Community Posts, Tips & Support on Mental Health

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Mental Health.

Lonely 😔

My boy is coming up to 7 months and I love love love him to death. We have really good days, going for walks, looking at things and playing and I honestly love it. His dad is at work from 7am till 6pm so we’re on our own pretty much all day. I don’t have family around and my partners parents aren’t that interested (...


No longer wanting to talk it out in relationships

I don’t know if this is the beginning to an end but I am at the point where I don’t want to talk out anything in my relationship. So much disappointment and energy wasted only for the same conversations and issues to come back up. I remember always wanting to talk about EVERYTHING. Now, I don’t have the energy becau...


Does anyone else struggle to be a SAHM

I grew up in care so moved out very young and have always worked and provided for myself now I'm pregnant I am very I'll so am not able to work and luckily I have my partner supporting me however I'm not enjoying it at all and I miss working and I'm just realising how long I'm going to be out of work for. How can I ...


Nothing ever works out for me I don't know what to do with my life.

I m 42,I have a crappy job that doenst pay much and I don't enjoy it.I don't have a car,o live in a small flat that's all I can afford.I keep trying to get a better job,get some more money but nothing is even happening.I feel like this is my life forever...I m so depressed and I feel like I m letting mu daughter down.



How many of yall are quiet and are you ok with it? I’m having a hard time accepting myself can anybody help me with this? Like how do you look at yourself and are fine with it?


Health anxiety

Those with health anxiety (I mean bad, panic attacks at times), how do you cope??? All I can think about is something being wrong with me or someone I love and i get panicky.


Feel so alone

I had to move back with my mom due to addiction problems (I didn’t know I was pregnant, and have been clean since). I had no where else to go and I just showed up cuz she wouldn’t answer and I was on the street. Now I’m here, she’s completely ignoring me. I’ve been asking for prenatals for a week, and she’s gone to...


Feel like my partner and I are drifting apart

Just gave birth six weeks ago and things are different between my bf and I. It’s hard for me to explain but it’s freaking me out. I don’t ever want to be a single mom. 😭


Going away without kids

Hey girls I have a question! Have any of you gone away without your little ones before and not felt guilty? My hubby and I are on our honeymoon in the Gold Coast and we left our son who’s 20 months old with my mum (his nana) who he adores, so our sons back in SA. I have felt guilty the whole time we have been away ...


Feeling lost

Hey all, I've recently left my partner, it's been a very long time coming, unfortunately we were not a priority. Anyway I've made some lovely Mum friends from classes etc, but gosh now I'm a single Mum, I just feel so lonely, like everyone has a nice partner to go home to, and when they speak about their weekend...


Struggling hardcore

My bf of almost 7 years and the father of my 4 year old and I split last week. He was my person.. and I'm feeling completely broken. I'm new here and looking for some mom friends/support. My 4 year old is a handful, it takes all my energy just to manage my job lately. I'm struggling :(


Anyone else feeling extremely lonely?

My parter is always at work and all my family & friends are at work too. I feel so lonely and even though they all offer support, it’s hard for them to do it when they are all working. I don’t have any friends who are at the same stage as me so I have no one to talk to or hang out with who’s also had a baby. Some ...


Newborn with no family around

Hi! Had my son almost 2 weeks ago and so far I’ve been somewhat adjusting. My mother was in town since he was born and recently left. Now it’s just my husband and I and I’m on maternity leave for about 6 weeks total. I’m just struggling with the fact that I no longer have any help from family and I know I might hav...


I feel stuck..

somedays I don’t feel like myself and it’s driving me and my partner away.. somedays I wish I could click a button and restart my life but then again I wouldn’t have my baby.. I feel like i’m going no where. It’s hard.


People without family support

Anyone else out there a single mum & either not have any family or just no family support at all? How do you cope.. the mum guilt is unbearable my daughter doesn’t have doting grandparents or her father around


Lonely world

So, I'm a 24 year old stay home mum I have a 3 year old girl and 7 month old boy And I feel so cut off from the world... I use to have my mum and grandma to talk to but I lost my mum 2022 and lost my grandma in febuary this year. Everyone tells me I have my partners family but it's not the same. I feel like I'm comp...


Feelings of isolation

Hey everyone, im just wondering if there are other stay at home mums in this group? How do you cope with feelings of isolation? My decision to not return to work really worked for me when my second baby came along 2 years ago, but without a strong social group in the area, im now realising this wasn't the right deci...



Im a new stay at home mom. I just moved to a new state i dont have friends and my husband works all day and when he comes home i feel like i bother him and he eats and goes to bed which is absolutely fine. But i guess im trying to say im lonely.


Anyone else? Just me?

Does anyone else ever feel like their SO hates them? Like we both have our reasons for not liking each other sometimes and we are extremely rocky but some days I just feel like he hates me. I don’t think I’m looking for advice just curious if anyone else ever feels this way.


So alone in pregnancy

I’m feeling so alone in my pregnancy.. I don’t talk to my family much especially about anything I’m feeling because it’s always due to relationship struggles and I don’t want or need any judgement from anyone. My partner deals with his own stuff and I’m left to deal with all of this on my own. My thoughts my feeling...


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