Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.


We have been on neocate for a few months now and lbs bowel movements seem to be getting worse it will seem like he’s done a massive amount and then there will literally be a tiny hard amount and it’s stuck and he’s struggling to pass. We used to do the p fruits and ready brek etc no bananas etc not making any differ...


Teat size (MAM bottle)

Hi Mommies! My baby is 5 months old and only been drinking about 3-4 oz per feed (formula). She’s been using size 2 teat so we tried a bigger teat (size 3) but she is refusing it. Do you have any advice? How did your LO take a teat size up?


14months baby hurting himself

Hiya everyone I know I haven’t been as active on here but I noticed today my son likes to hit his head on the floor on purpose, and whilst having a tantrum he throws himself backwards which today he banged his head really hard. I’ve ordered a protective pillow for his head but I don’t understand why he does this or ...


High chair recommendations

My baby is going to start solids soon and I’m super excited!! Looking for some high chair recommendations!!


BF & constipation

Is anyone who’s breastfeeding suffering bad constipation😩 I usually poo’d every day at least once with no issues but since having baby every time I need to poo has reduced to once every couple of days and it’s always so hard it actually hurts and makes me bleed 😭 is this normal? I do drink a lot of water in a day!…


Toddler socially awkward

My 2 yr old boy gets irritated when someone approaches him wether a child or an adult unless his familiar with them. He starts crying or shuts down staring into space awkwardly. What can I do?


Offering bottle to breastfed baby

Any success stories? We’ve tried offering a bottle occasionally of breast milk which he took a couple of times but really isn’t interested now. Have tried different brands and bottles. Open to trying formula! My firstborn never took a bottle and this time round I’d really like the comfort of knowing little one would...


17 months old little boy

How do you get your 17 month old to sleep in their bed all night xx


Crib training

Hey mommas! My LO is 6 months as of today! I wanted to see what your experiences with crib training so far have been like? Mine has slept in the bassinet attached to my side of the bed since birth and I still can’t imagine moving her to her own room. Have any of you made the switch yet and how did it go?? Pic for tax…


Toddler and baby room sharing

any mamas with experience (or plans) to have their toddler and younger baby sibling share a room? We only have a 2 bedroom, and though it’s down the line, we know eventually we will need them to share a room. I worry because my 20 month old is just such a great sleeper (slightly sleep trained him). Any experience or...


16 week jabs

Do babies get weighed at their 16 week jabs?


When you get gas/petrol do you..

Pumping gas isn’t a thing I do so it’s a no for me but if I did I’d just leave it. My mom said it’s just easier when “balancing the check book” but like you can’t pick the price of your other purchases so why do it then?


Almost 14 weeks - emotional wreckkkkk

I can’t stop crying 😭 I just feel so overwhelmed and am so sensitive to everything. my husband will ask me how i’m doing and i just burst out into ugly crying. ughhhhh pregnancy is so wild


Breastfeeding personal question

Hey y’all. So I have my girls pierced and I wasn’t sure how to go about breastfeeding and having them in. I’ve been told I can pump and have them in but I’ve been told I can’t so I wasn’t sure what to do with them. I’m also intimidated to take them out because I’m scared I can’t line them up and the holes close. Any...


Cows milk

How much milk (oz) should baby be drinking after transitioning from formula?



Hey mama’s👋 , when does colic on newborns end? Thank you🫶


Cluster feeding at week 11??

My baby has been wanting to feed on an hourly basis since morning. I thought the cluster feeding days are over !!


Irregular pooping?

My 3wk old bubba doesn’t poop everyday. She’s going on day 2 of no poops and when this happens, out of nowhere she’ll poop like 4 times in a row. I don’t think it’s my diet that’s got her backed up because I eat organic whole foods and hydrate regularly. So is it normal for newborns to poop irregularly?



How many words is your LO saying? My son is 13mos and only says mama and dada when he cries. But I feel like he doesn’t even understand a lot of other words like yes, no, hello etc. We speak to him in 2 languages could this be why? Or am I expecting too much too soon?


When to introduce a bottle to breastfed baby

I'm EBF my baby, he's currently 5 weeks old. I have expressed milk before and put it in my freezer, I've 7oz in total. I'm just wondering when I should introduce a bottle to him just to get him used to the idea of taking one as I don't want to have trouble on my hands when I'm not with him and he won't take a bottle...


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