Community Posts, Tips & Support on Mental Health

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Mental Health.


I'm pretty much in the house all day and have nobody to talk to. My mental health lately is starting to take a toll and I'm currently in between therapies right now. I've been feeling very lonely even though my son is home with me all day. Is there anyone who'd like to chat? Anyone closeby?



I found out my fiancé of 7 years has had a secret relationship for the past 3 months.. I have 6 kids but 4 with him and he was only saying he had 2. I’m so lost and could use a friend to talk to.


Breaking Down Barriers to Self-Care: What's Stopping You?

What's holding you back from making from self-care? 🛑🌿 Maybe you’re always saying yes to others and find yourself with little time left for you. Or perhaps your schedule feels overwhelming. Whatever the reasons, recognizing these challenges is the first step toward positive change. Remember, self-care isn't…


Feeling depressed

I woke up in a such a crabby mood today and I can't seem to shake it off. Some days I just want to feel like I can get up and not have to worry about anything. I often reminisce about what my life looked like before becoming a SAHM & wife. I used to be fun... I use to laugh and smile so much. Loved going out and ...


Any one else possibly going through labor & delivery alone

So.... the baby's father and I have been trying to get our remained together before this baby arrives, but there are still some red flags for me that make me highly considering being around him at all. I only have almost 3 weeks until due date and don't have any other support really. My heart is feeling really hea...


Feeling lost

I'm a first-time mom due in September, and everything is getting to me. My anxiety is so high because I wanna do my best... I just feel like I have no one I can go to or vent to about things.. I was just wondering if anyone else feels like this?


SAHM loneliness

So we made the decision a few months ago financially with the nursery fees ect it’s best for me not to return to work however, I was not aware of how lonely it would get, I have recently moved away from my family and friends to be closer to my partners work and I feel so alone all the time atm, I try to get out the ...


Struggling with separation from my 5 month olds dad!

Hey ladies, feeling very down at the moment and just after some support! 🖤


Maternity leave

Is anyone else on maternity leave with no family or friends around them? Myself, my partner and our children uprooted a few years back. I've been on maternity leave since Feb and had the baby in March. I'm really struggling to cope, no physically but mentally. It's not the children either , it's when my partner's wo...


Solo parenting without a village

Honestly how are people coping when they don’t have support? I’m not a single parent but feel like I may as well be one. My other half works ridiculously long hours so we rarely see him. My family live far away. My baby on the whole is easily pleased and doesn’t have any issues such as reflux/wanting to be carried a...


Social media detox

Morning mammas! Anyone else thinking about backing off social media in the run up the baby coming? I have this urgent feeling to retreat into my own little bubble? I am also going to try hypnobirthing so I don’t know if that’s got anything to do with it. But I have this overwhelming urge just to listen to my medita...



Don’t get me wrong, I love being a single mom so so much and I love my baby girl. But I feel so alone. Not even relationship wise, just with everyone. I get no one wants to be around a crying baby, but even so I find myself not feeling as though Everyone’s annoyed. I don’t feel as close to people as I used to and I ...


Miss my old self!

Ever since having my second baby everything’s changed soo much. Body, health, time with husband, time alone. I have no motivation to do anything apart from just about looking after my kids and the house. I just. Miss my old self i know it will take time but I’m finding it difficult to accept the changes even thoug...


I’m so tired.

I’ve been a SAHM since November 2023. No friends, no family, no hobbies … just baby and cleaning the house. I feel like I’m about to lose my mind. I hate this… some days I catch myself wishing I had another life. Everything is so depressing. I want to believe there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, but that seems ...



I’m hoping just for some advice or input on some things to do as a SAHM to fight the loneliness and keep my daughter and I find ways to get out and meet other moms My daughter is 3 months old and we really have been making solid efforts in spite of the heat to get out of the house part of me feels bad when we don’t...


Sometimes not wanting to be a mum …

I love my daughter so much, she’s amazing, she’s an easy baby, good sleeper, relaxed (sorry to those who haven’t got it this good at the moment) … but sometimes I just have moments were I don’t want to be a mum anymore, I don’t want to be a wife, I want to be so selfish and don’t want to answer to anyone. I don’t w...


Parents with no village

How are you? We’ve been finding it really difficult lately. Hot sun, spent with baby alone while one of us works. Clutching at anything we can do with the baby alone but at 13m it feels so limited. The park ✅ walks ✅ paddling pool ✅ but with no friends or family to enjoy these things with it’s just been making us ...


Motherhood loneliness

Hi all Anyone else find motherhood lonely and struggle to make mum friends 🩷


first time mom

ever since giving birth i just feel so lonely. idk what to do with myself during the days! i just feel so lazy or like bored. my friends don’t reach out too much but i get it cause we’re all at different places in our lives. being a new mom is weird and hard to get used to. i feel like i’m living everyday in a loop!...


Nurseries etc

Does anyone else feel bad seeing all these nursery posts but you just can’t accommodate that? Fell pregnant under surprise circumstances, still at my parents house, my partner will be coming to stay until he has to go back to work - but the over crowding is just panicking me and seeing everyone talk about their nu...


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