Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.

2 pillows

When do you think it's safe to use two pillows for my girl? I feel like she must be so uncomfortable with just the one flat one


Some ‘next to me’ advice

Hiya! I need some advice from some mums.. my LO is just over 3 months and is wriggling all the way up his next to me through the night, to the point his head is touching the top. He’s quite tall as it is so he’s not much room in the next to me anymore… it’s only over the last week or so he’s been doing this? Do I ...



My girl is nearly 11 months and she is ebf. She feeds to sleep every night and wakes every hour. I am starting to struggle a little now with the tiredness. I am completely against sleep training but I just want to see if anyone had any ideas to help which will not cause any upset to my baby? How do I get her to slee...


Feed in the night

Anyone still feeding their LO in the night? Is it a whole bottle? If my girl wakes up I’m still giving her a whole 7oz bottle that she drinks all of and usually will go back down until 7:30. I know they say at 12 months you should just try and settle without feeding but can’t see that happening any time soon 😂


Giving up the dummy already??

I can’t remember when my 6 year old gave up the dummy. Maybe 2-3, I remember a dummy fairy book and replacing the dummy with a gift though so a lot older than my 14 month old. 14 month old is driving me mad with her awful habit of throwing the dummy and thinking it’s funny at bed time though so I’m debating giving ...



Anyone else struggling a lot recently? Little man is going through a 10/20 minute nap stage, gets bored easy, doesn’t want to be out of my sight, makes very loud screeching noises constantly. He is a very happy boy but I feel myself looking forward to bedtime.. Then I feel guilty for being relieved he is asleep an...


12-week old sleeping 9:30pm to 7am with no feeds?

I’m really pleased that we’re all getting some good chunks of sleep, but is this normal?! He’s having a final feed around 9, will fight sleep for a while but once he’s gone, he’s gone. It’s been four nights now of no waking to feed. I didn’t expect this for a very long time. Has anyone else experienced this? I do no...


Multiple attempts to put baby down

Baby will be in what seems like a deep sleep but every time I put him down he wakes up crying and as soon as I hold him he falls back asleep. It’s taking so long to put him down so Im not getting much time to myself in the evening or time with hubby before going tl bed/his next feed. Anyone else? Any tips ?


Active sleep

Any tips on how to get my little one to stop waking himself up in active sleep, he’s exhausted bless him but keeps waking himself up 😅🤦🏼‍♀️ Some nights he’s not so bad, others like tonight I’ve had to go up to get him back to sleep 3 times as he’s woke himself up in active sleep 🙈 and it’s mainly his arms. We…


Co sleeping & BF through the night at 7 months - am I alone ???

Hello just looking for some reassurance really! My LO starts off in the cot usually does anywhere from 1-3hrs but then wakes and the only way to get her back to sleep is to breastfeed. This can be as frequently as every 1-2hrs through the night. Because of this I tend to bring her into the bed with me as it’s too ex...



My little one has started pointing under her bed as though there’s something there (there isn’t). Some nights she wakes up a few times shouting as she thinks there’s something under her bed, anyone experienced this? Is it a normal phase?


Clocks going back in the UK this weekend, what to do for LO’s bedtime?

Not sure what to do about LO’s bedtime with the clocks changing??? Usually has an 8pm bedtime, what to do?


Sleep regression getting worse,

We are 6 weeks into this, the last 5 weeks, she’d wake every 2 hours have a bottle go to sleep then the last waking early hours it’s a whole wake window of wanting to play, this last week both wakings are being whole wake windows! She used to sleep through and re settle herself but I’m so overwhelmed if this will e...


Nappy leaks at night???

Hello this isn’t about making friends but I need advice! My 3 month old baby boy seems to leak through every night, what can I do to help prevent this?? Any suggestions appreciated. I change him when he wakes but don’t want to disturb him and myself more! He’s usually in a size 2 nappy I tried sizing up last night ...


Nappy leaks at night???

Hello! My 3 month old baby boy seems to leak through every night, what can I do to help prevent this?? Any suggestions appreciated. I change him when he wakes but don’t want to disturb him and myself more! He’s usually in a size 2 nappy I tried sizing up last night and it didn’t help. We usually use Mamia but I’ve ...


What is/was bedtime for your baby at 12 weeks?

My LO is fussy in the evening now so I think she needs to go to sleep earlier? At the moment we put her down at 10/:30/11pm and she does sleep through. If I make it earlier she might change? Not sure what to do?


1 year old not sleeping through

My baby just turned 1 at the start of the month and it seems since then she suddenly won’t sleep through the night. She used to sleep from about 7-6 but now she wakes up between 1 & 4am & then is up for up to 2 hours some night. She struggles to fall back to sleep and with starting back fulltime work I’ve started to...


Sleep help

My 6.5 month baby is exclusively BF I started laying down and feeding her so I can get some rest now the only way is to feed her to sleep else she won’t sleep! Any suggestions?


Sleep regression 🥲

Has anyone managed to make it through the 18 month sleep regression yet???? I need some reassurance that this is all temporary and we will all get better sleep again soon 🥲 Also, any tips, advice and/or words of encouragement are gladly accepted 😅 Sincerely, One very tired *and also pregnant* mama 😩


Sleeping tips

And suggesting welcome! My little girls has started to walk up 30/45 minuets after she has been put to bed every night… no idea why. She never use to! Also her late afternoon nap has gotten weird. She will do her usual 20 mins (yes that’s all she naps at a time 🤦🏽‍♀️) be awake for about 30 mins or so an then be…


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