Community Posts, Tips & Support on First Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.

C’mon baby!! 🤞🏼

40+2 today!! I felt some major back pain last night and some serious cramping in lower abdomen for about a minute but then it went away 😩 Hope labor is near and baby boy comes soon! I’m officially over being pregnant lol


Feeling so ill

My heartburn has come back with a vengeance, is keeping me awake, making me feel sick 😫 I am absolutely done now. 37 weeks and ready to get this baby out. I've been going to the toilet 4652 times for a wee, was very loose yesterday with bowels, constantly feel sick/tired and I'm thinking omg another 3 weeks still 😢…


Is anyone pregnant again and having 2 under 2? Or when do you want another?

Just curious!


Hi! 5 weeks +1 today 🥰 EDD 31.5.25

Found out a week ago today with some very faint tests. After panicking that they weren't getting darker quickly I left nearly every group because of the progression test threads😂 I recently downloaded Ovia which gives you info about what's happening with you and baby this week and it's really helped with the wait…


Pregnant with our rainbow 🌈

Hi everyone! New to the app and wanting to make new mom friends 🥹🫶🏽 my husband and I have been trying to conceive for 2 years and had a miscarriage earlier this year, so this is our rainbow baby! 12 weeks tomorrow and due April 14th. Love to meet others with due dates around the same time and share our experiences!…


Baby coming

I was so certain that a couple of days ago that baby would be here by now with the pain of cramping I was getting and how I was feeling. Now nothing! If anything more energy and better mood than ever! 🤣😭


Fed up

Anyone else fed up of being pregnant now? My pregnancy has been a living hell since day 1 due to hyperemesis. Been in bed since May and I feel like I’ve been pregnant for years. 26 weeks currently and I know I don’t have that much longer to go but January still feels like it will never come!


Back to back pregnancy

I had my baby in July….iv just got a positive pregnancy test any positive stories would be great I’m drowning in anxiety of all the risks of having babies close together 🙈🙈


Baby boy🩵

Just found out we are having a baby boy! Such a special time for us all, hope everyone’s pregnancies are going amazing🥰


Second Pregnancy

Hi! This is my second pregnancy, I’m currently 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I’ve got a scan when I’m 7 weeks and 1 day. I’ve previously had a miscarriage last year. So feeling very nervous. I’ve got a son already who’s 2.5 years. I’d love to chat with some mums that are in the same boat x


Anyone still waiting for baby

My due date was 24th September however baby boy still hasn’t made an appearance yet, I’m genuinely thinking he will end up being an October baby. Anyone in same position? I’ve got a sweep tomorrow hoping will help move things along 🤞🏻 my 1st baby was a week early so this is very strange feeling being overdue


Fed up

37 + 4 and I’m done! Crying every-time I think it could be another 4 weeks till I meet my baby! I just want them here now. Pain, tiredness, heartburn, 5 year old wanting to play and an ill husband are not a good mix 😭


Pregnancy announcment

I’ve downloaded my design and now unsure if I wanna post 😂😂 like I wanna share, but people just went through a storm so I’ll wait a few days. Was going to wait until October anyway. I also want to attach a photo of the baby bump, maybe. Love having this group to share with in cases where I feel like I can’t share…


Second pregnancy!

I completely forgot how rough the first trimester is! My little girl just turned 1 a couple months ago and WOW this is hard😂 the sickness and fatigue is reallyyy settling in!


Baby number 2

For anyone with a toddler and who is still pregnant, this is a message for you. It is SO much easier having a toddler and a newborn! You can move around easier and aren’t as tired! I even had an emergency c section and am finding it easier! So if you’re flagging at the end of the pregnancy, you’ve got this! Not long...


September 18

My life changed this day i thought i was going to lose my son due to his heart dropping during labor no one knew why he was losing oxygen and heart was dropping they had me do everything when it was time to push the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck my whole pregnancy it was so scary and it’s a blessing he ...


I'm so done 😭 (pity party)

Anyone else just facking done being pregnant. I had to have medication to stop labour at 32 weeks so was convinced he would come early and although I'm so grateful that he's baked for longer I'm now 38+2 and so over being pregnant as I'm so uncomfortable and so many BH and false starts 😪


Broody 😩

I’m feeling so broody! Would absolutely love another baby but everything costs too much 😭😭 as much as people say ‘you’ll make it work’ I’ve thought of every way possible for that to happen but it just won’t. No reason to this post just wanted to write it down 🤣


‘Any news??’ Anyone wish they could tell all the nosey Parker’s where to go?!

I’m a week overdue (which isn’t unusual for a first pregnancy), but for the past 3 weeks at least I’ve had messages EVERYDAY asking if I’ve had the baby. They’re not even interested in how I am (not great tbh), it’s just ‘where’s this baby then?’ I never realised it was even a thing to pester a heavily pregnant woma...


Our rainbow 🌈🤞🏼

I know the lines are faint but they looked like this earlier this year! I’m pregnant for a 2nd time this year! Our first pregnancy ended as my waters broke at 16 weeks and 4 days 💔 currently extremely nervous and anxious but extremely happy too!


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