Community Posts, Tips & Support on First Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.

In shock ! Will it pass?

We received the news we are expecting twins. This was definitely a planned pregnancy (ivf, single embryo transfer) but it split in two and now we are expecting identical twins. My husband is over the moon but my first thoughts were absolute horror and worry.. we already have a 3 year old. Can we afford this?does thi...


So fed up!

Feeling super deflated now, had my third sweep today at 40+6 with a different midwife as my usual midwife wasn’t working today. This midwife didn’t seem half as enthusiastic about baby arriving soon and has left me feeling like she is literally never going to arrive at this point! Feel like any sort of progression ...


Self doubt

Seriously having self doubt. Constantly got back pain, tiredness overdue. I’m SICK of people telling me to stop complaining over being tired as it’s only going to get hard when baby is here. I don’t feel good enough to be a parent. I can’t do this 😣😢 I’m nearly at the end of seeing my beautiful baby but can’t help…


Is it usual to have an induction scheduled for 2nd baby at 39 weeks when 1st baby was born at 40weeks?

My first baby was born at 40+3 weeks and i never had an induction pre-booked, i naturally fell into labour but this time round th midwife wants to book me in at my 39week appointment and im mad confused as to why thats even being brought up when i still have approx 1.5weeks t go... Baby isnt even 'late' yet?! Is t...


How long did others wait to have the next kid (or second one)? Missing feeling my baby in my belly

How long did you all wait to have the next or second child? I hear people say wait till they’re a little older, and others say have them close in age so they can grow up together. Whats your take? Thinking of this also cause i miss my belly and feeling those little (sometimes big) kicks! 🥹😭


Second pregnancy announcement?

How did you guys announce 2nd baby?


Surprise pregnancy at 37

Just found out I’m pregnant.. big surprise for me! I already have two kids aged 11 and 7. Does anyone else have kids with a big age gap? I’m scared I’m getting too old for a baby. Hubby is super excited… I’m just scared…



I’ve just found out I’m pregnant after trying for 6 months! Anyone else?


Second time mamas what are you planning to do differently this pregnancy?

8w3d with baby #2 and I’m already planning out what things I’d like to change this time around especially when it comes to L&D how about you?


Something funny for everyone

I thought I went to work with a jumper on so at the end of work today I decided I was gonna spend 15 minutes looking for a jumper that I never actually check with me and I just didn’t realise it and then I messaged my employer saying baby brain at its finest And we both had a little giggle about that has anyone had ...


Baby Soon now October baby

Well my actual due date was 11/15 but with a few things going on they will be inducing me at 37 weeks that’s next Friday so I’m kinda excited and nervous….



Just left my weekly check up. She said I was one centimeter dilated and 70% effaced. I’m curious for second time mom’s, how fast you went from 1 cm to 10?


Expecting baby number 2?!

Hi all, I have a 13 month old and just found out I’m pregnant again😩 roughly about 7/8 weeks so I’ll have 2 under 2!! Any advice welcome


3weeks to go

I’m ITCHING to have this baby already!! 3weeks seems like tomorrow but forever 😩🫠


Anyone with a December 2022 baby, not had another baby yet? Or are you considering another later

Everyone who I know who was pregnant with me around the same time, has already had their 2nd and some are even on their 3rd. Feel like am on my own with only one at the moment. And the pressure of ‘when are you going to have another one?’ Has started.


Happy 5 weeks

How are we mommies feeling?


Day 7 hormones

Blimey… these hormones are no joke?! The emotional whiplash is wild, one minute I’m so happy and laughing, next minute violently sobbing over nothing, then happy again! I knew it was coming but god it’s alot 🥲😂


Pregnancy 😅

Ughhhh ! That moment when you sneeze “Pee” 😅🤣😳🤗WTF


First Period After Pregnancy

********** TW: BLOOD AND OPERATION MENTIONED ********** I've started bleeding today from my first period after pregnancy/having baby (Not missed this at all 😂) Does anyone know how long roughly your first period after having baby lasts? I read once you can bleed for a few weeks for your first one so am quite…


First Christmas!

I know most of us are in a similar situation. I was having a conversation with family and being told I'm heartless because I'm not doing a huge first Christmas for my baby this year because baby will only be a few weeks old. Am I really a monster? Baby will only be max 3 weeks old


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