Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.


35 weeks now, and suddenly just can't stop crying, at everything! Anyone else?


Tell me about your “I’ve had it moments”

So today after 6 years I finally blew up with my mIL. She is notoriously inflexible and she won’t eat anything/ has a negative outlook on everything and is always expected to be treated like a guest even though she comes to “help “ im 3 weeks postpartum c section with 2 under two . She had a day of pissing me off ye...


Post partum rage

Anyone who has also suffered with this, how do you cope? I get so angry over the smallest things. My husband tries to help the best he can but I am EBF so he is limited in what he can do in terms of giving me a break (he does take our baby for a few hours in the evening so I can sleep). I'm just scared where these f...


This woman is driving me crazy 😵‍💫

I’m not sure if this warrants complaining but my MIL is and has been driving me absolutely insane. She constantly reminds me that “she didn’t want this” as in the baby, she complains if i don’t offer my food to her even though im 9 months pregnant and feel i should be able to eat in peace, and she said we’re going t...


Baby with a Temper

Anyone else feel like you have a baby who has a temper already? My little boy is 3 months old and I feel like he already has temper tantrums whenever he doesn't like something. It's bloody miserable sometimes, cries at almost everything. He had colic up until about 8 weeks and I thought that was hard but it just see...


How long did you wait to have sex?

I know they recommend six weeks but I honestly don’t think I can wait any longer now my bleeding has stopped😂 For reference, I’m 4 weeks postpartum? I had a natural birth and my stitches have dissolved and healed


My life is shit

I left my abusive now ex husband. I have full custody of our child because he isn’t interested in coparenting. My life has paused! I can’t even work like I use to. Now he is happily engaged to someone else while I’m here struggling. My life has always been hard luck. Unfortunately, I feel like I will be happy if I ...


Feelings have changed towards my partner 🥺

I feel guilty even writing this post as my partner is the most beautiful soul but since having my baby my feelings have changed towards him. I feel like all my love is going towards my baby and I’m struggling to share it with him, I don’t feel like being intimate or even close with him I sometimes feel like I just w...



How are you getting intimate with your partner with a newborn? They keep waking up or crying?


Can you heal from heartache?

My husband said things I can never forget. I had some therapy, and we were discussing my low self-esteem and low self-worth, and I spoke about a few moments that triggered it. I know, deep down, it is a level of jealousy, but I realised I was more hurt by his reaction (this is one example, but it happens frequently...



Hey mamas👋 Recently my 7 week old baby has been looking hair on the side of his head , nothing at the back but his hair is becoming really thin at the front from both side 🥲 Is this normal ? Thank youuuuu


Emotional Rollercoaster

So I'm only 8 +5 and this week my emotions are just ridiculous. I'm upset one minute and then the worst is I'm angry. Like I'm so angry, everything is pissing me off. I literally want to scream at everyone. Anyone else had this and tips on calming down😂


Alone.. 😢

Just needing to vent.. This is my 3rd baby, and all of my pregnancies have been miserable, including this one.. either going through dv, being cheated on, disrespected, hurt and used or being forced to go through it all alone with no help or support. This is miserable and part of me doesn’t even want to be pregnant ...


Marriage/relationship break ups

Is a marriage separation harder than a normal breakup in any relationship? A family member, is separating from her wife, she seems upset and I don’t know how to comfort her, she said it’s hurts and is hard to move on and I’ve said that I obviously don’t know what exactly she’s going through because I’ve never been m...


Postpartum aches and pains

I’m nearly 5 months postpartum and I’m still so stiff and sore. My knees and back feel like I’ve aged 40 years. The mornings are worse. Anyone else dealing with this? I’m going back to the gym next week finally so I am hoping this will help!


Do you ever have flashbacks of the mentally abusive things he has said?

I feel like this happens a few times. In a way I feel it helps to remind me not to go back. It’s just so many unnecessary mean things.


Pregnancy and high needs baby

I’ve read there could be a link between prenatal stress and high needs babies. How was your pregnancy and what is your baby’s temperament like now


Feeling defeated

So I’ve been in the hospital the last 24hrs with mastitis as it’s really bad they have no clue when they are sending me home.. I haven’t seen my baby in 24hrs and I can’t stop crying.. I feel like such a bad mom for having to be away from my baby..


feeling sorry for myself

my baby girl is doing her first overnight tonight at a family members . and they have just sent me a video of her belly laughing which melted my heart. but she’s not done this for me , just feeling sorry for myself like iv been doing something wrong … maybe she’s just sick of the sight of my face lol


How does anyone get the courage to have another child 😭

I am 4 weeks pp after having my little boy. Birth was quite traumatizing and I remember thinking I am never doing this again in between contractions. Now I am in the trenches with my newborn who some days won’t stop crying. I want a big family but right now I can’t imagine doing this again WHILE also having other ...


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