Does anyone else struggle to be a SAHM

I grew up in care so moved out very young and have always worked and provided for myself now I'm pregnant I am very I'll so am not able to work and luckily I have my partner supporting me however I'm not enjoying it at all and I miss working and I'm just realising how long I'm going to be out of work for. How can I make this easier I'm so grateful for my partner supporting me and I know I should enjoy it but I'm jsut finding it so difficult
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It's normal to take time to adjust to a new routine or lifestyle. You may never like it, but I personally love staying at home with my boy even though it can have its challenge. I make sure to go out a lot and meet people. I meet with friends, I go to play groups, I go for long walks.

Yes, being a sahm isn't for everyone but also everyone finds maternity leave different. It's a bit different being off ill too because you can't go out and do fun things I'm guessing. This will be my second. With my first I couldn't wait for mat leave but by 10 months I was itching to get back to work. Now I have 4 months until I go on mat leave and I can't wait again 😂 For the first few months I found it hard to get out due to being tired and maybe a little depression in hindsight. But you'll find your own routine, I found local baby groups to go to every day of the week to get out the house and see people.

You can always use this time to do something productive. Depending on how ill/unwell you feel. But if you feel bad emotionally and want to work but not physically up for it, you can take an online course, learn something new, think of extending your education or changing careers, starting a business. Or simply learning a new hobby, being it baking, gardening, writing poems etc. I think maternity leave is the best time in woman's life to really connect with herself and realize what she wants from life ❤️ In my country mat leave is for 3 yrs, not rubbish 9months so it's pleeeenty of time to get "bored" and come up with great ideas. I can't wait personally 🙏🏼🙏🏼🌸

I found the loss of my 'identity' quite tough at the start of my nat leave. I'm a teacher and I love my job and I kind of lived and breathed it before I had my daughter so it was a big part of who I was. Adapting to having a new role as a mum and not having my routine was amazing but hard and then again adjusting to going back to work but part time was another thing to get used to, but there have been massive positives at all stages too. More time to be in the moment, precious time with my wee girl, time to make new friends and join some classes and groups, time to do long dog walks and go for coffee, time to read (sometimes!) and do jigsaws. Better work life balance. I had some counselling at one point and a lot of it was to do with my changing identity and it was very helpful. I would say getting in some good routines is a good way to start though when the days seem a little open and daunting. Xxx

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