Community Posts, Tips & Support on First Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.

Any babies yet?

Has anyone had their November babies already?!


Baby number 2

I found out at the beginning of the week that I’m pregnant with number 2 🥰 I’m sooooo ready and excited! Has anyone else already had baby number 2 or currently pregnant too? 🙈


September Baby looking like will be an October Baby!

40 weeks today! Happy due date! Anyone else waiting and still no signs?



Finally found out what I was having and I got my boy and girl I’m never having kids again lol I’m so happy I got a boy this time


Weird date coincidences

Has anyone else had weird pregnancy date coincidences? 😅 I’m pregnant with my 3rd baby, I conceived on the 3rd of August (my first child’s birthday) and the due date is the 16th of May (my second child’s birthday) My first was born 03/08, I was born 08/03 My partners birthday is the 16th of the month, my 2nd…


Intro (feel free to comment yours)

Hi, I’m a mama to one boy already! Just found out I’m pregnant again with my rainbow baby, I miscarried last August. I’m so so excited!! I’m due June 7th! Can’t wait to see more from everyone on this same journey!🤍


Second baby?

anyone else looking forward to their next pregnancy already? 🙈 I will be waiting until at least 18 months PP to start planning but I’m already excited! I feel like I’ll enjoy it much more the next time around & have much less anxiety 🥹 I’m also looking forward to my daughter having a sibling to grow up with!


39 weeks tomorrow 😅

0 signs whatsoever of labour wanting to start (I know it can be very all of a sudden). I am more than happy for baby to come from 39 weeks (that was my main target!)


Anyone else??

Girls… how do you cope. I’m so broody right now. Have been for about a month, it’s getting worse. My baby is almost 3 months. I swear to god since the day I delivered I’ve been saying I want another. It’s almost like a craving. Has anyone else felt this. I’m at uni studying law… I definitely can’t have another baby ...



My friends are all posting gender reveals and pregnancy announcements for March 2025, but I’ve been pregnant since March 2024 😂😂 I’m so ready for this to be over, 30w!!


Second baby! May 2025

Went in for pregnancy confirmation today. My first little one will be 2 in 5 months. (End of February). I've been feeling so sleepy plus I've realized that pregnancy is gonna be hard with a toddler lol Anyone else in their first trimester?


Finally got my rainbow baby

Today at 11dpo I got a positive I’m over the moon 🩷 any mommas just found out this cycle that wanna chat and share our journeys


17 weeks today!

This is my 2nd pregnancy, but everything is so new to me! My first born was a cryptic pregnancy and I only learned about him 11 days prior to having him. So having this bump, seeing the baby grow in my belly on ultrasounds, all the appointments and anxiety about everything is so new! But today we are 17 weeks and a...


Baby Girl is Born

They think they had my due date wrong but as of Tuesday September 24 at 10:18am my baby girl was born. I was in labor for 9 hours from the start of contractions till she was in my arms. She weighs 7 lbs and I couldn’t be more happy. I get to go home from the hospital today and I can’t wait!!!


Happy Due Date ✨

Anybody else due today? How’re you feeling? I have had no signs whatsoever and barely any braxton hicks unlike with my first. Staying positive and patient 🥰


How long did you have your 2nd child

Hi ladies just wondering how long did you wait til you had your second child I’m 33 and I got a 19 month old girl And I think I could be a week late for my period I don’t wanna do a test just yet just incase my period does come please no judgment



Im 3 wks pp and I am so over being in pain, not being able to sleep how I want, not producing enough milk, etc. and before all that, a not so great birth experience. waiting to see the light at the end of this tunnel.


Share your bump 😊

I’ve finally hit 30 weeks today! How about you? How will you spend the last couple weeks of your pregnancy?


baby #2? 😬

my baby fever is off the roof lately and honestly I missed my period by a few weeks..however I’m pretty irregular anyways. I think I’m putting it into my head that I’m pregnant maybe? I dunno if anyone else has been like this before lol. but.. in reality my son is only 21 months old, I already struggle with money a...


Pregnancy/Birth Story

🌺Hormone Drip: Yes 🌼Episiotomy Cut: Yes 🌺Epidural/Spinal: Yes 🌼Gas & Air: Yes 🌺Induced: Yes 🌼C-section: No 🌺Knew the sex beforehand: Yes, girl. 🌼Due date: 24th September 🌺Birth date: 20th September 🌼Morning sickness: No 🌺Cravings: Chocolate, Soup, Cheese 🌼Place of birth: Hospital 🌺Days in Hospital: 3…


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