Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

4D/5D scans

I’m having a 4D/5D ultrasound tomorrow. I’ve read in their consent form that they use high level of waves and now I’m a bit concerned. This isn’t stated on their website. Has anyone else done it?


Is an abdominal ultrasound at 6 weeks accurate at all?

Just got an ultrasound because I have no idea how far along I am. They said 6 weeks 1 day and they could see a strong heartbeat. However, they said they didn’t know for sure and they weren’t going to do a transvaginal ultrasound. They said come back in 2 weeks and they’ll see for sure how far along I am. I know ...


Anatomy Scan!

Had my anatomy scan today and they said everything looked great! She’s a girl for sure! Doctor said they are gonna monitor her closely because she’s in the 91st percentile for her weight already weighing 14 oz at 19w4d! She’s also measuring a week ahead on everything else!


Genetic testing predicting the gender

How accurate is the genetic testing when it comes to gender? Do I trust what it says or should I wait for the anatomy scan to trust the gender?


Baby’s Weight

How much is everyone’s babies weighing at their anatomy scan? My boy was 12 oz , seeing where everyone else is at , I was 20 weeks !


Am i tripping

So I finally got my first 3-D ultrasound photos and am I tripping or does he look like his dad only posted this because of the post that I shared the other day posted another photo in the comments


Ultrasound sound worries

So.. back story Husband and I have been trying for a baby for 1year. We have had positive pregnancy test but then I would bleed a couple days later. 3 weeks ago I went o the doctor to confirm this pregnancy. They got me at 8 weeks but then we did an ultrasound and there was just a sack, the tec said she thinks I’m...


19 weeks and no movement (2nd baby)

I'm feeling really anxious this pregnancy and cannot put my finger on it. I'm finding this really frustrating because in general I'm not an anxious person. According to my scans my placenta is not in the front like my previous pregnancy. Everything I've read suggests you feel 2nd baby earlier. I'm 19 weeks and haven...


Cholestasis - 37 weeks

I had itchy legs so had my bloods taken last week.. they want to do another blood test tomorrow to check my bile levels as “ALP” is high, I read this can be normal and it can from the placenta… Has anyone had any experience with anything like this? Anyone who has or had Cholestasis, how did you get diagnosed and wh...


12 week check up and no Ultrasound

Just came from my 12 week check up (12w4d) and we talked to the doctor, had blood drawn and the doctor checked the baby's heartbeat with a Doppler. No ultrasound! I'm so disappointed! She said the next one will be at 20 weeks! 😲 I can't wait that long!! My last one was at 9 weeks. Is that normal??? I'm 38 with an…


Gender confusion. Ultrasound advice…

Hi all, At about 15 weeks I had an ultrasound with the NHS who revealed we were having a baby boy and showed us his little parts on the ultrasound. Fast forward to our 20 week scan and we’ve now been told it’s a girl. I’m keen to pay for a private ultrasound as I’m not sure who to trust now, but conscious I’ve ...


Gender reveal tomorrow- any guesses? 🩵🩷

Anterior placenta making cute scan pics impossible! 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


12th centile, 32 week scan

Hi all! We just went for a 32 week scan and found out our baby is measuring at 12th centile. Our doctor wasn’t worried about it but we are! Anyone else in a similar position- any tips or thoughts?



So I just had my ultrasound I was supposed to be 6 weeks and 3 days… but they couldn’t see anything in my uterus. I am sobbing. She said it might be too early and to come back in 2 weeks but now I am just so depressed. I have pcos it was so hard to get pregnant 😭😭😭


Scan at 5 weeks 5 days

Has anyone had a scan at 5 weeks 5 days? If you have please post what you saw as I went today and only saw a sac. Feeling a bit disheartened 💔


Measuring 4 weeks ahead

I'm 28 weeks and measuring 4 weeks ahead, I have a growth scan a week on Thursday, absolutely bricking it, my dates are definitely correct as I went for an early scan at 7 weeks so I'm quite concerned, can anyone put my mind at rest? My blood tests came back perfect


Growth scan weights

Just had my 36+5 growth scan and little woman is measuring 5lb6, is that small for this stage?


Early scan: andominal or internal?

For those who have already had an early scan around 8 weeks: was it an abdominal or an internal scan?


Have our reveal tomorrow- boy or girl? 🩷🩵

It’s not the clearest scan due to my placenta being at the front, but what are your guesses?! We have the answer in an envelope and will find out tomorrow on my birthday 🥰


20 week scan

Anyone else have their 20 week scan this week and feel slightly nervous for it🙈


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