Can you heal from heartache?

My husband said things I can never forget. I had some therapy, and we were discussing my low self-esteem and low self-worth, and I spoke about a few moments that triggered it. I know, deep down, it is a level of jealousy, but I realised I was more hurt by his reaction (this is one example, but it happens frequently for different themed events). On our honeymoon, I was very happily talking to my husband, and a beautiful lady with her partner passed by. He watched her intensely, ignoring me entirely, and so I mentioned by asking why he is ignoring me. His reaction was to throw it back at me, saying it was a natural animal instinct and got up and left me there alone. This happened many times, where his mood soured after I mentioned something that gave me discomfort. I know that I am also in the wrong for asking him, and I believed it was all my fault, but I realised that his reaction of anger and dismissed my discomfort is also not okay. I realised that I needed that reassurance and that he chose to hurt me further instead, which greatened my lack of self-worth and esteem. Now I didn't know this at first, and it took me a while before I spoke about this new thing. Part of me feels like I shouldn't be in a relationship. I will always be hurt by this, and especially when the person chooses to hurt me further instead of any accountability. So, last month, I took a lot of courage and practise to help my husband understand what happens to me when that happened. I asked him if he is OK for this talk, gave him a little context, and waited a few days until he was ready. I started off kindly, trying to say that he may not had known, and then let him know that when I mention something that made me uncomfortable or hurt me... he would become very angry, shout, turn it back on me, ignore me, and various other things. And then I tried to say how it made me feel insecure and tried to then say what would be a more reassuring reaction as I'm sure he didn't know he was hurting me by doing that. After opening my heart up, I didn't know what would happen after, but I didn't expect him to say "certainly other women are more beautiful than you, I didn't think you would get caught up on looks, I'm speechless" and left me there crying whilst he played video games. I cried because he focused on the example, not on what I tried to convey, and he did exactly what I didn't need at that time. I'm trying so hard to change and fix my problems and I just feel so unloved by this man. It happened a few more times since then, where I asked if he was OK (apparently at a bad time) and he lashed out at me essentially telling me to be a mind reader. I just want some compassion, as I'm desperately trying with him. I kept my voice calm and I was careful with my sentences always saying it's my feeling and not saying "you" do this and that. When I spoke with my therapist he said how it takes time, and I understand, but he still chooses hurt over compassion. I can't seem to shift that though, knowing my husband happily told me other women are more beautiful than me. I feel so ugly, I feel like I want to hide when we go places together knowing he is comparing me, and now I'm comparing me even more... I feel disgusting in all of my clothes, I think it had changed the way I see myself in the mirror. I panic and criticise myself to much more. Not only that, but I don't understand how... if you love someone, and you saw you hurt them and they cried when they never used to, why do you happily just go on and ignore it. I know that's my 'belief'that if you love someone you don't consciously hurt them, but gosh it hurts me so much. Even a "I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry, I'm a little stressed today" would had been enough.. but stupid me tears myself apart for days thinking why 1. He did it. 2. He hates me. 3. This relationship has ended, surely? I don't know if we can fix it. My stupid insecurities will always feel uncomfortable being ignored, and my stupid belief that if you love someone, you don't intentionally hurt them.
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This hurts my heart for you šŸ˜¢ it really sounds like you have a good mindset and approach, but so far heā€™s just not reciprocating that. I wouldnā€™t give up yet but if he keeps treating you that way, nobody deserves that, and it isnā€™t fair to you to let it be that way forever. Itā€™s not a stupid belief that we shouldnā€™t intentionally hurt those we love. Sometimes it will happen but true love should make you feel loved much more than hurt. Hugs to you ā™„ļø

Oh girl Iā€™m so incredibly sorry:( You and your feelings are not stupid at all and Iā€™m sorry that he made you feel that way. You deserve to be treated like a queen, not like how heā€™s been treating you. Iā€™m honestly speechless over what he said to you about other women being more beautiful. That is such a hurtful thing to say and he should be ashamed to even think that, let alone say it to you out loud. My only advice would be couples therapy and maybe even a break. Dont ever let a man steal your self love and confidence from you. Heā€™s clearly insecure with himself which is why heā€™s making you feel like shit. It had everything to do with him and nothing to do with you or your looks. Heā€™s with you for a reason, dont forget that! Iā€™m sorry youā€™re being treated this way and I hope things get better soonā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹

Heā€™s the problem here not you but heā€™s making you think it is your fault which is a big red flag. As women we all get a little insecure at times and as your husband he should have said something like ā€˜youā€™re the most beautiful woman to meā€™ not make you feel worse! Thatā€™s not what a man who loves you does. Heā€™s completely breakin you down and youā€™ve done nothing but try and fix it, why should you have to walk on eggshells around your own husband in fear of him lashing out? Itā€™s not acceptable and you deserve so much better! A man who will make you feel beautiful every single day.

Wow what a gaslighting bellend! And he said/did that on your honeymoon too? šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø Sorry love, he sounds awful. I donā€™t think your relationship is salvageable. Heā€™s definitely not husband material. Itā€™s ok to admit you picked the wrong guy and leave. He clearly doesnā€™t even like you, let alone love you! I would throw this one back into the sea and find yourself a decent man who literally will treat you like a queen.

