Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.


Hey mama’s 👋, I have an extra clingy 7 week old baby. He literally grabs onto me,as soon as I move his eyes opens and checks if I’m still there🥹😩. Is this normal ? Thank youuuuu🫶


9 month old doesn’t talk

My 9 month old isn’t saying mum or dad or anything yet. He babbles and shouts but not words. Should I be worried


Clicking noise when feeding

My baby is 5 weeks and she has started clicking at the bottle when feeding? I have read that it could be tongue tie but I don’t think it is as she’s never done this before? We have also recently gone from a 0 teat to and 1 teat so we don’t think it’s because of that either. Has anyone else experienced this?



Any baby not walking yet? My son is just not interested yall 😪 We encourage him all day. He runs with his walker and takes many steps by himself but his main way to move around is still crawling. Pediatrician is not worried but I am 😭


My son is too stubborn to learn!

So I feel like I have reached a stalemate with my son and it’s really annoying! He is SO headstrong he feels like he knows all and it has to be his way or no way! He has bath animals and every bath since he has gotten them I have gone over what they are called and the noises they make, it’s been months of doing th...


Tantrums and preschool

My sweet little guy has turned into a terror 😭 He is screaming and screaming going to preschool - he won’t even come down stairs in the morning without a massive tantrum. I’ve spoken to them and they said he’s amazing when he’s there - literally wipes the tears away and gets on with his day. They think he’s…



Any advice on how to get my nearly 2 year old to count. His speech is very good and he is like a little parrot and copies everything we say. He says 2 all the time and knows its 2 in a line of something etc. And occasionally has said other numbers. Because his speech is good I don't think it's that he can't say numb...


Hitting & throwing objects

Bub is 2 next week & has begun hitting everyone and finds it funny. He also throws things around constantly. I was told in nursery he threw car toys at a set of twins. Is this normal? Surely not. His weekend child minder is concerned with behavioural change since he started there.


Constant whinging

I cannot deal with the constant whinging! If he’s frustrated, if we say no, if he has to wait, for no reason at all; it’s endless!


Pull to stand toys

Hi! My 7 month old loooves to stand. He only does it when I “hold” him up but just loves to be on his feet. Any suggestions for toys he can pull himself up on?


Baby got scared

I turned on the blender and turn around to see my baby who’s on the floor crying and screaming. I turned the blender off right away and came picked her up she cried for maybe 10 ish seconds and was fine. Could this cause something bad or will she be fine? She never cried from a loud noise like that before 😅


Pointing 17 months

So my baby was evaluated at daycare today and it says she’s not pointing to an object or picture when it’s named. She will point to show me something she wants, and even says “this” when she’s pointing, but she won’t necessarily point if I say, “point to the apple”, even though she knows what an apple is and she kno...


Little one

Does anyone else's little ever randomly pull their own hair, or randomly hit their own head.....?? Is it normal??



Hi yall. I know it’s developmentally appropriate, but it makes me so uncomfortable especially when she does it on me. Please tell me I’m not alone 😭


Baby blues

These baby blues are really tough 😞 the constant being on edge and uncontrollable crying is really doing me in.


What to expect on first appointment?

My son has his first ever actual appointment for Speech Therapy and Occupational therapy. He doesn't eat or talk and is constantly wanting milk, and pediasure at night because he doesn't eat. What can I expect to happen on the first appointment and what questions should I ask?


How do I stop my toddler from smacking himself throwing himself on the floor?

So when my son does something naughty I tell him off and say “no you can’t do that” and he then gets so frustrated and smacks his head and face with his 2 hands and he then cries and throws himself on the floor. He does this when I’m out aswell and idk how to stop him from doing it. Has anyone got any tips/advise? ...



How do you stop your toddlers from hitting, headbutting and biting? My sister is struggling with her son


Possible autism.

Hey mamas. My baby had her first meeting with infant and toddler yesterday. They played with and evaluated her. They said she has multiple areas of delay and need to be tested for autism. It’s just so scary to think about. I want the best for my babe. She also has CMV which can cause developmental delays so this was...



Hi!!! My 11 month old will only stand while holding onto something for support! He has shown no interest in standing unassisted or walking yet! Is anyone else on the same boat? Should I worry :(


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