t feel like a kick or roll. Has anyone else had this? I don’t think it’s hiccups and it doesn’t feel rhythmic.


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