Community Posts, Tips & Support on Trying to Conceive

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Trying to Conceive.

TTC Baby #2

Omg I haven’t posted here in so long! I can’t believe our littles are 3.5. My husband and I are trying to conceive Baby #2 and this was our first cycle trying. I took two clear blue early detection tests and sadly both were negative even though I am having some symptoms but I’m not sure if it’s all in my head. For...


Thinking of trying for a second one but also scared ?!

Hello. I have a 23 months old and life came back to new normal. We are enjoying ourself and back to care and attention when it comes to my relationship. We are thinking of trying for a second one and we definitely want one but wondering if this would be a good age gap. I have found new born stage extremely hard with...


Baby Number 2

My husband and I have decided to start trying for baby number 2 in September. I don’t want to put pressure on myself as my daughter was a happy surprise baby. I don’t know whether to just let nature take its course or take supplements like folic acid or whatever people take. What did you all do who are currently pre...


5 cycles and still not pregnant 😢

Any words of encouragement please


Struggling to conceive baby No.2

I know I am super lucky to have a healthy, mostly happy 2 year old. After having him I said "right, one and I am done". We started trying at the beginning of the year with a couple of months break in between but so far no pregnancy. With our first it happened the first month we tried and now, nothing... I would love...


Anyone down for a GC?

Talk about life, TTC becoming a mum pregnancy experience (good and bad) MC Ectopics everything just general chit chat


Finding time to have sex?!

Honesty where do you find the time?! We have a 3 year old and a 5 month old and it honestly feels impossible 🤯 it’s been over 3 weeks now


He’s done but I’m not

My husband and I have always agreed on having three up until first was born. We now have had number two who is about to be at the age that I want to try for number three. He is adamant that we are done. I don’t think that I would ever stop wondering about and longing for that third (I love my first two but I’ve alwa...



Has anyone successfully gotten SDI extended for PPA AFTER they already switched to PFL? I messed up and should have spoken with my dr previously and now I feel I lost my opportunity to get it extended. Any advice is appreciated ♥️


Push present

Hello, does anyone know if push present is a thing for having a second baby? Or is it just for the first one? 😅


Any first time mamas torn between 1 and done or having a second baby?

Our little girl was unplanned but such a happy surprise. Now I’m starting to think we need to make a choice sooner rather than later on having another one. Anyone else in the same boat? Xx


Can't believe it!

Been ttc for 8 months and lately I have been having terrible migraines and more often than usual. I have just taken a test and it's positive! Looks stronger in real life. I am so bloated already too I wonder if baby number 2 makes u show quicker!


Wanting to fall pregnant baby no 2

Hi I dunno if anyone can help, I’m wanting to fall pregnant with baby number 2. Does anyone know of anything I can take that helped them fall it took me 9 months last time? Thanks x


When did colic or witching hour end for you / get better?

How many weeks old did it get better … still waiting 😅


Finally got my NIPT results

Hey Moms. I got my labs pulled for my NIPT for my first baby on July 3rd at 12 weeks and 6days and finally got my results today and everything is low risk. I’m so excited, greatful and blessed.


How to convince my husband to have our second child now?

Our first is 21 months. We both want a second child (already have names picked out that he chose). Both ideally want 3 in total. Whenever I bring up a second child he keeps saying it's not the right time. I'm over 35 and it's just going to keep getting harder to conceive the longer we wait.


How long do you wait to try for a second as an older mum?

Hey! I'm 37, our first baby is 10 months, I would love a 2nd and worried about waiting too long. Did anyone start trying again after a year or less?



Anyone else pregnant/TTC/thinking about TTC? I stopped taking the pill almost 2 months ago, have had a period and am due to ovulate today but no sign on LH tests. Although I have found premom/ easy at home etc are hard to get so ones I have don't seem great 😕 anyone else in the same boat?


Ttc baby 2

Anyone else trying for another baby? Is it taking longer than your first? It’s taking longer for me and I wondered if that was normal?



So I’ve been diagnosed with low Papp-A and despite being told not to worry about it I can’t help but feel a scared about the whole thing 😭


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