Thank you, I'm married to him for 2 years and he wasn't like this at the start, it shifted and I think I'm stuck on hoping the old him will return. I'm quite worried about leaving him as I know this isn't the right way to treat who you love. I didn't want to take my baby away from their father, in all honesty I'd rather be single. I think it began at the honeymoon... I'm just so confused and lost, I really don't enjoy who I've become either. Thank you for your messages and time, I really appreciate you reading my rant

I think he did fool me, and himself, as at the start of our relationship we were the opposite of now. He went to parks with me, castles, museums, woods, forests, travelled around, everything. I believed he enjoyed these things as I was true to myself and did things I liked. He would talk about how he enjoyed them and he loves the countryside and this is why I thought we worked. We seemed well connected and I believed we had common interests and we never argued... But now, we argue often. Suddenly, he made every excuse to not do anything at all except be at home watching movies and playing games. Suddenly he no longer cooks with me, or cleans, or anything. Rubbish is all over the house as well as his clothes. Like a teenager. So, as a result. I changed. I became a nag. And I started to dislike myself just as much as he did. But, as I reflected, my change was because I was confused and I was trying to get him to be himself (which wasn't actually himself, but a lie he fed us both for all those years)

He was like this before he met me. Messy. Lazy. Do nothing. I felt overwhelmed, drained, and like I say confused. Suddenly losing myself too. I ended up having to try to do everything I wanted and did by myself or with friends. He then started to say we are like room mates, and I do agree. I don't feel romantic with him and I realised I don't recognise him. Not this version of him. I tried to live a hermit life indoors watching the whole of Netflix then Disney plus, but he didn't do the outdoor stuff with me. I also became a full time everything whilst he just went to work them played games.

So, working a highly stressful job, waking up at 5am coming home at 6pm, then cleaning his mess and cooking dinner and everything made me tired. I burnt out many times. He even leaves the house 2 hours after me and comes home 1 hour before me. But, he goes straight to his computer. I just don't understand this, and I really miss the old him. The one he tried to be when we met. But, ultimately, I feel like this is lost and I don't know what to do. I think we do need couple therapy. I just can't afford it, it's too expensive at the moment with baby... Again sorry for the rant. Too much swimming in my brain at the moment.

Me personally I would of left. And I know it hard believe me but your feelings are not stupid he doesnā€™t care about your feelings he just care about what you do for him. He sounds like a narcissist my heart hurts for you because you sound so sweet and nice but if this doesnā€™t change you need to start looking out for you sweetheart nobody else

This is so sad to read. I think itā€™s a classic anxious attachment vā€™s dismissive avoidant. Narcissists have avoidant attachment and he most certainly sounds narcissistic if Iā€™m honest. I really donā€™t know that this extreme of a situation can ever work even with help. Ask yourself how much would he have to change for you to be treated as you need and deserve?? And I imagine itā€™s a huge deficit. Think of your child being treated this way by their future partner and I guarantee your eyes will fill with tears just at the very thought!! Thatā€™s all you need to know. But the most important question is ā€˜Do I deserve to be loved in a way that doesnā€™t cause me this much pain??ā€™ Yes Yes Yes!!! Xx

I think you're right, I'm definitely the anxious one. I really hoped I would be with someone who I would never doubt loved me. Like I say, I'd rather be single. I'm quite happy single. But, I do feel like I have messed up. I can't believe it took me this long to realise + therapy because I thought I was the only problem. But, I realise the only way I can be myself again is if he steps up, but at the same time, I know deep down I will hold on the comment of other women... even though I am aware there will always be beautiful women, I just wished my husband made me feel safe. I'm not saying he must only find me beautiful, but I sure don't feel comfortable or secure in our relationship anymore. You know, that feeling where you're in a room of stunning people but you know your man 100% loves you. I wish I had that. Like the "Beautiful people" music video by Ed Sheeran. I would never do that to him, or even stare at another man. It's hurtful. Not even out of spite.

Sounds like he has got very comfortable and has gotten away with being too comfortable. It's so easily done when you love someone! You sound like a very gentle, loving person, which is lovely, I think you need to transform this love into love for you. I think before you decide to leave, the best test is to put the attention you would give him, into yourself. See how that feels for you, this will help you to feel worthy of more through empowerment and self growth. His issues are his and you can't help that- my question on him though would be IS this him or is he unhappy in himself that's why he has changed (his mental health or previous issues surfacing). Either way that is his issue/problem to figue out not yours. He needs to decide what kind of husband he wants to be and that means he has to look at what he is putting in and how he is treating you. But, he would only potentially start looking at that when he sees that your focus has shifted by you finding your own truth and way forward.. self loveāœØļøā¤ļø

Gosh Incog, it sounds like he really pulled the wool over your eyes and did the classic bait and switch that a lot of shitty men do. They know they are lazy disgusting bums which no decent woman would want - so they mask who they truly are, play the game of ā€œMr Niceā€ for just long enough until theyā€™ve trapped the woman into either having their kid and/or marrying them, knowing that most women will never leave and then BAM the mask comes off and out comes the real them. I donā€™t think there ever was an ā€œold himā€ to begin with so youā€™re basing your future with him on a lie. I genuinely donā€™t think couples therapy is going to work here. What heā€™s said and done to you is far beyond the normal realms of marriage. He is so disrespectful to you! You are looking for compassion in the wrong direction. He will not be the one to give it to you. Continue going to therapy alone, build up your self-esteem and I hope you realise you are worth more than being a loser man-childā€™s verbal punchbag.

I think you've identified a flaw of being insecure thats ok we all have moments like this but you're digging into it and trying to reach out and get him to understand so you can have some help in those vulnerable moments, honestly you've tried and he doesn't want to hear this, you are beautiful and you deserve to hear this. Yes on a superficial level there will always be someone better looking than everyone, but that isn't a reflection on you, you are you and I think working on yourself to start loving yourself is advisable because you deserve to love yourself and you deserve love form someone else, im not saying your partner doesn't love you but do you feel loved from him, does he adore you other times and have moments of a bad response or does he not even find you attractive. If he doesn't this is not your fault! And don't let him ever make you feel you aren't good enough, that's him doing that to the person he claims he loves(if he does claim that)

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