Community Posts, Tips & Support on Mental Health

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Mental Health.

So alone in pregnancy

I’m feeling so alone in my pregnancy.. I don’t talk to my family much especially about anything I’m feeling because it’s always due to relationship struggles and I don’t want or need any judgement from anyone. My partner deals with his own stuff and I’m left to deal with all of this on my own. My thoughts my feeling...


breaking point

I am at my breaking point I am so lost I have to two days til me and my 5 kids are homeless I am so losed I have no money or family I just feel like giving up


Any advice for failing

How do you get over the feeling that your failing as a women? My last not pregnant friend told me she’s now pregnant, so I’m the last one left. I can’t handle having to hear anymore of my friends and family are pregnant, with some not actively trying! I wouldn’t wish this journey on anyone of course but I can’t beli...


I messed up

I'm feeling at an all time low right now. I am a single mom, no friends, no family (close anyways), pretty much no support. I have been trying to reach out to others on sites likes these, trying to date but it's just making me feel worse. I have struggled to connect with people my entire life. I feel so alone. Toda...



It’s rare that I get a child free weekend but I have this weekend and today I’ve felt so low and even more depressed than usual. I have literally no friends to go out and do anything with, no one to ask or even talk to. What a great life 👌🏽


Two or three kids?

So I'm 37 this year, and I just had my second daughter, who has been so easy, but the new-born stage was horrible, with me having a reaction to the endone and having massive panic attacks and anxiety. She is now three months old, and I feel we are finding our feet again. We have had my partner's mum to help, as she ...


Solo Mom Life

I just feel like I need to rant & I hope someone can understand the feeling Im going through right now. I had my son almost 3 years ago in October. I’ve been doing it alone ever since with no help from his father. My younger sister had my niece & her child’s father was there for her whole pregnancy and for 6 months ...


Single mums and first time mums

Been going through a lot the past couple months my LO is nearly 3 months now and i constantly worry that im not enough for her and always really scared im gonna let her down or something. Seeing her little face and how it lights up means the world to me. I want her to have everything and more just really dont want t...


Torn Feeling

I love my lil boy so much but sometimes I feel like I need a break and breather from everything. But when I do get it, I miss him SO much. Normal??


Feeling left out

Does anyone else's mil get excited and favor their new daughter in law over you? My sil is pregnant with the first girl on my hubby's side of the family. And I'm pregnant with our 2nd boy and feeling completely pushed to the side and left out of everything they do. I get no invites or anything. But my sil gets ever...


Struggling with no friendship network

Before I fell pregnant I had a small number of close friends.. we used to meet up for drinks, brunches, day trips etc. Lots of social stuff. When I was pregnant and now my little boy is here, I've lost those so called close friends. They didn't check in whilst I was pregnant much and not at all now my boy is here. ...


The hardest part

The hardest part about being a SAHM is when my husband gets to do stuff after work while I'm still at home cooking, cleaning, and taking care of our kids who have been acting terrible recently. It's even harder because I know I have nowhere to go or any friends to hang out with. It's so easy to fall into a depressio...


Feeling lost

I have completely lost myself after having another baby. Im in pjs all day. My hair?? All over the house. Dirty. My appetite? Garbage. I feel hideous and so unmotivated. How are you guys putting yourself together??? Help


Hermit time

Has anyone else been feeling really antisocial lately? I've always been introverted but this has just been a whole new level for me. I feel like a jerk but I just have no desire to leave the house or to interact with anyone besides my husband or my cat. I just want to hibernate until this baby comes 😭


Single mums out there hats off

I just wanna say hats off to you. my hubby is away for the week for the first time and the only thing keeping me going is thinking of all the single mom's out there. House work looking after baby making meals giving time to baby . You really are made from a different cloth .


Leaving baby with others.

Just left my babies to go to hen do up London. 😭 I feel like crying. My husband has his mum and brother round with the 2 cousins to occupy our toddler daughter so lots of people to look after them but feeling the emotions. EBF so having to take my pump with me, to pump and dump. I won't be back until 7pm. I'm the…


Hormones making me feel lonely?

I've been feeling so incredibly lonely recently. I'm 35 weeks pregnant, have a 20 month old toddler and a full time job, and I'm married to someone I love very much. I message with friends frequently, my husband and I have been making more efforts for friend hangouts which have been fulfilling, and we have date nigh...


How is it even possible to be married and feel lonely af?!

I really want to fall in love again and get excited to be around someone. I just feel like my marriage is dead and my life is over. I’ve had conversations with my husband to try a little more but we’re in the same place. He barely talks to me , we don’t have sex for months and I don’t feel wanted anymore. This is th...


Disconnect with baby

I used to feel SO connected to my baby. However recently I just don’t. He doesn’t give me eye contact, he doesn’t smile at me as much. Other people get more smiles easier than I do. I feel so disconnected like our little bond has gone, and I’m devastated, has this happened to anyone else?


Co parent

Does anyone do 50/50 Every other weekend 30 days for summer it's definitely hard I miss my baby so much when she's gone especially the first night I always wake up and think she's home My baby girl is only almost 2.


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