Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy.


What’s your take on sugar intake in the form of sweets/chocolate/puddings/biscuits? Our LO has had 1 bite of birthday cake 3 times - aside from that he hasn’t had anything else sugary, my partner wants to put some chocolate buttons in a Christmas Eve box but I’m still 😬😬😬 I don’t know if I’m being overly cautious…


Coffee toddler friendly - city centre

I'm meeting an old friend tomorrow in town but I'll have my 2 yo with me. Is there any cafes/coffee shops that are toddler friendly?! Preferably with a little bit of soft play/activity as he won't sit in a high chair nor will he stay in the pram


Is it true you have more morning sickness with a girl?

I have a little boy already and never really felt sick while pregnant with him. Now pregnant with number 2 and feel totally awful. Vomiting and wretching, the smallest thing makes me feel sick. Wondering if it’s cos it’s a girl or just cos it’s a different pregnancy!



Is brown discharge normal? Had some this morning, no other symptoms with it


Partner doesn’t like 3D scan pic

Yesterday I took part in a clinical trial and as a thank you they gave me this 3D pic. I absolutely love it and went home all excited to show my partner but he literally recoiled and asked not to see it again. He says he wants to meet him in real life first and found it all very weird so I have taken it to work as m...


Birth advice

Hey! I’m having non identical twins At my 12wk scan I was given 12th Jan as my expected due date I’ve been told I would need to have the babies 3wks before. How accurate is this????? I’m constantly holding onto and around the 22nd December if that’s the case but what is it really like??


Dec baby🎄

My Gracie Jaden was born 20/10/2024 at just 30 weeks. Weighing 3lb10 and doing sooo well. Already off all breathing support💝 she was due on Xmas day but decided she wanted to be an October baby instead xx


Back pain

Hi Is anyone getting extreme back pain 😢 and what is everyone using for it? Is tiger balm safe to use. I think previously I was told that deep heat wasn't safe to use during pregnancy. Thanks x


Sorry for tmi …

Does anyone else have loose stool first thing in the morning ? 24 weeks had it for a week now.


Extra scans

I have a growth scan at 32 and 35 weeks. Has anyone else? I'm scared because last time I had one at 38 weeks nearly 39 and they wanted to induce me so fingers crossed I won't this time


39 weeks doctors visit ?

I have no idea what to expect , My doctor says she’s going to check my cervix is that like a Pap smear or is she going to put her fingers in me to check for baby’s head ? Baby is due next week but I’ve had no signs of labor yet 🥲


Arm movements

Is this normal? He’s nearly 9 months and has restless/flappy arms sometimes. It’s not constant but every day. I’m not sure if he’s excited etc… any advice?



How many weeks will everyone be on their next scan? I will be 20 weeks 1 day


C section recovery tips?!

Hi all! I have my consultant appt coming up to decide if we want to go for a planned c section (due to a traumatic birth the first time). I know c section recovery isn’t fun (but then again neither was a 3rd degree tear 🙃) but I was just wondering if anyone has any tips they could share for the recovery or…


Happy birthday

Happy birthday to any other 22nd babies today☺️💕


Father engagement

I think my dad is going to propose to his partner this weekend. He's having a party at his house for the first time since my mum's birthday 20+ years ago. Tell me what can I gift them and any etiquette I should know. Thanks. Ps. I won't be there as I'm in another country, so something that travels well. I'm so psy...


Gender scan

So I’ve just booked a gender scan for 2 weeks time when I’ll be 15+2 weeks , did anyone else get one at 15 weeks are were they able to tell the gender ?


Baby Avalee is Coming!!

My water just broke so we are about to head to the hospital. So excited to meet her!!! I was supposed to be due 11/10.


Epidural experiences

Please can people tell me what it’s like to have an epidural, was it worth it? What did it feel like? I want one but scared of the needle



Hello - when would people advise booking a scan? im 5 weeks on thursday according to last period date (didn't track ovulation this cycle) i am tempted for one at six weeks as im fretting as i had MC at six weeks previously but worried they won't see anything? thank you


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