Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

Protein in urine

Had my 34 week midwife appointment today, they said there were traces or protein in my urine. My blood pressure is still very low and they didn’t seem overly concerned. Has anyone else had this?


This was from 12 weeks

Curious to hear your guesses ☺️


Panic attacks

Hi all, just wondered if anyone else is absolutely terrified? I’m so excited for little boy to come, and can’t wait to meet him but I’m also absolutely terrified - we don’t have any savings, maternity pay is terrible, nursery fees are high, all this keeps going through my head and feels like it’s ruining my pregnanc...


Am I silly?

Am I silly to take a 25mIU/ml test at 9dpo, should I be using more sensitive or waiting longer before testing? It was negative so very disheartening 😢


Preterm labour

I love been told that I’m at the beginning of preterm labour, I’m only 34 weeks, anyone else had this?


Pregnant again

I’m pregnant again and I’m freaked out. I just had my first at the end of February this year and now I’m expecting another one in June. Very early in the pregnancy but I’m terrified. We are financially able to have another but I’m still so irritable and touchy from being postpartum. Now add pregnancy hormones on t...


Due Date !!!

My due date is tomorrow no sign no pain i’m gonna be 40 weeks tomorrow .. i’m really worries now if my baby will have poo in there … i feel so bad😞 and nervous…. I have an appointment with my midwife tomorrow i’m gonna ask her for C section as I can’t handle this much of stress .. do you think is it to late for C…


Failed 1hr glucose test … 😳

I just got news that I did not pass my one hour glucose test. Sending me for the 3hr one. Did anyone fail one but the 3hr was fine? First pregnancy and kind of freaking out. Baby girl is measuring 2 weeks ahead and weighting 3lbs 2oz


10 weeks till the baby ??????

What did y’all doing during y’all 10 week countdown before birth?


Just found out I'm pregnant with second baby

Hi all! I have posted this in another group but thought I would ask in here since I'm a nurse. Basically I've just found out I'm pregnant with our second. However, I have only been in my current role for 6 months! I am incredibly nervous to tell my employer and it's putting a bit of a dampener on my news! Has any...


Cervical checks 38 weeks

My cervical checks hurts. I am very worried that my labor is going to be so bad since i am already suffering from a simple cervical check. Anyone has any tips how to make everything more tolerable? I am very stressed



Did a blood test yesterday for NIPT and lots of other things. I’m dying with anticipation 😭😭 I’ve gotten all the other test results back except the gender, it’s killing me. How long did it take for everyone to get their results back??


Medication or surgery?

Got told on Friday that my pregnancy isn’t progressing and to look out for bleeding and pain. I haven’t had either and I have an appointment on Friday where they said if there’s still no pain or bleeding, they may need to intervene. I’ve read a few horror stories about taking the medication and that the surgery is p...


Has anyone used the Sneak peek gender test?

I’m feeling ill and I want to do something for fun to lift my spirits. So I thought it’d be cool to find out what gender it is. I’ve seen mostly positive reviews and some negative. Have you used the sneak peek gender test, if so what was your experience like, were the instructions clear, and how was customer service?


6 weeks 1 day

Could someone do a ramzi theory estimation please ☺️


Effacement but no dilation?

I had my weekly appointment with the midwives today. I am 36wks +5 and due on October 31st. She did an internal exam and said that I am 50% effaced but still closed and 0 dilation. I was 0% just last week. She said that's normal for a 1st pregnancy, but this is my 2nd (albeit a 15yr age gap). Has anyone else been ...


Ab Loss - 29 weeks

Hey ladies, I’m at 29 weeks on my second pregnancy & I am struggling greatly with my abs. TMI but I feel I have had my c section again because I’m even struggling to get the strength to go to the toilet (nah I’m not constipated, I just have absolutely 0 ab strength) Has anyone had this with their second pregnancy...



Nub theory any guesses ?🙂


Anxiety previous loss

Anyone else really struggling with anxiety? I’m 8+5. I had a scan at 7+4 and baby was doing well, we saw a heartbeat and was measuring on track. I had a missed miscarriage with a previous pregnancy so I’m really struggling with not knowing if baby is ok. Am I the only one or is anyone else feeling like they are losi...



i'm almost 34 weeks and just now started to get uncomfortable, which is great of course it took this long!! but oh my god is my back KILLING me, cramps lower stomach, the whole 9 yards, practically overnight. i'm pretty sure he dropped which is causing it but sleeping was rough last night. i have less than 4 weeks l...


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