Pregnancy Scans

Ultrasounds can make a positive pregnancy test a reality. Discover real stories from real women and explore expert advice on all things pregnancy scans and ultrasounds.

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Has anybody had 2 ultrasound scans within a week? I’ve got my 12 week one next Tuesday but I’ve been so poorly recently I’m feeling anxious and want to book a private one for today but not sure if having 2 too close together will harm the baby?


Bump not grown in few weeks

I’m 19 weeks now and I’d say my bump hasn’t grown in the past 3 weeks… is this normal? I have the 20wk scan next Wednesday. All yesterday I had bad period like pains and did call triage, they weren’t overly concerned as no blood but just thought I’d reach out to any first time mamas if this happened to you? Thanks💖


Baby measuring small

I’ve just had my midwife appointment, I’m 36 weeks but my baby is measuring small and I’m being booked in for a scan, should I be worried?


Baby Measuring Small

Hey! Looking for some comfort really and/or similar experience stories. Just went for my midwife appointment (27+4) and had the fundal height measurement which showed that my baby is under the 10th percentile and considered small so was referred for a scan. The scan isn’t for another 3 weeks so I’m worried. She did ...


6 week scan worth it or not?

I am going to have a 6 week scan isit worth it or not did anyone see much on theirs ?


T21 likely diagnosis

I’m 15 weeks along and my baby likely has t21 (95 on NIPT, two markers found on ultrasound.. will do amnio next week). This is my first baby and I feel so overwhelmed and scared. I’d love to talk to someone who’s been through it too.


36 week consultant appt

I’ve got my 36 week appointment with the consultant at the hospital tomorrow… what should I expect to be discussed? I have GD and hoping for some sort of loose birth plan to be put in place but not sure whether I’m going to get my hopes up for that and it not be discussed at all?! Anyone who has been consultant le...


Heartbeat check at booking apt?

Does anyone know if they check & listen to the heartbeat in your 10week midwife booking appointment? I can’t remember from last time?


Anatomy Scan for Baby boy went well today

So I'm 20 weeks and 4 days today and had my anatomy scan for baby boy and he looks great and he was very active. I haven't gotten a ultrasound picture since I was 11 weeks and the difference in size is crazy. I'm so in love with him already and he has a little bit more time until he reaches earthside. I think I'm go...


Bump measurement?

I’m probably just being paranoid lol but curious all the same I had my bump measured at 27wks (now27+3) and it was 25inch which they said was normal but I’m over paranoid after being told by my midwife I should have 1 inch for every week gestation 😪 I have an actual midwife appt next week so she’ll be able to…


What does N+ mean on report card

I'm so lost yall lol


10 week external scan

Let’s see your 10 week external scan pics! Going for mine tomorrow and don’t want an internal so keen to see what sort of picture we might see ☺️


First pregnancy please help!

Hey all, I tested positive on the 2nd of October and I think I roughly ovulated around the 19/20th of September, my last period was the 28th of August so all the apps and docs are saying I’m 7/8weeks but I went for an early scan last Wednesday due to having some bleeding and they’ve said they can only see the gestat...


32 week scan

I always over analyse scans but does his face look funny or is it just the scan 😭😭


Gender guess for fun?

Gender guess for fun? Scan was 12w+6d and I got my NIPT gender results back same day. I know gender, but for fun what do you think? Photos in comments ❤️


8 week check up

I’ve just been to the mother and baby check up and feel like she rushed us in and out. She checked my babies eyes and looked at her bum that was it. She didn’t look at me and she didn’t ask any questions about how I’m healing. I just want to know what others have experienced at their 8 weeks checks before I make a c...

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